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Numeracy counts… a three strand approach to promoting numeracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Numeracy counts… a three strand approach to promoting numeracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 numeracy counts… a three strand approach to promoting numeracy

2 numeracy counts…

3  So what do we mean by Numeracy? numeracy counts…

4  “Mathematical literacy is an individual’s capacity to identify and understand the role that mathematics plays in the world, to make well-founded judgements and to use and engage with mathematics in ways that meet the needs of that individual’s life as a constructive, concerned and reflective citizen”. PISA - Programme for International Student Assessment numeracy counts…

5  being able to critically assess statistics used by advertisers or politicians  being able to manage family budgets – credit cards, offers at supermarkets and so on  being able to estimate – in all kinds of situations, e.g. journey speed, time and distance, roughly how much a bill will be or your expected bank balance at the end of the month... numeracy counts…

6  preparing for Bluecoat  consistent numeracy delivery across the Academy  preparing for life numeracy counts…

7 preparing for Bluecoat numeracy counts…

8 preparing for Bluecoat  daily opportunities to practise numeracy skills  positive attitude to numeracy and maths  support the use of a calculator at home  car journeys, holiday planning, supermarkets  equal priority to literacy  allows children to tackle more complex problems with increased confidence

9 preparing for Bluecoat


11 Friday 5 th December 2014

12 preparing for Bluecoat


14 consistent numeracy delivery numeracy counts…

15 consistent numeracy delivery  numeracy audit across all faculties’ schemes of learning  numeracy diaries  numeracy champions  matching the lesson’s numeracy aspects to students’ Maths progress  Y7s to record numeracy in other subjects  available for peer-to-peer mentoring

16 preparing for life numeracy counts…

17 preparing for life  reasoning  problem solving  decision making  systematic analysis of information  break a problem down into smaller parts  use the information provided to make the correct choice

18 preparing for life





23 numeracy counts… preparing for Bluecoat consistent delivery preparing for life the Bluecoat way functional mathematics making numeracy count

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