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PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION Michael Rawson Co-Director, Public Interest Law Project The Public Interest Law Project 449 15 th Street, Suite 301 Oakland,

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION Michael Rawson Co-Director, Public Interest Law Project The Public Interest Law Project 449 15 th Street, Suite 301 Oakland,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION Michael Rawson Co-Director, Public Interest Law Project The Public Interest Law Project 449 15 th Street, Suite 301 Oakland, CA 94612 510 891 9794

2 Public Interest Litigation What is it?

3 It’s Exactly the Same…. “Services Cases” Administrative Actions Impact Litigation

4 But, It’s Completely Different Supported by Program Resources, not Client Resources Clients Unable to Bear Costs of Loss Resources Severely Limited = – Inherent Tension Between Individual and Impact Cases Legal Services Corporation Restrictions

5 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION RESTRICTIONS Not Permitted – Class Action Limitations – Representation of Undocumented Immigrants – Collection of Attorneys Fees – Prohibition on Lobbying Permitted – Suits seeking injunctive relief and writ relief – OK if Injunction provides class-wide relief

6 In the Public Interest 1. Not Private Business or Government 2. Never Only for the Client Results will have broad impact 3. Never in Isolation—Part of Coordinated Advocacy – Partners: Community Based Organizations (CBOs) – Labor, Faith-Based, Social Justice, Environmental Sometimes Government – Types: Legislative, Administrative, Political

7 Urban Habitat v. City of Pleasanton – Court of Appeal Reinstated Exclusionary Zoning Suit – With Public Advocates, Urban Habitat & Local Housing Activists Watkins v. Alameda County – TRO Halting County from Implementing Time Limits on General Assistance – With Bay Area Legal Aid – Coordinated Advocacy Strategy w/ EBCLC & CBOs Arroyo Vista Tenants Association v. City of Dublin – TRO Requiring Housing Authority and City Stop Involuntary Relocation of Tenants – With Bay Area Legal Aid and AVTA Price v. Stockton Redevelopment Agency – Injunction and Settlement Halting Displacement of SRO residents and requiring the development of 360 affordable units downtown Examples from PILP

8 THE NUTS & BOLTS OF PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION Federal & State Court See “Choice of Relief in Calif. State Courts….” Richard Rothschild (WCLP)

9 Federal Court – Options Limited Class Action Sometimes—Class-Wide Injunction In Non-Class Action If Relief Necessary to Redress Injury Group Plaintiffs Generally Needed-- See Price v. Stockton, 390 F.3d 1105 (9 th Cir. 2004) Injury to Mission & Expenditure of Resources

10 Class Action Requirements Significant FRCP 23 – (a) numerosity, commonality typicality and adequacy of class rep – (b) injunctive relief – (c) damages—greater commonality nexus Injunctive Relief Available Only After Class Cert.

11 Federal Jurisdictional & Procedural Hurdles Standing (Constitution, Article III) – Individual Injury “In Fact” – Proximate Cause – Redress By Courts Possible Private “Right of Action” – Congress Intended to Create Individual Right? – Congress Intended Judicial Enforcement by Individual? Alexander v. Sandoval, 121 S.Ct. 1511 (2001) Gonzaga Univ. v. Doe, 536 U.S. 273 (2002)

12 42 USC §1983: Provides Redress and Enforceability Against Government  Requires deprivation of a “federal right” secured by the “Constitution and laws”  By a person acting under color of state law  So, IF Congress created Individual Right,  1983 Provides Presumption of Enforceability  Attorneys’ Fees available (42 USC §1988)

13 State Court – More Options In Suing Government - Individual Suit– Broader Standing - Organizational Suit—Broader Standing - Class Action (CCP 382 et seq.)—More Flexible PLUS: - Taxpayer Suit (CCP §526a) - Writ of Mandate (CCP §1085)

14 More Options Suing Private Entity Individual Suit & Organizational Suit Unlawful Business Practice (B & PC §17200) – Caveat : Since Prop. 64 plaintiffs must be individually injured and meet the class action requirements. -Class Action (CCP 382 et seq.) More flexible requirements Injunctive Relief Easier to Obtain

15 INDIVIDUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL STANDING Individual Suits – Stocks v. City of Irvine, 114 Cal.App.3d 520 (1981) Persons Living Outside Jurisdiction Can Attack Exclusionary Zoning Significant Public Interest can be sufficient for standing Organizational Suits – Injury to Mission can establish standing if: Strong Public Interest Writ of Mandate (Enforcing Duty of Government to Obey Law

16 WRIT OF MANDATE—CCP 1085 To Compel Government to Obey Law – To Perform any Mandatory Duty Standing—Extremely Broad – Any “beneficially interested” person – Anyone having interest in execution of the laws – Green v. Obledo, 29 Cal.3d 126, 144 (1981) Relief—Class-like Effect

17 TAX PAYER SUIT (CCP 526a) Standing to Sue Government – Blair v. Pitchess, 5 Cal.3d 258, 267-70 (1971) Payment of Sales Tax Possibly Not Enough – Torres v. City of Yorba Linda, 13 Cal.App.4th at 1046-48 But Homeless People Have Standing to Challenge No-Camping Law – Tobe v. City of Santa Ana, 9 Cal.4th 1069, 1086 (1995)

18 CLASS ACTIONS in Calif. (CCP 382) Requirements: (Similar to Feds) – Ascertainable Class – “Well defined community of interests” – Common Questions of Law & Fact “Predominate” – Typicality – Adequacy of Representation Relief – Injunctive Relief Before Certification (CCP 527) – Non-Unanimous Jury – Cy Pres


20 More than a Job— A Different Kind of Wealth Many Options – Legal Services – Nonprofit Public Interest – Labor Law – Consumer Class Action Firm – Some Government Jobs Provide Professional Opportunities Equal to Big Firms Court Awarded Attorneys Fees—The Equalizer – Federal: 42 U.S.C. §1988 (and other Civil Rights Statutes) – State: CCP §1021.5 (and other Statutory Provisions) – California– Catalyst Fees Still Available

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