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FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Agenda  1) Learning Targets  2) Map  3) Mesopotamia PPT  4) Hammurabi’s Code  Binder Pages  1) Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Agenda  1) Learning Targets  2) Map  3) Mesopotamia PPT  4) Hammurabi’s Code  Binder Pages  1) Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Agenda  1) Learning Targets  2) Map  3) Mesopotamia PPT  4) Hammurabi’s Code  Binder Pages  1) Learning Targets  2) Early Civilizations Map  3) Lesson 1 Notes  4) Hammurabi’s Code Document  5) Read Like a Historian: Hammurabi’s Code  Next Class  Phonecians and Hebrews

2  2.1- I can describe the political, economic, social, and religious developments of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Americas.  2.2- I can describe the founder, beliefs, and location of Judaism.  2.3- I can identify and explain the geographical significance of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Americas.  2.4- I can compare and contrast the political, economic, social, and religious developments of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Americas.  2.5- I can read and analyze early law codes and their effect on society.  2.6- I can write an acceptable thesis based on documents related to the importance of the Nile River.

3  2.1- I can describe the political, economic, social, and religious developments of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Americas.  2.2- I can describe the founder, beliefs, and location of Judaism.  2.3- I can identify and explain the geographical significance of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Americas  2.4- I can compare and contrast the political, economic, social, and religious developments of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Americas.  2.5- I can read and analyze early law codes and their effect on society.  2.6- I can write an acceptable thesis based on documents related to the importance of the Nile River.


5 Did You Know?!?  The average bed is home to 6 BILLION dust mites!  A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch tongue  The average chocolate bar has eight insect legs in it!  The best recorded distance for projectile vomiting is 27 feet.

6 Early Civilizations: Mesopotamia

7 First Civilizations  The earliest civilizations emerged between 3,500 and 500 BCE  Located near river valleys  Provided fertile soil and irrigation  Access to plenty of water  Physical features that provided natural defenses from nomadic tribes  These early civilizations:  Depended on agriculture  Developed writing systems  Placed high number of people close together

8 The Fertile Crescent  The area from the eastern Mediterranean Sea through the Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys was known as Mesopotamia (“land between the rivers”).  The earliest farming communities emerged in this area around 6,000 BCE.  Sumerians were first group to settle in Mesopotamia.

9 Sumer Politics -S-Sumerians established city-states -C-Civilizations that had similar culture but their own government. -E-Early governments controlled by temple priests. -T-Theme for early civilizations- religion and government were mixed (Theocracy) -F-Farmers believed the success of their crops depended on blessings from god. -W-Wars broke out between city-state -A-Army commanders emerged as kings. -B-Became hereditary rulers who passed power to their heirs.

10 Sumer Society  Sumerian social life was controlled by hierarchical class system: o Kings and priests had the most power. o Wealthy merchants o Farmers - the majority of Sumerian people o Slaves o Prisoners of war \ o Children of the poor who were sold into slavery to settle their parent’s debt had the least power.

11 Sumer Contributions  Responsible for many technological advances:  Invented the wheel, sail, plow  First to use bronze.  Developed the first writing systems: o Pictograms - used pictures of the object being depicted. o Cuneiform - the first writing system. o Scribes did the writing - kept records, recorded history, and wrote myths

12 Babylon  In 2,000 BCE, the nomadic Babylonians defeated the Sumerians and created the Babylonian Empire along the Euphrates River.  The empire peaked under the rule of Hammurabi between 1792 and 1750 BCE.  United the city states under one rule  Very large in terms on land AND people  Needed a new way to rule and control

13 The Code of Hammurabi  United people under one code of laws-Hammurabi’s Code.  Strict code of laws  Written in stone and distributed throughout the empire.  Listed 282 laws that covered all aspects of Babylonian society - family, business, property, crimes.

14 Document Analysis- Think Like a Historian  4 Levels to “Reading like a Historian”  1) Sourcing  Who/What/Where/When/Why  2) Contextualization  Place the document in its correct spot in history  Determine what was going on and how that could effect  Bias?  3) Close Reading and/or Summary Main Idea  Basic idea and evidence used by author (Main Ideas)  Language used and why  Is it reliable  4) Corroboration  How does it work with other documents from same time to create a historical picture

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