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Vegetables and Cuts of Vegetables. Cuts of Vegetables Macédoine – larger dice Jardinière – batons / rectangular Brunoise – smaller dice Julienne – thin.

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetables and Cuts of Vegetables. Cuts of Vegetables Macédoine – larger dice Jardinière – batons / rectangular Brunoise – smaller dice Julienne – thin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetables and Cuts of Vegetables

2 Cuts of Vegetables Macédoine – larger dice Jardinière – batons / rectangular Brunoise – smaller dice Julienne – thin strips Paysanne – triangles, squares, rounds – different shapes Mirepoix – rough cuts Examples Consommé brunoise Consommé julienne

3 brunoise

4 jardinière

5 macédoine

6 julienne


8 mirepoix

9 Vegetables Artichauts Asperges Aubergines Carottes Céleri Champignons Chou Choucroute Chou-fleur Choux de Bruxelles Petits pois Poireau Pommes Concombre Courgettes Endive Epinards Fèves Flageolets Haricots Laitue Maïs Oignon Panais Tomates

10 Plural of Vegetables We normally add an s in the plural. Eg. Carotte - carottes If the word ends in s, x or z, the word keeps the same spelling in the plural. Eg: anchois – anchois If the word ends in eau or ou, it makes its plural by adding x. Eg: poireau – poireaux Chou - choux

11 Methods of preparation of vegetables Frit Farci Sauté Braisé Au beurre Nature Au gratin Grillé Au jus A la menthe

12 Vegetable dishes (suite) Add the word braisé to each of the following: Oignons Céleri Endives Champignons Petits pois Panais

13 Vegetable dishes (suite) Add the word grillé in its correct form to each of the following: Tomates Champignons Chou-fleur Courgettes Asperges Aubergines

14 Vegetable dishes Translate the following dishes into French: Fried marrows Vichy carrots Stuffed aubergines Buttered peas Boiled cabbage Minted peas Shallow fried mushrooms

15 Les légumes – Récapitulation 1.Which vegetable is identified by the following garnish? Clamart, Crécy, Florentine, Parmentier, Portugaise, Du Barry, St Germain, Bruxelloise 2.With which vegetable do you associate the following? Vichy, farci, pointes, belges, fonds 3.Complete in a suitable way: Petits pois ______ Aubergines______ Haricots verts ______ Chou ______ Epinards______ 4.Outline the different cuts of vegetables and explain each term.

16 Garnishes Clamart – a commune in Ile de France (peas) Crécy – a town in Northern France (carrots) Florentine – related to Florence (spinach) Parmentier – named after Antoine Augustin Parmentier (1737 - 1813), a vocal promoter of the potato as a food source in France (potato) Portugaise – Portuguese ( tomato) Du Barry – named after the countess and mistress of King Louis xv, guillotined during the French revolution and who was fond of cauliflower (cauliflower) St Germain – an area in Paris (peas) Bruxelloise – related to Brussels (brussels sprouts)

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