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Grove Pointe Annual Spring Meeting March 8, 2016 Please sign in. If you need to pay your HOA dues or pool membership fee, please see a board member.

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Presentation on theme: "Grove Pointe Annual Spring Meeting March 8, 2016 Please sign in. If you need to pay your HOA dues or pool membership fee, please see a board member."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grove Pointe Annual Spring Meeting March 8, 2016 Please sign in. If you need to pay your HOA dues or pool membership fee, please see a board member.

2 Index Cards Please write down any questions or comments you have on the provided index cards. If it is something you’d like a board member to contact you about, please include your contact information.

3 2015 Board Members Contact information is on our website!

4 Neighborhood Easter Party WHEN: Sunday, March 20 th from 3:00pm – 5:00pm WHERE: neighborhood park WHO: GP residents WHAT TO BRING: a favorite appetizer or dessert

5 Adult Wine Tasting Event WHEN: Friday, April 22 nd from 7:00pm to 9:00pm WHERE: under the pavilioin WHO: GP residents 21+ WHAT TO BRING: your favorite bottle of wine to share!

6 Other Upcoming Dates

7 Treasurer’s Report for 2015 General HOA Funds TOAL INCOME (HOA dues & fees) $80,055.35 Expenses50,314.46 Other Expenses (taxes & utilities) 10,820.83 Park Reserve5,000.00 Net Income$13,920.05 2016 Budget Insurance$2,000.00 Bushhogging2,000.00 Lawn Spraying3,200.00 Landscaping30,000.00 Park Maintenance2,500.00 Party Supplies3,500.00 Professional Fees1,500.00 Legal Fees1,500.00 Office Expenses1,000.00 Repairs and Maintenance3,000.00 Awards500.00 Pest Control1,800.00 Improvements10,000.00 Taxes1,000.00 Utilities9,000.00 Park Reserve5,000.00 TOTAL $77,500.00

8 Treasurer’s Report for 2015 Pool Funds Source of IncomeAmount Memberships$28,300.00 Sale of 5410 Maycomb (deeded over from GP, LLC) 30,757.28 CD’s13,483.60 Loan 4.5% Fixed; 84 months; $31,137.65 40,000.00 TOTAL$112,540.88 ExpensesAmount Parker Pools$80,900.00 security gate3,687.50 signage315.00 wristbands767.35 pool waivers55.01 fencing8,000.00 land clearing; irrigation5,856.00 monthly maintenance2,195.85 furniture/supplies3,265.31 TOTAL$105,042.02 NET INCOME$7,498.86

9 Delinquent Assessments Pay tonight if you haven’t paid for 2016 yet! Only 7 properties have unpaid HOA dues for 2015 and prior. We collected $4395.60 in past dues with the help of our attorney, plus most legal fees associated with each suit.

10 Communication FACEBOOK REMIND text alerts text @gphoa to 81010 Community message board Grove Pointe HOA website A-frame sign for main road Mail outs cost approximately $400!!

11 Community Message Board Located on side of pavilion Help improve communication with residents not on Facebook Residents can post information other residents may find helpful using a 3x5 index card – put cards in mailbox and we’ll hang up for you (i.e. babysitting, pet sitting, lawn care, etc.)

12 New HOA Website Sign up to receive email notifications Find board member contact info and links to important documents

13 Want to help? Pool Committee – closing pool duties once per week Social Committee – assist Lindsey with events as needed Welcome Committee – deliver welcome packets to new residents

14 Area Amelia and Rudy Planter’s Crossing Harlow and Myrick Maycomb Abbott and Newman San Saba West San Saba East, Grand, and Pawnee Kiowa, Mahan, and Courtland Welcome Committee Interested in helping deliver welcome letters to new residents?? We need several people to help watch out for newcomers in the areas listed! See Ashley Willmont to sign up!

15 Accomplishments & Improvements SWIMMING POOL!!! Sodium light at pool Mailbox at park Wooden swings added to main park and pocket park; more coming to main park this Spring Park bathroom floor sealant

16 Accomplishments & Improvements Neighborhood Events: Easter Party, Summer Family Fun Day, Halloween Party, S’mores with Santa Drainage issues and road repair on Courtland Circle (Mahan is next!) New mulch for playground (coming in the next few weeks)

17 New Bridge at the Park For pedestrian AND golf cart use! Please do not block access to the bridge when parking along Dasher Grove. There will soon be a designated parking area for golf carts in front of the pool.

18 Future Improvements Full Court: $15k-20k Half court: approximately $8k-12k **UNLIT…no nighttime basketball games going on. One of the most requested improvements from residents. In a location where we could add tennis courts down the road as well.

19 park pool & pavilion *not to scale

20 Approximately $200-250 each Future Improvements Disc Golf

21 Response to FB Suggestions trees along main road not our property; not enough space with the ditch; no irrigation speedbumpscounty maintained roads; not allowed; inquired about several times already --- WILL CONTINUE TO REQUEST! storage area for boats/RVs no space for this additional street lights would increase everyone’s property taxes; would require neighborhood vote; we are adding more lighting at the park though tennis courtsvery costly; possibly something to plan for the future playground canopy very costly; looking at other ways to make improvements not involving the playground right now repainting lines on main road again, county maintained roads; not a project the HOA should fund

22 New Developments Thomas Grove – additional 30 lots will be ready to build on this Spring Last remaining lots in Phases 1-3 are being developed quickly!

23 Covenant Compliance TRAILERS/BOATS/RVS: only allowed to stay for trip prep (2-3 days maximum) PARKING: utilize garage, driveway, or street only…no parking on lawns TRASHCANS: store out of sight when not trash day YARD SIGNS: only FOR SALE/RENT or builder signs only; no school support or political signs allowed

24 Yard Upkeep Flowerbeds need mulch, rocks, or pine straw for ground covering… Mow and edge regularly; keep weeds to a minimum… Also keep bushes and trees trimmed regularly!

25 Yard of the Month May – October $50 giftcard Must be current on HOA dues!! Announced on Grove Pointe Facebook page and sign placed in front yard at the beginning of each month

26 Architectural Review Board You must contact the Architectural Review Board before making any alterations to your property. Exterior paint color, fencing, storage buildings, pool, etc..

27 Current Board Members Lindsey Garrett Tiffanie Newcomer Brett Smith Mike Smith Ashley Willmont 2016 Board Member Elections Any nominations? Please circle 5 choices on your ballot and fill in your name and address. Only 1 vote per lot.

28 Don’t forget to pay your HOA dues and/or pool membership tonight!

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