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S EED N EW V ARIETIES P RESENTATION 2016. A NGELONIA S ERENITA S KY B LUE P AN A M Beautiful new addition to Serenita Angelonia Timing and height similar.

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Presentation on theme: "S EED N EW V ARIETIES P RESENTATION 2016. A NGELONIA S ERENITA S KY B LUE P AN A M Beautiful new addition to Serenita Angelonia Timing and height similar."— Presentation transcript:


2 A NGELONIA S ERENITA S KY B LUE P AN A M Beautiful new addition to Serenita Angelonia Timing and height similar to raspberry Serenita Color holds up in high heat and light Serenita now has 6 colors Serenita is smaller in size than Serena

3 B ASIL D OLCE F RESCA P AN A M Sweet Italian Basil 12-14” tall Higher leaf yields than traditional basil AAS National winner (2015)

4 B EGONIA B ABYWING B ICOLOR P AN A M Maintenance free Has a unique orange glow Smaller flowers than others in the series, but very floriferous Baby wing begonias have a more controlled habit than Dragon wing Babywings are good sub for Party begonias

5 B EGONIA B ABYWING R ED P AN A M Key color addition to the series Green leaves could show some discoloration when young Baby wing begonias provide excellent color all season long

6 B EGONIA B IG R OSE G REEN L EAVES B ENARY Nice color addition to the Big series Rose is a deeper color that Pink Beautiful in sun or shade Great in large packs, 4” pots and larger containers Pink GreenRose Green Pink Green Rose Green

7 B EGONIA B IG S ERIES B ENARY Red Bronze Pink Green Rose Green Rose Bronze Red Green 306 Packs6’’ pots

8 B EGONIA I LLUMINATION L EMON B ENARY Nice light yellow addition to the Illumination series Excellent in hanging baskets and large containers Fully double flowers Flower color does vary from lemon to yellow to peach/apricot

9 B EGONIA I LLUMINATION L EMON B ENARY With color variations from light yellow to yellow, peach & apricot shades.

10 B EGONIA N ONSTOP J OY Y ELLOW B ENARY Semi trailing NonStop begonia! Better branching than regular NonStops for fuller baskets Less shipping damage due to tighter plants

11 B EGONIA N ONSTOP Y ELLOW VS. J OY Y ELLOW B ENARY NonStop Joy Yellow is more mounding than Nonstop Yellow Flowers tend to be a bit smaller, but more plentiful on Joy than regular nonstop Joy grows round like a globe NS Joy Yellow NS Yellow

12 B EGONIA N ONSTOP M OCCA B RIGHT O RANGE B ENARY Striking contrast between the orange flower and the almost black leaves Very large double flowers

13 B EGONIA S AN F RANCISCO B ENARY San Francisco is a new boliviensis type begonia from Benary Wonderful trailing habit Ideal for baskets and mixed containers When transplanting keep soil level with plug soil, you don’t want to cover the stem after transplant

14 B EGONIA S AN F RANCISCO VS. S ANTA C RUZ B ENARY San Francisco is more salmon than the Santa Cruz’s orange Do not pinch either variety Need 14 hour days or they will go dormant – day extension works better than night interruption Don’t water with cold water – above 18C can shorten crop time 15% Santa Cruz San Francisco Santa CruzSan Francisco

15 C AMPANULA R APIDO P AN A M First F1 hybrid First year flowering perennial (USDA zone 3-9) Up to 4 weeks earlier than other campanula carpatica 4” pots to gallon containers Great as a potted crop as well as for the gardener Very short harvest window BlueWhite

16 C OLEUS P REMIUM S UN F LIP S IDE P AN A M Unique and novel coleus - top of the leaf is green, bottom is a rose/red Mid size landscape coleus (14- 24” tall) Very sun tolerant under high humidity Late to flower

17 G AZANIA K ISS F ROSTY O RANGE F LAME S YNGENTA Beautiful orange/red on silver foliage Work great in 4” pots and larger containers Excellent display of color all year long Frosty Orange FlameFrosty Orange

18 G AZANIA N EW D AY P AN A M Red Stripe – beautiful new addition to the New Day series Tiger Mix is made up of Red Stripe and Rose Stripe High density pack and small container production Very uniform flowering among series Tiger Mix Red Stripe

19 D IANTHUS S WEET M AGENTA B ICOLOR P AN A M Cut flower dianthus – could also be used as center of container 18-36” tall No vernalization needed Beautiful color

20 D IANTHUS S WEET P AN A M Pink Magic changes color as the flowers age Pink is a nice soft candy pink Pink Magic Pink

21 E UPHORBIA G LAMOUR P AN A M Glamour is the new euphorbia, joining Glitz from 2014 Glamour (15-24”) is about 2 times more vigorous than Glitz (10-14”) Very dark foliage with white flowers Glamour is perfect for 1801’s up to 6” pots, and vigorous mixed containers Glitz Glamour

