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RENAISSANCE – ART PORTFOLIO.  1. Copy homework into agenda  2. Have out acrostic poem on the Renaissance. Share and discuss with your group.  3. Also,

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Presentation on theme: "RENAISSANCE – ART PORTFOLIO.  1. Copy homework into agenda  2. Have out acrostic poem on the Renaissance. Share and discuss with your group.  3. Also,"— Presentation transcript:


2  1. Copy homework into agenda  2. Have out acrostic poem on the Renaissance. Share and discuss with your group.  3. Also, Which three people or “works” from the Renaissance best show the rebirth of the ancient world? Justify your answers.Talk with a neighbor and prepare to share what your discussion. WARM-UP

3  Food! Clothes! Toys!  In the Renaissance, money could buy you all that plus something really important: RESPECT.  How? Create a work of art that proclaims your devotion to: Yourself, Your City, your God.  Then you'll get the respect you truly deserve as a Patron of the Arts. MONEY CAN BUY YOU A LOT OF THINGS

4  Glorify God (That's the way to get a rich rascal like yourself into heaven) Glorify God  Glorify your city (That's the way to get ahead in politics and power) Glorify your city  Glorify yourself and your family (That's the way to real immortality) Glorify yourself and your family WHAT DO YOU WANT YOUR ARTWORK TO DO FOR YOU?


6  People who are or become completely proficient or skilled in an area.  People who dominate: have dominance or the power to defeat over something.  A person who has an authority; qualified to teach apprentices. MASTERS – WHAT ARE THEY?

7  All artists spent their youth as humble apprentices, learning their craft in their master's workshop.  An apprentice's first tasks were humble: sweeping, running errands, preparing the wooden panels for painting, and grinding and mixing pigments.  As the apprentice's skills grew, he would begin to learn from his master: drawing sketches, copying paintings, casting sculptures, and assisting in the simpler aspects of creating art works. MASTERS – HOW DOES ONE BECOME A MASTER?

8  The best students would assist the master with important commissions, often painting background and minor figures while the Master painted the main subjects.  The few apprentices who showed amazing skill could eventually become masters themselves. A very few became greater artists than their masters.  One legend tells of the young Leonardo da Vinci painting an angel so perfectly that his master Verrocchio broke his brushes in two and gave up painting forever in recognition of his pupil's superior abilities. MASTERS – DEVELOPING APPRENTICES!

9  Once an artist became a master, he could open his own workshop and hire apprentices of his own.  Many workshops were versatile and could tackle many kinds of work: painting, sculpting, goldsmithing, architecture, and engineering.  Artists were called to homes to paint portraits, decorate furniture, make silverware, paint banners, create sets for plays, make book covers or even design military machinery for war.  In a brochure to patrons, Leonardo da Vinci listed thirty- six services that he could perform for his patrons. MASTERS – WHAT DO THEY DO?

10  Without a patron, artists would not be able to make a living. Wealthy and powerful patrons would pay a master artist (and his workshop of assistants) to paint portraits, landscapes, altarpieces, or wall murals for their church or home.  These rich families would sponsor public works of art as well, commissioning paintings, sculptures and even architecture.  Patrons most often paid for the creation of art to glorify God, glorify their city and to commemorate themselves— that is, to make themselves look good and be remembered forever. Lorenzo D’Medici Tomb MASTERS – THEY NEED PATRONS!

11  By the late Renaissance, artists were no longer thought of as tradesmen. A master artist could become a highly respected member of the community. He could dictate his own terms in his work and enjoy a much higher social status than a mere craftsman.  And superstar artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo became famous throughout Europe, helping create the modern image of the artist as an independent creative genius MASTERS – A BETTER WORLD!

12 You are an “artist” of the Renaissance having been trained by the best masters of the time. You take great pride in your work. One day you hope that you will soon be working for the greatest patrons of the Renaissance. Doing so will bring you wealth and glory. Before you are able to go forth and be commissioned by the wealthy, you must prove you are a master in your own right. The Medici, Este, Doge, Sforza, Popes, and monarchs of Europe are seeking new and talented artists. They are actively advertising for a new “favorite” artist. Competition is fierce! You must do your best! Objective: apply knowledge gained from the Renaissance by creating a “masterpiece” in the style of Renaissance ideas. WANTED: A MASTER OF THE RENAISSANCE!!!

13 1. Apprentices, your goal will be to design (hopefully) a MASTERPIECE for a patron of the Renaissance. 2. Choose a field: Painter – Paint using one of the following= perspective, mythology, realistic people, patrons, historical figures Designer – fashion (clothes), furniture, room design, etc. Sculptor – sculpt focusing on the beauty and perfection of the human body Architect – design a building or new city using ancient designs = columns, domes, arches, details, sculptures Inventor – create or design an invention necessary for the Renaissance – or take one of the sketches or drawing(s) of inventions and create it for use = flying machine, tank, submarine, weapons, eye glasses, telescope, etc. Writer – write you own comedy or tragedy (you may write this out or design it through the theater), or write a poem explaining an event, or write a “book” about a topic (politics, religion, humanism, etc. Scientist – take one or more of the new scientific discoveries and design a presentation. Include visuals and written explanations – or develop your own theory and prepare a presentation. 3. Choose a Patron to attract:  Italian peninsula = Medici Family of Florence, Sforza Family of Milan, Pope in Rome, The Doge (Duke) of Venice  King Henry VIII of England  Queen Elizabeth I of England  King Francis I of France  King Henry of France  King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain  Other idea 4. Create Masterpiece 5. Write a letter to the patron you wish to attract. In the letter you need the following:  Your name, age, place of birth, family name  Your occupation (what you do: writer, painter, etc.), training/education, and years of experience  The Name of the Master who you trained under (you may need to research)  Why your product is the best example of the Renaissance Ideals? 2 Examples  How will you help make the patron richer and/or more powerful by becoming the resident “favorite artist”? 2 Examples APPRENTICES! IT IS TIME TO BECOME A MASTER.

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