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12-1 Notes: The Golden Age of Greece. Pericles Leads Athens 460 BCE – Pericles is considered to be the strongest leader in Athens Ruled until his death.

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1 12-1 Notes: The Golden Age of Greece

2 Pericles Leads Athens 460 BCE – Pericles is considered to be the strongest leader in Athens Ruled until his death 31 years later Pericles had three goals for Athens: Strengthen democracy, expand the empire, and beautify the city of Athens Pericles wanted to change the balance of power between rich and poor 430 BCE – In a speech, Pericles claims that all are equal before the law, and that what counts in public service is ability, not membership in a class

3 Paid Public Officials & Direct Democracy Most public officials were unpaid before he came to power Only the wealthy could serve in office Pericles increased the number of public officials who were paid Poor citizens could now serve in public office if elected or chosen randomly Athens had a direct democracy, in which all citizens could participate in running the government The U.S. has a representative democracy (a republic) in which male and female citizens vote for elected representatives who run the government for us

4 Expanding the Empire Greek wealth depended on overseas trade Athens wanted to protect its trade and homeland At the end of the Persian War, the Greek city-states formed the Delian League for mutual protection It was called the Delian League because the first headquarters, treasury for the League was located on the island of Delos Pericles used money from the treasury to build a strong navy of around 300 ships Athens used their superior navy to take over leadership of the Delian League 454 BCE – Delian League treasury moved to Athens Athens treated their allies like conquered peoples

5 Beautifying Athens 480 BCE – Athens was in ruins after the Persian Wars – Most of the buildings were destroyed Greek city-states paid tribute to the Delian League Organization Funds were intended to increase the power of the league Pericles used the funds to beautify Athens without the permission of the other league members Pericles bought gold, ivory, and marble to create sculptures, beautiful buildings

6 The Acropolis Pericles rebuilt the Acropolis, or “high city” part of Athens Persians had destroyed much of the Acropolis during the war The Parthenon, a temple to honor the goddess Athena, was built Athenians thought of her as a warrior who protected Athens The Parthenon is considered a masterpiece of classical design for its proportions and sense of harmony Another temple on the Acropolis is dedicated to Athena Nike, the goddess of victory Most sacred site on the hill is the Erechtheum, a temple dedicated to multiple gods and goddesses

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