22 L AVANDULA S TOECHAS B ANDERA P URPLE P AN A M A breeding breakthrough Compact to medium habit – 4” – gallon containers Don’t like leaves or ‘feet’ wet USDA hardiness zones 7-10 Long flowering and self cleaning

23 L OBELIA S PECIOSA S TARSHIP D EEP R OSE P AN A M F1 hybrid series of Lobelia Will be vegetative under short day, long day (14hr) becomes reproductive First year flowering perennial USDA zone 6 – 10 Works well in combos – both perennial and annual Great addition to scarlet Deep RoseScarlet

24 P ANSY C OOL W AVE B LUE S KIES P AN A M Blue Skies matches Golden Yellow for habit and vigor Cool nights give deepest blue color High temperatures increase the size of the yellow center Cool Waves are not to be grown in packs, can be grown with 1 plant per 6” pot

25 P ANSY C OOL W AVE L EMON S URPRISE P AN A M Lemon Surprise has lemon color blooms with some genetic dark and light shading in the crop The surprise is that up to 3% of the crop will have some purple wings as shown in the picture Cool Wave now has 9 colors in the series

26 P ANSY M ATRIX P AN A M Pansy Matrix is an ideal extra large flowered fall pansy series Spring Matrix is recommended for spring production Beaconsfield has very large flowers for this color Solar Flair will show more red with cool temperatures, more yellow in warm temperatures Solar Flare Beaconsfield

27 P ETUNIA E ASY W AVE N EW C OLORS P AN A M Yellow – finally a yellow in a Wave. Flower has a yellow center with lighter edges Yellow is not recommended to be grown cold (below 10C) Silver color has a slight bluish tinge to it YellowSilverPink Passion

28 P ETUNIA E ASY W AVE P INK P ASSION P AN A M Pink Passion flowers 8-10 days earlier than Pink The Pink Passion Growth habit is similar to Neon Rose

29 P ETUNIA S HOCK W AVE Y ELLOW P AN A M Shock waves are more mounding and have smaller, but more, flowers than the other waves Shock wave yellow is OK to be grown cold (below 10C) Will replace baby duck yellow Shock Wave Easy WaveShock Wave Easy Wave

30 P ETUNIA P ICOBELLA C ASCADE S KY B LUE S YNGENTA Beautiful Sky Blue Picobellas are suitable for baskets, mixed containers and jumbo packs

31 S IMPLY S ALAD M IX K ALE S TORM P AN A M First all kale simply salad mix to help capture the kale craze in the market Lasts longer in the container than lettuce and won’t bolt in the summer 6 pellets in a 10” bowl

32 T OMATO C HOCOLATE S PRINKLES P AN A M Indeterminate - 5-7’ tall Cherry type tomato F1 hybrid Striped color Disease resistance 50-55 days from transplant to ripe fruit Best to be grown in-ground

33 T OMATO H EIRLOOM M ARRIAGE C HEROKEE C ARBON P AN A M Indeterminate – 5-7’ tall Cross between Cherokee Purple and Carbon 75 – 80 days from transplant to harvest Beefsteak type tomato with interesting color Best to be grown in-ground

34 T OMATO H EIRLOOM M ARRIAGE M ARZINERA P AN A M Roma/paste type tomato F1 hybrid Indeterminate (5-7’ tall) 70-75 days from transplant to harvest Cross between San Marzano and Cream Sausage Best to be grown in-ground

35 T OMATO L ITTLE N APOLI P AN A M Roma/paste type tomato F1 hybrid Determinate (2-3’ tall) Some disease resistance Best grown in containers Will replace window box Roma

36 T OMATO S UGAR R USH P AN A M Cherry type tomato Indeterminate (5-7’ tall) Some disease resistance One of the highest brix (sugar) rating for a cherry tomato 50-55 days from transplant to harvest Best grown in-ground

37 T OMATO T IDY T REATS P AN A M Indeterminate, but compact (2-3’ tall) F1 hybrid 50-55 days from transplant to harvest Tons of fruit on a compact plant Continues to produce fruit all season

38 V ERBENA R IGIDA S ANTOS P AN A M Blooms late spring through summer Very tough plant – hot, cold, dry Great in baskets and combos

39 V IOLA S ORBET XP P AN A M 4 Additions to Sorbet XP Now 27 colors in the Sorbet XP line F1 hybrids Coconut Swirl Lavender Pink YTT Jump Up Mix

40 Z INNIA D OUBLE Z AHARA P AN A M 2 new double Zahara’s brings the series to 5 All season performance in beds and planters Yellow has a very high petal count Salmon Rose has extra large, very double, flowers YellowSalmon Pink

41 Z INNIA Z AHARA R ED P AN A M Red addition brings the series to 10 colors Red has very large flowers Great performers in heat and drought

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