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JUPITER SOCCER ACADEMY WINTER FUTSAL PROGRAM. Jupiter Soccer Academy – Winter Futsal Sessions Each session will be split into 4 sections: -Warm Up -Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "JUPITER SOCCER ACADEMY WINTER FUTSAL PROGRAM. Jupiter Soccer Academy – Winter Futsal Sessions Each session will be split into 4 sections: -Warm Up -Technical."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jupiter Soccer Academy – Winter Futsal Sessions Each session will be split into 4 sections: -Warm Up -Technical Activity -Pressure Activity -Game Warm Up – This must include an element of stretching, in particular dynamic stretching exercises, but must also include as much ball work as possible. This activity should ideally be carried out with each player having a ball, or include multiple touches. Technical Activity – This is section is to help develop individual technical skills, this can be carried out as a team activity, but the focus of the activity is individual technique, not team success. Pressure Activity – This moves on from the technical exercise, and puts it in a pressured environment, score keeping and competition are strongly encouraged, and players will need to learn to use their technical skills in a pressured environment. Game – This might not always be a straight forward game, but will allow players to work individually and as a team to problem solve game scenarios, and have freedom to be creative.

3 Session Plan Key: -Player -Cones -Pylons -Passing Direction -Running Direction -Dribbling Direction -Shot Direction

4 Lesson 1 – Individual Skills & Rotation

5 Skill Gates Dribbling Warm Up Description: Players will dribble around the playing area. Players will complete a range of skills between the cones as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides

6 Passing 3s - Technical Drill Description: Players are divided up into groups of 3, with 2 players at the side of the court, and 1 in the middle. Players are to complete a passing technique as instructed by the coach, and then turn and repeat with the player the other side. For aerial activates outside players start with balls in their hands. Players to complete 5 passes each side, then rotate middle player with the players on the outside. Sample Passing Techniques: -2 touch passing -1 touch passing -Outside Control and pass (Live touch) -Header Pass -Volley Pass -Chest and Volley Pass. -Thigh and Volley Pass -Head and Volley Pass

7 Futsal Shape – Pressure Game Description: Players to work in groups of 4, with the option of adding defenders. White players operate with the yellow cones, black players operate with the green cones. Teams are to keep possession, with passing and movement. Once a player passed the ball they must move to free cone. It is best to start off with one group, then add the second in their format (This covers 2:2 formation and 3:1 formation), this will provide interference, and players should shift direction if not safe to pass. Progression: Add defenders 1 at a time to apply pressure. If you have big groups let them play until they lose possession, and switch in another team. Keep tally of total pass in each period for competitive element to the practice.

8 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

9 Lesson 2 – Passing & Possession

10 Skills Freestyle Warm Up Description: Players will dribble around the playing area. Players will complete a range of skills as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides To add bit of competition add a “King of the Ring” Competition at the end. Players are to try and kick balls away from other players. the last player with a ball is the king of the ring.

11 Pass & Move Technical Warm Up/Drill Description: Players split up into groups of 4 or 5 as above, with players split either side of the court. Players pass and follow their pass as shown above. Set 1 if being used in a warm up should include dynamic stretching exercises as the players follow the pass. Start with 2 touch if players are less capable, move to 1 touch, then add rules to make it more complicated: -Soul Control -Slide Live Control (Set 2) -Inside Live Control (Set 2) -Pull & Push To Side (Set 2) -Outside Live Control (Set 2) -Outside Foot Pass (Set 2 & 3) -Round the Back Pass (Set 3) Encourage players to use more flair as the practice progresses

12 5 Pass Switch Game – Pressure Game Description: Players are split into THREE groups of FOUR. Teams are allocated a side each with one team acting as defenders operating from the halfway line. The team in possession has tom complete 5 passes on their side of the court, and then switch the play to the team on the other side, who repeat the exercise. The Team in the middle can send 2 players in to try to win the ball back. If they win the ball back they switch the play and the team that loses the ball becomes the middle team. As a progression, limit touches, and allow the team in the middle to intercept the switch pass. This will encourage the team in possession to be sensible and patient in possession.

