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School of Graduate Studies and Research John Hepler Amy Klemm Summer Workshop Series 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "School of Graduate Studies and Research John Hepler Amy Klemm Summer Workshop Series 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Graduate Studies and Research John Hepler Amy Klemm Summer Workshop Series 2012

2 IUP Thesis-Dissertation Manual Latest edition is available onlineavailable online Formatting Thesis or Dissertation Title Page, Table of Contents, etc. References / Works Cited APA 6 th edition MLA 7 th edition IUP Thesis-Dissertation WebsiteThesis-Dissertation

3 General Points & Getting Started Right

4  General Points  Double-space thesis/dissertation body & references  Use a consistent font ▪ Serif fonts (Times New Roman) are easier to read on paper ▪ Sans Serif fonts (Arial) are easier to read online  Use a consistent text size ▪ Most students use 12pt ▪ Tables & Figures can have a smaller text size

5  General Points (cont’d)  DO NOT create separate Word documents for each chapter. ▪ This is a major headache when putting them together ▪ Especially difficult if you are using chapter end notes (English Literature &Criticism students)  Use Section Breaks to control page numberingSection Breaks  Use Page Breaks to start a new page for each chapter

6 Follow the IUP Thesis-Dissertation Manual

7  Title Page  Title should be in all caps and centered  Note: MS Word does not spell check all caps

8  Title Page  Description of document  Identify your degree ▪ Do not include program or department (i.e. “Comp & TESOL” or “English”

9  Title Page  Your Name ▪ As It Appears in URSA  Graduation Date ▪ May, August, or December ▪ Not Your Defense Date  No Page Number on Title Page

10  Copyright Page  Optional  Page Number Appears  Starts at 2  Use roman numerals

11  Signature Page  Top of page ▪ University name ▪ College name (without “the”) ▪ Department name ▪ Degree (not program)

12  Signature Page  Committee Signatures ▪ Make sure the committee members on the RTAF are the same on the signature page ▪ If your committee has changed since your RTAF ▪ Submit a Committee Change Form ▪ Make sure committee degrees and titles are correct

13  Signature Page  Bottom of page ▪ Dean Mack’s Name not Dr. Creely’s name ▪ Leave room for him to sign ▪ College Name (without “the”)

14  Abstract Page  Title must match on title page ▪ Use Title Case rather than ALL CAPS  Single space committee member names

15  Abstract Page  Word limit ▪ 150 for theses ▪ 350 for dissertations

16  Acknowledgement Page  Free form  No word limit  No page limit  Dedications should appear in this section  Still use roman numerals for page numbers

17  Creating the Table of Contents  Use MS Word to automatically create the TOCautomatically create  Use “Styles” in the tool bar across the top of the screen  Code & classify the chapter descriptions & section subheadings  Use Dot Leaders to manually create the TOCmanually create

18  Table of Contents  Center the title at the top of the page in ALL CAPS

19  Table of Contents  Chapter and page headers at the top of the page

20  Table of Contents  Chapter titles should be in ALL CAPS

21  Table of Contents  Section headings are optional ▪ If you include them in one chapter, you must include them in all chapters

22  List of Tables/Figures  Separate from the Table of Contents and each other  Heading should be centered and ALL CAPS  Table titles and figure captions must match in body of thesis/dissertation  Do not repeat the word “figure/table” for each figure/table

23 Follow the IUP Thesis-Dissertation Manual & the Publishing Style Guide

24  Thesis/Dissertation Body  Body should be strictly double spaced  New chapters start on new pages and in ALL CAPS  Chapter number/title must match word for word on the TOC

25  Thesis/Dissertation Body  Pagination starts over with Arabic numerals (use a section break)

26  Thesis/Dissertation Body  Margins should be generally one inch on all sides ▪ Leave an inch and a half on the left side if printing/binding 1” Margin

27  Number & description above the table  In APA 6 th Edition  Table number is roman  Table description is in italics  In MLA 7 th Edition  Table description is roman  Description should match the description on the LOT

28  Identify and describe your tables and figures in the text before displaying them.  Do not span across pages unless you cannot avoid it.  Font can be smaller but must be consistent in all tables and figures.

