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2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success September 24 th, 2012 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM EDT.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success September 24 th, 2012 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM EDT."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success September 24 th, 2012 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM EDT

2 2 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Welcome to Workforce 3 One! Welcome to Workforce 3 One!

3 3 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Submitting Questions: Open Chat Drop-Down Menu  To submit a question, type the question in the text field and press your Enter/Return key. ‒ Please enter the name to whom the question is directed.  To send questions only to the presenters, select Presenters from the drop-down menu before pressing your Enter/Return key.  Change Text Size and Chat Color… Text Field

4 4 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging SuccessPractice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

5 5 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

6 6 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging SuccessModerator Andrala Walker Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor

7 7 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Featured Speakers Director of Workforce Development Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) Evelyn Ganzglass Special Assistant to the Office of the Assistant Secretary Director, Adult Education and Literacy Services Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation Trudy Chara and Pat Tyler Education Research Specialist U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education Mary Alice McCarthy

8 8 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Joint Federal Commitment – The Joint Letter on Career Pathways  Issued in April 2012 and signed by the three Assistant Secretaries  Endorsing career pathways; concurring on a joint definition; and promoting collaboration at the state and local levels to build effective career pathways systems

9 9 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Career Pathways Train-the-Trainer Develop a cadre of Federal staff members who can provide direct training and technical support on career pathways implementation to states, local areas, competitive grantees, and key stakeholders Overarching Goal:

10 10 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Training Process Provide Training/Support/Presentations to States, Local Areas, Tribal Communities, Key Stakeholders Develop a Cadre of Expert Trainers/Federal Project Officers/Federal Staff Members Federal Interagency Career Pathways Team

11 11 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Training Objectives  By the end of this three-week training series, you will be able to do the following: –Explain what a career pathway system is –Name the six key elements of a career pathway system –Identify some of the leading career pathways state examples –Identify and use customized online resources and tools –Identify steps to help states and local areas in your region develop career pathways

12 12 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Poll #1 A.Extremely Confident B.Confident C.Are you kidding me? Based on the training so far, how confident are you that you will be able to apply what you have learned back on the job? [Choose the best option]

13 13 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Today’s Agenda: - - Quick Review of Last Week’s Session - CLASP Presentation: How Do We Measure Career Pathways Success? - Tools and Resources to Build and Expand Programs - Using the Institute Model to Train Grantees - Wrap Up and Closing Remarks Building It Out Gauging Success Building It Out Gauging Success

14 14 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Review of Last Week’s Session

15 15 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success  Class Discussion Question #1: –What were some key ideas/observations that you took away from last week’s session on building cross-agency partnerships? –Let’s take 5 minutes to discuss them.

16 16 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Career Pathways Train-the-Trainer Interactive Course featuring Definition and Six Key Elements Framework Customized Tools and Resources Post-Work: Special Conference Calls and/or Live Chats

17 17 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Organizing the Career Pathways Initiative Tools and Resources - Joint Letter of Support from ETA/OVAE/HHS (TEN 36-11) - Definition and Six Key Elements Graphic Framework* - Career Pathways Toolkit - Implementing Career Pathways PowerPoint* -Webinars* - ETA Community of Practice - - Adult Career Pathways Training and Support Center - - ETA Policy Paper – Roles of the Workforce System in Career Pathways Readiness Assessment Tool* - Sample Partner Agreement* Service Mapping Tool* - Career Pathways Road Map * - Credential Asset Mapping Tool* - Occupational Credential Worksheet* - Program Design Flow Chart* - Guide to Adult Education for Work - available for download at _work_guide.pdf - Funding Career Pathways and Career Pathway Bridges: A Federal Policy Toolkit - available for download at ons/files/FundingCareerPathwaysFederalPo licyToolkitforStates.pdf ons/files/FundingCareerPathwaysFederalPo licyToolkitforStates.pdf Getting Buy- In Raising Awareness Getting Buy- In Raising Awareness Getting Started Convening Partners Getting Started Convening Partners Building It Out

18 18 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Gauging The Success of Career Pathways Systems Evelyn Ganzglass Director, Workforce Development Center for Law and Social Policy

19 19 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success An Integrated Approach with Multiple Intermediary Outcomes

20 20 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Federal Performance Standards Tied to Funding Streams Accountability Provisions Adult EducationPerkins/PSWIA YouthWIA Adults/DWTANF Employment- related outcome measures Entered employment Retained employment Placement or retention in employment, *Placement in employment or education Common: *Entered employment *Employment Retention *6 mos. Av. Earnings Progress in education/ Skills- related measures -Educational gains (levels) -Placement in postsecondary ed/trng -Receipt of secondary diploma or GED -Met work-based project learner goal (optional) -Technical skill attainment -Receipt of industry- recognized credential, certificate or diploma *Placement in employment or education *Literacy/ numeracy gains *Attainment degree or certificate -Younger youth retention Credential attainment (statutory) Other outcomesReduction in receipt of public assistance (optional) Nontraditional completion -Customer & employer satisfaction (Statutory) Process measuresNontraditional Participation Work participation (based on eligible activities)

21 21 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Federal Accountability Processes Accountabili ty Provisions Adult EducationPerkins/PSWIA YouthWIA Adults/DWTANF Setting performance levels Negotiated between USED and states Negotiated between USDOL & states Negotiated between USDOL & states; states & local areas Fixed by law -credits earned by states can reduce levels IncentivesIncentive grants for exceeding negotiated targets under AE,CTE & WIA (adult, DW, youth) SameSame, but must meet at least 90% of target for each measure None PenaltiesNone; poor performance may put local contracts at risk Financial sanction If no improvement in 1 yr. or failure to meet in 2 consecutive years TA, required corrective action if below 80%, up to 5% financial sanction after 2 years; state sanctions on WIBs Financial sanction & increased MOE requirement; option for corrective action before penalty