13 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

14 Lesson 3 – Individual Play - Dribbling

15 Dribbling Skills Warm Up Description: Players are to dribble from one side of the court to the other in relay, trying to avoid player coming the opposite way. Players will use the dribbling technique as directed by the coach: -Outside Foot -Tick Tocks -Toe Taps NOTE: Players waiting should be doing tick-tocks or toe taps, to keep moving, stay focused and to maximise touches. Once completed, add a number of skill moves to be performed as the players cross the court. -Pull & Push -Step over -Scissors -Double Drag Back -Slide Slide Step over -Inside Tap & Go -Outside 360 -Inside 360 -Double Step & Dip -360 Back-heel Pass -Backwards Toe Taps -Slides (Left & Right) -Roundabouts

16 Passing Crossover – Technical Drill Description: FOUR players are placed on the middle cones in a square, while the other players are lined up at each end of the court in the goal area. Players will pass and follow the pass through the crossover, being aware of the other group, and ensuring the other ball does not catch up. This adds a little bit of pressure, and players need to stay focused on making sure they have good control and passing. Players are to treat the cones like defenders, encourage pull away actions etc. There a number of passing sequences that can be adapted to this set up.

17 1v1 Dribbling Challenge Description: Players are split into 4 teams with half a court game areas as above. Players pass to the opposite team and then try to defend the 2 goals in a 1v1 battle. If they regain possession of the ball they should continue to try and score between the 2 gates. Players cannot shoot through the gates, they must dribble through them. Attackers can go through either gate, so encourage feints and quick changes of direction. KEEP SCORE TO KEEP THE ACTIVITY COMPETITIVE. PROGRESSION: This can be done full court also, with goalies at each end, this will keep the goalies active also, but with larger groups this is less practical.

18 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

19 Lesson 4 - Possession

20 Possession warm up – Technical Warm Up Description: Players are split into THREE groups of FOUR, and position themselves around the court.. The teams are to keep the ball moving with continuous passing, changing direction, and altering movement to avoid the shadow defenders (The other teams). Players should avoid playing passes through unrealistic passing lanes, and should shift direction if required. If players do make passes that would be intercepted, the whole squad is punished. Rules to adhere to: -Everyone must keep moving, -At least one player on each side of the field, but must continuously rotate spots. Pause play occasionally for dynamic stretching exercises.

21 Passing Squares – Technical Drill Description: Players are split into THREE groups of FOUR, and position themselves in a square as shown above. The teams are to keep the ball moving with continuous passing, changing direction, and altering movement to avoid the shadow defenders (The other teams). Players are to keep there square shape, but can have a little freedom of movement to allow for live touches, and more realistic movements. Add rotations and rules to make it more complex: -One touch – Two touch – Press up after pass – Pass, Pass Back & Bypass – Outside foot control – Round the back pass – Pass & Follow – Pass Right & Switch left. This is very easily turned into a Rondo type exercise.

22 5 Pass Switch Game – Pressure Game Description: Players are split into THREE groups of FOUR. Teams are allocated a side each with one team acting as defenders operating from the halfway line. The team in possession has tom complete 5 passes on their side of the court, and then switch the play to the team on the other side, who repeat the exercise. The Team in the middle can send 2 players in to try to win the ball back. If they win the ball back they switch the play and the team that loses the ball becomes the middle team. As a progression, limit touches, and allow the team in the middle to intercept the switch pass. This will encourage the team in possession to be sensible and patient in possession.

23 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

24 Lesson 5 - Passing Sequences 1

25 Skills Square Warm Up Description: Players will each be allocated a square approximately 5x5 yards, and each player will have a futsal at their feet. Players will complete a range of skills as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -CORNERS – Coach calls corner “Front Left” Players move to the specific area in their square. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides

26 Long & Short Passing Rectangle – Technical Drill Description: Players are split into Four Teams and pass as above, and move clockwise to the next station. Description: The second sequence introduces a pass and move interchange, this is adaptable to a variety of different passing sequences.