29  Figure number and caption should appear below the graphic  In APA 6 th Edition  Figure number should be in italics followed by a period  In MLA 7 th Edition  Figure number is not italicized  Additional information can appear after the caption

30  In MLA 7 th edition:  Indent when the quote is 4 lines or longer  Indent a full inch from left margin  In APA 6 th edition:  Indent when the quote is 40 words or more  Indent a half inch from left margin (same as a paragraph)  Do not use quotation marks

31  In MLA 7 th edition consistency is key – there are no specific guidelines for formatting subheadings.  APA 6 th edition provides a detailed organization of subheadings.  In both style guides, entries must match exactly from the TOC just like the chapter titles.

32  Level 1 section heading is centered, in Title Case, and boldface

33  Level 2 section heading is left-aligned, in Title Case, and boldface

34  Level 3 section heading is indented, boldface, in lower case paragraph, and ends with a period

35  Level 4 section heading is indented, boldface, italicized, in lower case paragraph, and ends with a period

36  Level 5 section heading is indented, italicized, in lower case paragraph, and ends with a period

37 Reference List

38  “References” centered at top of page  Indent additional rows of references one-half inch

39  Author Names  Reversed, with first and middle initials  Separated by a comma and an ampersand even if there are only two

40  Author Names  When there are 8 or more authors ▪ Include first six author names, then ellipses, then last author’s name.

41  Date Formats  A period appears after publication year (in parentheses).  For conferences, include the month in the publication year.  The publication month and day are included for newspaper & magazine articles.

42  Capitalization & punctuation of titles  Do not italicize journal article and book chapter titles.  Only capitalize the first word, after punctuation and proper nouns.

43  Capitalization & punctuation of titles  Italicize and use Title Case on journal titles.  After the title, add a comma then the journal volume in italics.  Immediately follow with the issue number in parentheses, then another comma.  Then include the page range followed by a period.

44  Edited Books  Start with the word “In”  The editor names are not reversed, separated by commas if more than two and an ampersand  Immediately followed by “(Ed.)” (Plural if 2 or more) then a comma  Then the book title in sentence case, italicized  The page range, volume, and edition all appear in parentheses followed by a period

45  Publisher Information  Include publisher city and two-letter state acronym or country name  Omit unnecessary words from publisher name (e.g., Co., Inc., Publishers, etc.)  Omit publisher state when it is included in the publisher name

46  Publisher Information  Include publisher city and two-letter state acronym or country name  Omit unnecessary words from publisher name (e.g., Co., Inc., Publishers, etc.)  Omit publisher state when it is included in the publisher name.

47  Publisher Information  Include publisher city and two-letter state acronym or country name  Omit unnecessary words from publisher name (e.g., Co., Inc., Publishers, etc.)  Omit publisher state when it is included in the publisher name

48  Publisher Information  Spell out all publisher acronyms  When publisher and author are the same, list publisher as author & include “author” as the publisher name

49  Publisher Information  Spell out all publisher acronyms  When publisher and author are the same, list publisher as author & include “author” as the publisher name

50  Document Object Identifier  No period after a DOI  Do not span lines with a DOI number  No space between “doi:” and the number

51  Universal Resource Locator (URL)  No punctuation after a URL  Do not span more than one line if you can avoid it  Put “Retrieved from” before the URL  For stable file locations (i.e. PDFs), include the whole URL ▪ Otherwise do not path out the whole URL

52  Citing Theses & Dissertations  Published documents ▪ Treated like a published book ▪ Document type in parentheses (followed by a period) ▪ “Retrieved from” + Database name (followed by a period) ▪ Database accession number in parentheses

53  Citing Theses & Dissertations  Unpublished documents ▪ Treated like a published book ▪ Document type in parentheses (followed by a period) ▪ Name of institution, comma, location (followed by a period)

54 Works Cited

55  “Works Cited” centered at top of page  Optional “Works Consulted” list for works not directed cited in the thesis/dissertation  Indent subsequent lines 1/2 inch  Double space throughout

56  New to MLA 7 th edition  Make sure to include the medium of publication for all sources

57  Formatting the Author Name  When there is more than one source by an author  The second reference should have ---. (3 hyphens and punctuation) ▪ Do not let MS Word convert it  If the author is an editor ▪ the editor indicator is NOT capitalized here (but is capitalized if not the author)

58  Multiple Authors  Only the first name is reversed for references with more than one author  For references with more than 3 author names, only include the first author’s name, a comma, and “et al.”

