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* “History is the record of the life of people through the ages, written after careful study, which attempts to interpret the significance of the recorded.

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Presentation on theme: "* “History is the record of the life of people through the ages, written after careful study, which attempts to interpret the significance of the recorded."— Presentation transcript:


2 * “History is the record of the life of people through the ages, written after careful study, which attempts to interpret the significance of the recorded events to human beings.”

3 * The purpose of history is to explain the past as a key to understand the present in order to, hopefully, successfully guide the future. * Because… The events of today are similar to the events of past… com/watch?v=vgmNkY UL_Cw

4 How do historians know what to investigate and research?

5 * Was Louis Riel the founder of Manitoba?

6 * Yes, I think he was….

7 * Ask the 5ws – * who, * what, * when, * where, * why?


9 * People use original, first-hand accounts as building blocks to create stories from the past. * These accounts are called primary sources, because they are the first evidence of something happening, or being thought or said. * Primary sources are created at the time of an event, or very soon after something has happened. These sources are often rare or one-of-a-kind. * However, some primary sources can also exist in many copies, if they were popular and widely available at the time that they were created.

10 * Written testimonies, diaries, letters, notebooks * Ruins of buildings, churches, battlegrounds * Photographs, cartoons, portraits * Published first-hand accounts, or stories * Newsreels, newspapers, magazines, documentaries * Taped/scripted interviews, conferences * Maps, charts * Art * Video and film * Sound recordings


12 * Records the findings of someone who did not observe the event, but who investigated the primary source. * Second-hand, published accounts created after primary sources and they often use or talk about primary sources. * Secondary sources can give additional opinions (sometimes called bias) on a past event or on a primary source.

13 * History textbooks * (although there could be copies of primary sources in a text like a letter- hint look for italics) * Journal articles, biographies, movies of historical events, encyclopedias… * often have many copies, found in libraries, schools or homes.


15 * Evidence can be fraudulent or inaccurate * Eyewitness accounts can be purposely or mistakenly reported * Emotions get in the way

16 * -Historians must be careful when researching evidence, they must…. * 1) Ask their Question * 2) Form a tentative answer * 3) Research evidence— * a) by separating Fact from Fiction (like a judge) * b) researching differing sources * 4) Then, and only then can they draw a conclusion

17 * Inclination of a witness or historian towards a particular side * Influenced by culture, religion, family ties, education, age, etc


19 * The father of a soccer player would not be a fair ref because he may be biased towards his daughter’s team.

20 * Inaccurate mental impression of a particular group or individual, etc.

21 * All high school kids are lazy.

22 * When you regard your own cultures is the most important or best. * Everyone is ethnocentric to a degree

23 * East Kildonan is the best. It is waaaaay better than Charleswood.

24 * History should be tested for accuracy against other sources * Does the evidence contradict itself or other sources? * ALWAYS keep an open mind when reading historical sources! * Don’t let your biases get in the way!

25 1) History provides us with Identity (individual and national) * -place of birth, date of birth, nationality, family name for example. * 2) History helps us to understand the Present * Compare life today with that of the past * Build the future on what we know of the past

26 * 3) History is a cultural experience * -places, people and events become significant as we learn about them. * 4)History is a body of knowledge. * Dates * Facts * People * Interpretations  which we use to develop skills in – reading, writing, speaking and thinking

27 * Theories..vs..Facts..vs..Opinion * What is a Theory? * -best described as an explanation that IS NOT completely proven. * Examples: * Theory of Evolution * Plate Tectonic Theory

28 * What is a Fact? * -A fact is a fully proven concept (An unarguable statement) * Examples…… * Sir John A. Macdonald was Canada’s First Prime Minister * Mr. McFarlane is Kildonan-East Colligates Principal

29 * What is an opinion? * -An opinion is a statement made by a person. It states how someone feels, but does not qualify as fact. * Examples: * Kildonan-East Collegiate is the BEST School!!!

30 Survivorman hunts for Artifacts- The National Part 2Part 2 (pauses…) Search on the Missinaibi River November 22, 2009-11-23 Les Stroud’s “Survivorman” hunts for artifacts under the rushing waters…HBC artifacts approx. 10 mins (there are 2 parts) Are you a good eyewitness- video and quiz Click on this sentence to do this quiz at home

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