27 Passing Rectangle 3 & 4 – Warm Up / Technical Drill Description: There are a variety of dribbling and pass and move sequences that can work. This is ideal for technical warm ups. Description: The second sequence introduces a pass and move interchange with a switch. This is adaptable to a variety of different passing sequences.

28 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

29 Lesson 6 – Dribbling & Possession

30 X Drill– Technical / Warm Up Drill Description: The players are divided in four as shown above. This can be used in a STAR format also with 5 or 6 outside cones, but that does limit progression for passing drills. Players are to perform a number of skills and tricks as directed by the coach and move around the X as indicated. Using dribble skills like slides, toe taps, and tick tocks and a combination of dynamic stretches, this can also be used as a technical warm up. This can be progressed into a passing drill, by using the outside square for “Passing Square Drill” or have 4 players in the centre to create a wall pass and move drill. Skills to be completed: -Stepovers, scissors, double drag backs etc.

31 Gates Possession/Dribbling 2 – Pressure Game Description: Players are divided into 2 teams with coned gates scattered around the court as above. Teams score goals by passing through the gates, for a team mate to receive it. You cant score through the same gate twice in a row. When a team loses possession they defend. KEEP SCORE TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE Progressions: -This can be adapted for dribbling focused sessions, with players trying to go through the gates dribbling. -Players can also be instructed to perform various tricks.

32 1 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 2 Shooting- Pressure Game Description: Players split into 2 teams (3 teams option – RED Support Players ). Coach feeds the ball to one team who have to try and score on the opposite team goal. If defending team win the ball they are to counter quickly and try and score in the opposite goal. Start off 1 v 1, then 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and 3 v 3. If the session is attacking focused overload the attack, if defending overload defence. SCORES TO BE KEPT TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE. Progressions: -Add 5 second time limit to speed up shot creation. -Add neutral wide player for support play. -Let opposition Goalie join in the play. -Implement a touches limit.

33 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

34 Lesson 7 - Dribbling

35 Skills Freestyle Warm Up Description: Players will dribble around the playing area. Players will complete a range of skills as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides To add bit of competition add a “King of the Ring” Competition at the end. Players are to try and kick balls away from other players. the last player with a ball is the king of the ring.

36 Dribbling Triangles– Technical Drill Description: Players are split groups of THREE. Cones are not particularly needed but are good indicators for younger players to follow Players are to dribble to the next part of their triangle, avoiding players from the other triangles, using turn moves etc, where necessary. This can be done with all players at the same time, or with the players interchanging with their team mates at the cones. If the latter, there should be an emphasis on first touch and speed. The coach can give commands for the type of dribble e.g. toe tap, laces, tick-tock, slides, as well as any skills & tricks adequate for the players performing the drill. This can be tied into a warm up easily with the addition of dynamic stretches etc.

37 1 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 2 Shooting- Pressure Game Description: Players split into 2 teams (3 teams option – RED Support Players ). Coach feeds the ball to one team who have to try and score on the opposite team goal. If defending team win the ball they are to counter quickly and try and score in the opposite goal. Start off 1 v 1, then 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and 3 v 3. If the session is attacking focused overload the attack, if defending overload defence. SCORES TO BE KEPT TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE. Progressions: -Add 5 second time limit to speed up shot creation. -Add neutral wide player for support play. -Let opposition Goalie join in the play. -Implement a touches limit.