22 22 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Performance-Related Problems  Customers receiving services through multiple funding streams are measured somewhat differently in each program  Differences in how performance targets are set and consequences of missing targets  Lack of recognition of skill gains & credential attainment in WIA adult common measures  Small numbers and risk aversion at each level

23 23 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success  The Alliance for Quality Career Pathways (AQCP) is a state-driven, CLASP-led effort to identify benchmarks of high-quality career pathways and the most relevant metrics for measuring their success  AQCP will examine both career pathways programs and career pathways systems  Ten states will form the core of the Alliance. These states are: Arkansas, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. AQCP members represent diversity across education, training, and human services agencies

24 24 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success  The final product of AQCP will be a customizable framework with multiple purposes: Existing career pathways programs can use to enhance quality New career pathways programs can use as a foundation for their effort Informing the program evaluation  Due to the collaborative, interagency nature of the AQCP process, metrics defined in the framework will have to be agreed upon across agencies

25 25 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success  Class Discussion Question #2: –What are your thoughts about the impact of performance measures on building career pathways system? –How can we help states and local areas with this important challenge? –Let’s take 5 minutes to brainstorm.

26 26 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Credential Attainment and Career Pathways  Effective career pathways programs lead to the attainment of postsecondary credentials that have value in the labor market  Key Resources for states and local areas: –ETA Training and Employment Guidance Letter 15-10 –Career Pathways Toolkit –ETA Competency Model Clearinghouse ( –Oregon’s Pathways Road Map Tool (

27 27 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Building It Out and Gauging Success Tools/Resources - Credential Asset Mapping Tool - Occupational Credential Worksheet - Program Design Flow Chart - Guide to Adult Education for Work -Funding Career Pathways and Career Pathway Bridges: A Federal Policy Toolkit - ETA Community of Practice - - Adult Career Pathways Training and Support Center - - Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Web Site –

28 28 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success New Resource From U.S. Department of Education Mary Alice McCarthy Education Research Specialist U. S. Department of Education – Office of Vocational and Adult Education

29 29 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success  e/resource/adult-college-completion-tool- kit.pdf e/resource/adult-college-completion-tool- kit.pdf Adult College Completion Tool Kit

30 30 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Poll #2 A.Yes B.No Have you worked with any of your grantees on the issue of increasing credential attainment? [Select the best option]

31 31 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success The Institute Model Trudy Chara Special Assistant to the Office of the Assistant Secretary Maryland Department of Labor

32 32 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Pat Tyler Director, Director, Adult Education and Literacy Services Maryland Department of Labor

33 33 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success The Value of the Institute Model  In providing career pathways training for states and/or local areas, or others, you might host: −A one-time workshop or presentation at a regional or national venue −Series of workshops (in-person or virtual) −A 1 and ½ day to 2 day Institute  Dedicated team time to get the “right people on the bus” and talking to each other  Facilitated time with a subject matter expert  Knowledgeable subject matter experts provide insight and support

34 34 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Elements Critical to the Institute Model 1.Assemble key agency partners to form a team 2.Bring teams together for dedicated, focused time 3.Give time to work together as a team and focus on the work 4.Use Career Pathways Tools & give instruction on how to use them 5.Recruit Subject Matter Experts to help teams with priority areas 6.Have good facilitators 7.Follow-up

35 35 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Sample Institute Agenda  Let’s look at a sample agenda.  We hosted an Institute in August 2012 to train local teams on career pathways implementation.

36 36 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Poll #3 A.Yes, I’ve attended an Institute. B.Yes, I’ve hosted an Institute. C.I will definitely consider hosting an Institute for my grantees. D.No, I’ve never attended an Institute. Have you ever attended or hosted an Institute like the one described? (Select all that apply.)

37 37 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period

38 38 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success  In sum, this training should have allowed you to: –Learn about the national context of career pathways, including the joint Federal partnership and make connections with other colleagues; –Understand the career pathways definition, its eight components, and the six key elements to help build and expand career pathways; – Learn about the customized tools and resources that are available to support your training efforts, including a customizable PowerPoint presentation; –Learn about national models of career pathways and the roles that each agency partner can play in expanding career pathways systems; –Gain an overview of the complexities of system and performance alignment; –Understand the Institute Training Model Did We Meet Our Training Objectives?

39 39 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Next Steps  Congratulations! You’ve completed the 2012 Career Pathways Train-the-Trainer Course!  The Training Evaluation Form is posted on Registration Page #3. Please download it, complete it, and forward it to  Post-Course Opportunity –Class participants can now join a networking group to further discuss topics of interest and talk with subject matter experts on career pathways. A listing of the class participants and their contact emails will be posted on Registration Page #3 in two days. –The group will have pre-scheduled conference calls or participate in live chat sessions on the ETA Community of Practice from now until December 2012. –If you are interested in continuing to connect, send an email to The first Post-Class event will be hosted next month.

40 40 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!

41 41 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

42 42 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success Stay Informed, Get Connected!

43 43 2012 Career Pathways Train the Trainer Series Webinar #3: Building It Out and Gauging Success For more information about the Workforce Investment System:  Visit  Call 1-877-US2-JOBS

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