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Biological Diversity and Survival Unit A: Topic 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Diversity and Survival Unit A: Topic 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Diversity and Survival Unit A: Topic 1

2 Biology and Biological Diversity Biology: – The study of living things Biological Diversity: – The number and variety of organisms If there are so many types of organisms in the world, does eliminating one really matter?

3 Bill Nye Question sheet (23 min) Biodiversity ?asset_guid=44D2EC5B-C8A5-4C2B-AE7E- 24DFCD9D17D5

4 Shared Characteristics of All Living Organisms Are made up of cells Need energy Grow and develop Reproduce Have adaptations that suit them for the environment they live in sH6M

5 Biotic vs. Abiotic Biotic – Living things Ex. Dogs, sponges, mold, bacteria, trees Abiotic – Non living things Ex. Air, water, sunlight, rocks Both biotic and abiotic factors affect the organisms that we will be talking about. Make sure you understand the difference.


7 Arrangement of Species Individual: – One single organism that is affected by its surroundings. Population: – A group of individuals of the same species living in an area. Ex. All the magpies living in a certain park. Community: – Populations of different species live in the same area. Ex. The same park is a community because it contains other organisms besides magpies, such as grasses, trees, gophers, and other birds. Ecosystem: –A certain environment in which living things interact with other living and non-living things Ex. A wetland ecosystem Use the example of a school to explain the previous arrangement to a your table partner



10 Classification of Organisms -Most general- KingdomsEx. Animalia PhylumEx. Chordata ClassEx. Mammalia OrderEx. Primates FamilyEx. Hominidae GenusEx. Homo SpeciesEx. Sapiens -Most specific- Helpful way to remember it: King Philip Came Over For Green Spinach These birds look very similar, but they differ once we get down to the species category. This means that the birds will not mate.



13 Two Word Naming System Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Two words name each living thing (The system is called binomial nomenclature) The scientific name of an organism: Genus species Closely related organisms would have the same genus name but not the same species Latin continues to be used for classification systems because it is a dead and unchanging language.

14 Genus Panthera

15 Activity: Sizing up a species – ID an Arthropod s/SizingSpecies.pdf


17 Classification System

18 1.Archaea - single celled organisms that can live in extreme conditions 2.Monera – bacteria 3.Protista – amoeba, algae 4.Fungi – yeast, mold, mushrooms 5.Plantae – Ferns, trees, weeds, flowers 6.Animalia – birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish


20 Species Distribution Areas around the equator have the greatest number of species. There is also the greatest number of species in the tropical regions. Therefore the most biologically diverse places on earth are tropical rain forests in equatorial regions.


22 Adaptations Structural Adaptation – A physical characteristic that allows the organism to survive Ex. Pitcher plant Behavioural Adaptation – A behavioural characteristic that allows the organism to survive Ex. An owl hunting at night Ex. The migration of birds in the winter.

23 Name and vote for your favourite behavioural adaptation Lyre bird Mimics any sound it hears, including chainsaws and car alarms Bower bird Good at interior decorating Carnivorous plants King penguins Spot your sibling in a colony of 600,000

24 Meerkats Didn’t get any sleep last night? You’re not alone Praying mantis Poor male Plumed bird of paradise Courtship ritual, reminds me of a hockey game Caterpillars Hiding from the birds Male seahorse giving birth Two oddities: males having babies and is the seahorse a fish or a mammal?

25 For Fun ssXJtzFOjA ssXJtzFOjA ANIMAL CRACKERS (The Best of BBC One's Walk On The Wild Side)

26 Species and Speciation Species: – Living things that have the same structures and can reproduce with one another There are more species of insects than all other life forms combined Speciation: – The process of one specific type of species changing into another similar, but different species.


28 Variation Variation: – Differences in characteristics of organisms caused by genetic and environmental factors Individuals are more likely to survive environmental changes if variation exists. – The introduction of a new predator, the spread of a new disease, the introduction of a toxic substance, the elimination of a food source – these could all wipe out a species. The value of variation: – Resistance to disease – To allow for the overall health of an area – Ability to survive severe environments

29 Variation within a species Variability – Variation within a species Natural Selection – The environment “selects” which organism will survive to reproduce. – Example: Larger birds in Nebraska survived a storm because they had more body fat answers/features/natural-selection-is-not-evolution

30 Measuring Variation in the Human Hand Activity Complete the activity with a partner Due next class to hand in

31 40 Pleasantly Surprising Animal Facts Guaranteed To Make You Smile facts/24-of-the-happiest-animal-facts/ facts/24-of-the-happiest-animal-facts/

32 Verbal Review Questions What is biodiversity? What is the difference between abiotic and biotic? Identify the boxes in the following diagram What are the classification rankings?

33 Verbal Review Questions How are organisms distributed around the world? What is an adaptation? What is speciation? What is variation? How does variation help the ecosystems?

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