38 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

39 Lesson 8 - Passing

40 Dribbling Skills Warm Up Description: Players are to dribble from one side of the court to the other in relay, trying to avoid player coming the opposite way. Players will use the dribbling technique as directed by the coach: -Outside Foot -Tick Tocks -Toe Taps NOTE: Players waiting should be doing tick-tocks or toe taps, to keep moving, stay focused and to maximise touches. Once completed, add a number of skill moves to be performed as the players cross the court. -Pull & Push -Step over -Scissors -Double Drag Back -Slide Slide Step over -Inside Tap & Go -Outside 360 -Inside 360 -Double Step & Dip -360 Back-heel Pass -Backwards Toe Taps -Slides (Left & Right) -Roundabouts

41 Passing 3s - Technical Drill Description: Players are divided up into groups of 3, with 2 players at the side of the court, and 1 in the middle. Players are to complete a passing technique as instructed by the coach, and then turn and repeat with the player the other side. For aerial activates outside players start with balls in their hands. Players to complete 5 passes each side, then rotate middle player with the players on the outside. Sample Passing Techniques: -2 touch passing -1 touch passing -Outside Control and pass (Live touch) -Header Pass -Volley Pass -Chest and Volley Pass. -Thigh and Volley Pass -Head and Volley Pass

42 4 Target Passing – Pressure Game Description: Players are split into THREE groups of FOUR, this can be done with or without goalies. If you use goalies they will be extra players for the team in possession. The objective of the game is play a wall pass with the 4 targets, while retaining possession. Teams are not allowed to score a pass to the same target twice in a row. First team to 5 wins and stays on the field, losing team swap with targets. Progression, to encourage responsible ball retention, coaches may choose to add a 20 pass alternative scoring option, or a score reset if teams lose the ball. Alternatively the targets can operate along the side and goal lines to create better passing angles.

43 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

44 Lesson 9 - Shooting 1

45 Dribbling Skills Warm Up Description: Players are to dribble from one side of the court to the other in relay, trying to avoid player coming the opposite way. Players will use the dribbling technique as directed by the coach: -Outside Foot -Tick Tocks -Toe Taps NOTE: Players waiting should be doing tick-tocks or toe taps, to keep moving, stay focused and to maximise touches. Once completed, add a number of skill moves to be performed as the players cross the court. -Pull & Push -Step over -Scissors -Double Drag Back -Slide Slide Step over -Inside Tap & Go -Outside 360 -Inside 360 -Double Step & Dip -360 Back-heel Pass -Backwards Toe Taps -Slides (Left & Right) -Roundabouts

46 Shooting Drills Set 1 & Set 2 –Technical Drill Description: Players are split into TWO groups, attacking either end with goalies. Once a player shoots they get their ball and join the opposite group in a loop. Set 1 – Players dribble to the cone, where they will perform a skill move to create a shooting opportunity, and follow up with a shot on goal, creativity and flair is encouraged. Defenders can be added later to provide sterner test. Set 2 – Players pass to neutral player for wall pass, then shoot first time. The Neutral player should rotate out, or use a coach as the neutral player. Both Sets are to be done on both sides of the field to allow for players to use both feet. Set 1 Set 2

47 Shooting on the counter under pressure –Pressure Drill Description: This is a progression on the Shooting 1 drill to apply pressure on the shooter This can be completed as a team competition or as an individual. If as a team each player gets 3 shots and tally the scores of the 2 sides. If defending is the focus, then players can score points for preventing a shot. If as an individual task, once a player has attacked they get the ball and join the other line, and the defender becomes an attacker. Focus on the shooter is, a good first touch out of the body, and less touches as possible, the defender focus is to get goal side as quick as you can and reduce the shooting angle, Goalie communication with defender is encouraged.

48 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

49 Lesson 10 - Shooting 2

50 Skills Square Warm Up Description: Players will each be allocated a square approximately 5x5 yards, and each player will have a futsal at their feet. Players will complete a range of skills as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -CORNERS – Coach calls corner “Front Left” Players move to the specific area in their square. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides

51 Speed Turn & Shoot – Technical / Pressure Game Description: Players split into 2 teams (3 teams option – RED Support Players ). Each team has 5 balls (This can vary) and begin on their goal line to the side of the goal. Players take in turns sprinting to get a ball, turning and shooting at goal. The players need to score more than the other team, if a tie, the quickest team wins. SCORES TO BE KEPT TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE. Progressions: -Have a set number of balls in the centre circle, and have both teams take from the there, this puts a greater emphasis on speed. -Head to Head – Each player is allocated a number, and races to score first. They keep going until a goal is scored. -Add compulsory wall pass into it using neutral wide players.