59  Format of Titles  Journal Articles & Chapter Titles ▪ In quotes, in Title Case, and punctuation within the quotes

60  Format of Titles  Book and Journal titles ▪ In italics, and also in title case, ▪ Book titles are followed by punctuation ▪ Journal titles immediately followed by volume & issue numbers (not italicized)

61  Volume/Issue/Page Information  Journal titles are immediately followed by ▪ The issue & volume number separated by a period ▪ Publication year in parentheses, a colon and the page range ▪ Medium of publication appears after the page range

62  Book titles are followed by  The editor name if it is a chapter from an edited book ▪ Editor indicator is always singular even if there is more than one editor and is capitalized  Edition information appears right after book titles (if available)

63  Book titles are followed by (cont’d)  Publisher information ▪ Location: publisher name (city), publication year (no parentheses) ▪ Page range (for chapters in edited books) ▪ Medium of publication

64  Publisher Information:  Omit articles (A, An, The), business abbreviations (Co., Corp., Inc., Ltd.), and descriptive words (Books, House, Press, Publishers). ▪ See MLA 7 th Ed. Sec. 7.05, pp. 247-249 for a list of common abbreviations for publishers.  Identify university presses, with the abbreviation UP (Pennsylvania State UP) because the university itself may publish independently of its press

65  Publisher Information:  If a publisher’s name includes the name of one individual, cite the surname alone.  If the publisher’s name includes the names of more than one person, cite only the first of the surnames.  If the publisher’s name is a well-known abbreviation ▪ Use the abbreviation (GPO, MLA, and UMI)

66  Web sources:  Present the URL on the works cited list in angle brackets with a period at the end  Include publication date (if available), publication type, and retrieval date

67  Theses & Dissertations  Unpublished Work ▪ The title goes in quotation marks followed by a period ▪ MA or MS thesis or Diss. ▪ The degree granting university, comma, year, period ▪ Medium of publication.

68  Theses & Dissertations  Published Work ▪ The title is italicized (treat it like a book) ▪ MA or MS thesis or Diss. ▪ University name & year of graduation, followed by a period ▪ Database location, a colon, database name, comma ▪ Year it was uploaded to the database, period ▪ Medium of publication

69  Cross Referencing Works Cited  Used to avoid unnecessary repetition in citing two or more works in the same edited collection ▪ Create a complete reference for the edited source ▪ In cross reference state the author and the chapter title ▪ the last name of the editor/s and the inclusive page numbers

70  Cross Referencing Works Cited  Used to avoid unnecessary repetition in citing two or more works in the same edited collection ▪ Create a complete reference for the edited source ▪ In cross reference state the author and the chapter title ▪ the last name of the editor/s and the inclusive page numbers

71  Cross Referencing Works Cited  Used to avoid unnecessary repetition in citing two or more works in the same edited collection ▪ Create a complete reference for the edited source ▪ In cross reference state the author and the chapter title ▪ the last name of the editor/s and the inclusive page numbers

72  Cross Reference (cont’d)  If there are two or more works under the editor’s name ▪ Include the title (or shortened title) in the cross reference

73  Cross Reference (cont’d)  If there are two or more works under the editor’s name ▪ Include the title (or shortened title) in the cross reference

74 Final Thoughts & Suggestions

75  Do you need IRB? IACUC?  Are you dealing with human or animal subject?  Apply and save yourself the stress later on.  Link to Institutional Review Board WebpagesInstitutional Review Board  Link to Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee WebpagesInstitutional Animal Care & Use Committee

76  Follow Steps for Writing and Submitting on the Thesis/Dissertation Webpages Thesis/Dissertation

77 “A good dissertation is a completed one.” ~ Dr. Sharon Deckert Director of Graduate Studies in Composition and TESOL Department of English Indiana University of Pennsylvania


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