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CDM Construction Design and Management
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
What is the Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan? A collection of information about the significant health and safety risks of the construction project which will have to be managed during the construction phase. The degree of detail and the time and effort involved in preparing it should be in proportion to the nature, size and level of risks involved in the project.
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
Who Supplies the Information? The Client: will provide information relevant to health and safety to the Planning Supervisor. E.g. existing drawings, surveys of the site or premises, information on the location of services, etc. Designers: will provide information about risks which cannot be avoided at the design stage and will have to be controlled by the Principal Contractor and other contractors. Typically provided on drawings, written specifications or in outline method statements.
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
What is the Purpose of the Pre-Tender Health and Safety Plan? During its development, the plan can provide a focus at which the health and safety considerations of design are brought together under the control of the Planning Supervisor. The plan plays a vital role in the tender documentation. Prospective Principal Contractors are made fully aware of the project’s health, safety and welfare requirements, giving a level playing field on which to provide tender submissions. The plan provides a template against which different tender submissions can be measured.
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
Who Prepares the Plan? The Planning Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the pre-tender stage health and safety plan is prepared.
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
What Should the Contents of the Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan Be? Nature of the project (location, nature of construction work, etc) The existing environment i.e. services, surrounding land use, ground conditions, etc. Existing drawings (available drawings and health and safety file if there is one) The design (information on the significant risk which cannot be avoided)
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
What Should the Contents of the Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan Be? (cont......) Construction materials (health hazards which cannot be avoided) Site-wide elements (positioning of site access or egress points, location of unloading, layout and storage areas, traffic routes, etc) Site rules i.e. emergency procedures, permit-to-work rules, etc set by the client when work takes place at the client’s premises.
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
Other considerations... A general description of the construction work that is in the project Details of any time scales, including the time scales for any intermediate stages of the project Details of any foreseeable risks to the health and safety of anyone carrying out construction work on the project Any other information needed by a contractor to show either that they are competent, or that they have allocated enough resources to health and safety for the project Information that any contractor will need to know about any welfare provisions that will be required.
The Pre-Tender Stage Health and Safety Plan
Once the Principal Contractor has been appointed, the Planning Supervisor hands the health and safety plan over to them. It is then their responsibility to develop it into a working document that will assist in the health and safety management of the project.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan should start with:
A description of the project; A general statement of health and safety principles and objectives for the project; Information about restrictions which may affect the work (eg neighbouring buildings, utility services, vehicular and pedestrian traffic flows and restrictions from the work activities of the client).
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
What arrangements should be set out in the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan for managing and organising the project? 1. The management structure and responsibilities of the various members of the project team, whether based at site or elsewhere; arrangements for the Principal Contractor to give directions and to co-ordinate other contractors.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
2. Standard setting the health and safety standards to which the project will be carried out. These may be set in terms of statutory requirements or higher standards that the client may require in particular circumstances. 3. Information for contractors. Means for informing contractors about risks to their health and safety arising from the environment in which the project is to be carried out and the construction work itself.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
4. The principal contractor has to make arrangements for ensuring that: All contractors, the self-employed and designers to be appointed by the principal contractor are competent and will make adequate provision for health and safety; suppliers of materials to the principal contractor will provide adequate health and safety information to support their products; Machinery and other plant supplied for common use will be properly selected, used and maintained, and that operator training will be provided.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
5. Communications and co-operation Means for communicating and passing information between the project team (including the client and any client’s representatives) the designers, the CDM Co-ordinator, the Principal Contractor, other contractors, workers on site and others whose health and safety may be affected; Arrangements for dealing with design work carried out during the construction phase, ensuring it complies with the duties of designers and resultant information is passed to the appropriate person(s).
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
6. Activities with risks to health and safety Arrangements need to be made for the identification and effective management of activities with health and safety risks. This can be achieved by carrying out risk assessments. Method statements should then be prepared addressing those hazards identified. They may include
Method statements may include...
The storage and distribution of materials; The movement of vehicles on site, particularly as this affects pedestrian and vehicular safety; Control and disposal of waste; The provision of access to places of work; The provision and use of temporary services (eg electricity); Commissioning, including the use of permit-to-work systems; Protection from falling materials; Exclusion of unauthorised people. Control measures to deal with these should be clearly set out, including protection of members of the public.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
7. Emergency procedures Emergency arrangements for dealing with and minimising the effects of injuries, fire and other dangerous occurrences. 8. Reporting of RIDDOR information - arrangements for passing information to the Principal Contractor about accidents, ill health and dangerous occurrences that require to be notified to the Health and Safety Executive. 9. Welfare the arrangements for the provision and maintenance of welfare facilities.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
10. Information and training for people on site Arrangements need to be made by which the Principal Contractor will check that people on site have been provided with: health and safety information and health and safety training; information about the project (eg relevant parts of the Health and Safety Plan), project specific awareness training; tool-box or task health and safety talks; the display of statutory notices.
The Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan
11. Site rules Arrangements for making site rules and for bringing them to the attention of those affected. The rules should be set out in the Health and Safety Plan. There may be separate rules for contractors, workers, visitors and other specific groups. 13. Health & Safety File Arrangements for passing on information to the CDM Co-ordinator for the preparation of the Health and Safety File.
Spot the risks
Spot the risks
Spot the risks
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