52 1 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 2 Shooting- Pressure Game Description: Players split into 2 teams (3 teams option – RED Support Players ). Coach feeds the ball to one team who have to try and score on the opposite team goal. If defending team win the ball they are to counter quickly and try and score in the opposite goal. Start off 1 v 1, then 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 and 3 v 3. If the session is attacking focused overload the attack, if defending overload defence. SCORES TO BE KEPT TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE. Progressions: -Add 5 second time limit to speed up shot creation. -Add neutral wide player for support play. -Let opposition Goalie join in the play. -Implement a touches limit.

53 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

54 Lesson 11 - Possession

55 Skills Square Warm Up Description: Players will each be allocated a square approximately 5x5 yards, and each player will have a futsal at their feet. Players will complete a range of skills as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -CORNERS – Coach calls corner “Front Left” Players move to the specific area in their square. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides

56 Passing Squares – Technical Drill Description: Players are split into THREE groups of FOUR, and position themselves in a square as shown above. The teams are to keep the ball moving with continuous passing, changing direction, and altering movement to avoid the shadow defenders (The other teams). Players are to keep there square shape, but can have a little freedom of movement to allow for live touches, and more realistic movements. Add rotations and rules to make it more complex: -One touch – Two touch – Press up after pass – Pass, Pass Back & Bypass – Outside foot control – Round the back pass – Pass & Follow – Pass Right & Switch left. This is very easily turned into a Rondo type exercise.

57 Rondo– Technical / Pressure Game Description: Have 2 groups operating on half a court each. This is an adaptation of the classic “Monkey in the Middle!”, and can be played 5v1, 4v1, 4v2 depending on the session focus. Players are to retain possession from the defenders, if players lose possession they swap with the defender. The aim of this exercise is to retain possession in a pressurised environment, so rules can be added to make it harder: -One touch Two Touch – First player has 1 touch, the second has 2, the third has 1 and so on, or just 1 touch. -3 touches – Makes players have to get 3 quick touches of the ball before moving the ball on. -Push ups – Players do a push up after passing. -Left foot, Right Foot – Strictly one or in rotation. -Press & Cover – Place a cone in the middle, the dfending pair must rotate from pressing and covering the cone on each pass.

58 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

59 Lesson 12 - Possession

60 Dribbling Skills Warm Up Description: Players are to dribble from one side of the court to the other in relay, trying to avoid player coming the opposite way. Players will use the dribbling technique as directed by the coach: -Outside Foot -Tick Tocks -Toe Taps NOTE: Players waiting should be doing tick-tocks or toe taps, to keep moving, stay focused and to maximise touches. Once completed, add a number of skill moves to be performed as the players cross the court. -Pull & Push -Step over -Scissors -Double Drag Back -Slide Slide Step over -Inside Tap & Go -Outside 360 -Inside 360 -Double Step & Dip -360 Back-heel Pass -Backwards Toe Taps -Slides (Left & Right) -Roundabouts

61 Passing Crossover – Technical Drill Description: FOUR players are placed on the middle cones in a square, while the other players are lined up at each end of the court in the goal area. Players will pass and follow the pass through the crossover, being aware of the other group, and ensuring the other ball does not catch up. This adds a little bit of pressure, and players need to stay focused on making sure they have good control and passing. Players are to treat the cones like defenders, encourage pull away actions etc. There a number of passing sequences that can be adapted to this set up.

62 Numbers Possession Game – Pressure Game Description: Players are divided into 2 teams with half the court each. The Players keep possession on their side of the court. Each player is assigned a number, so each team will have a player with that number. The coach will call a number, and that player must cross over to the other side and race to win the ball back. The team that forces a mistake or wins the ball first gets the point. KEEP SCORE TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE Progressions: Call out 2 numbers, limit touches to 1 or 2 touches.

