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Art History A BRIEF Overview. Pre-Historic Art Art created before the invention of writing. Cave Painting, France 30,000 – 28,000 BCE Told stories, passed.

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Presentation on theme: "Art History A BRIEF Overview. Pre-Historic Art Art created before the invention of writing. Cave Painting, France 30,000 – 28,000 BCE Told stories, passed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art History A BRIEF Overview

2 Pre-Historic Art Art created before the invention of writing. Cave Painting, France 30,000 – 28,000 BCE Told stories, passed along information.

3 Sculpture: Woman, Czech Republic 23,000 BCE. Bison, France, 13,000 BCE.

4 Architecture: Shonehenge, England, 2,750 – 1,500 BCE Much pre-historic architecture is believed to be burial or ceremonial.

5 Ancient Egyptian Art 2,000 BCE – 350 BCE Artwork for religious worship: Temple of Ramses II, 1250 BCE

6 Artwork for Burial: Funerary Mask of Tutenkamen, 1330 BCE

7 Hieroglyphics: Egyptians developed a system of writing using symbols. 1300 BCE – 800 BCE

8 Ancient Greece 480 BCE – 27 BCE Greek Pottery: Combined function and beauty. Many told stories. Death of Sarpedon, 515 BCE

9 Sculpture: Discus Thrower, 450 BCE. Human form is very realistic. Poses are expressive and show action or emotion.

10 Architecture: Parthenon, Acropolis, 445 BCE. The design symbolizes harmony and the possibility of perfection. It expresses the political and philosophical ideals of the Greek culture.

11 Roman Art 27 BCE – 400 CE. Art for Political purposes: Portrait of Pompey the Great, 30 CE. Denarius with Portrait of Julius Ceasar 44 BCE.

12 Bas Relief Sculpture:, built into the was walls of many public buildings. Often memorializes people and events. Imperial Procession, 12 CE.

13 Wall Painting became an art form. Detail of a wall painting from a home, 100 CE.

14 The Arch of Titus, Rome, 81 CE. Memorial telling a story with architecture, calligraphic lettering and bas-relief sculpture.

15 Christian Art

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