63 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

64 Lesson 13 – Passing & Possession

65 Skill Gates Dribbling Warm Up Description: Players will dribble around the playing area. Players will complete a range of skills between the cones as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides

66 4 Square Passing Game – Technical Drill Description: Players will be split up into 4 corners, players will start off by passing to the next square and following the pass. Players must pass and control as instructed by the coach inside their box. E.g. outside control, sole control, inside control, left foot & Right Foot etc. Coach will add more balls until 4 balls are going around at the same time, players are to sprint between stations and try to get a rhythm going. The second phase adds a all pass to the drill, this makes it a little trickier, but encourages neat interchange. This can be adapted in a number ways. SET TIME TARGETS: EVERY 30 SECONDS ADD A BALL. Progressions: Add a goalie and shooting to the end, and make it a circuit.

67 Gates Possession/Dribbling 1 – Technical Drill Description: Players are divided into 2 teams with coned gates scattered around the court as above. Teams score goals by passing through the gates, for a team mate to receive it. You cant score through the same gate twice in a row. Teams compete to score as many goals as possible in a minute. KEEP SCORE TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE Progressions: -Implement touch limits -This can be adapted for dribbling focused sessions, with players trying to go through the gates dribbling. -Players can also be instructed to perform various tricks.

68 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

69 Lesson 14 – Technical Skills

70 Skills Square Warm Up Description: Players will each be allocated a square approximately 5x5 yards, and each player will have a futsal at their feet. Players will complete a range of skills as instructed by the coach, but must also be aware of command and actions from the coach. -CHANGE BALLS – Players will have to stop their ball and move to another square (Last player does a punishment!) -ARM UP – Players take a knee. Last player down is punished. This is to encourage players to keep their heads up. -CORNERS – Coach calls corner “Front Left” Players move to the specific area in their square. -STRETCHES – Dynamic Stretches as needed. Skills to be completed are: -Toe Taps – Tick Tocks – Samba – Pull & Push to the side -Inside slides – Slide & Stops – Round the back turns -Round-a-bouts – Scissors – Step Overs- Blanco Spins -Cruyff Turns – Drag Backs – Slides – Inside Outsides

71 Champions League Passing Description: Have players in pairs, and have them placed either end of 2 cones 5 yards apart. You can start the competition right away, or work on technique first, but players will complete a range of pass and control techniques as instructed by the coach. Assign each battling pair a division with the highest being the Champions League and the furthest away being weaker competition (This adds an element of fun especially with multi- nationals – Which league is better? EPL, La Liga, Serie A) Teams keep score aloud at their completed passes, and the team with the highest score gets promoted, the team with lowest get relegated. Progression: Add header keep up, Team keep up, side volleys and a number of other activities to the competition. Champions League English Premier League Major League Soccer

72 3 Ball Knock Down – Pressure Drill Description: The group is split into 2 teams. The White team start with the balls, the first player dribbles up to the opposition cone, stops the ball with the sole of their foot, and then sprint around the further cone and begin defending. The black team must take a good first touch, and try to dribble and then pass/shoot to knock down a ball placed on the 3 cones. Once all members of a team have had a go, the teams switch roles. Because the different targets have different difficulty, add different score for each cone as above. SCORES TO BE KEPT TO KEEP IT COMPETITIVE. Progressions: -Instead of the 3 targets you could use your goalkeeper in and a proper goal. 3 Pts 2 Pts 1 Pt

73 Futsal Game Description: At the end of each practice if time permits, players should be given time to play in a game format. Players can be issued rules in keeping with the session topic, but players should be given an element of freedom to express themselves, even if just for the last 5 to 10 mins of a session. If you have a large group have teams rotate when a goal is scored, and if necessary have players operate on the sides of the field as neutral wall pass options. If teams don’t score in 3 mins, rotate teams in anyway.

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