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Grammar!. Nouns Definition: A person, a place, a thing, or an idea. Types: 1.Pronouns 2.Subjects 3.Gerunds 4. Compound Nouns 5. Proper Nouns 6. Object.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar!. Nouns Definition: A person, a place, a thing, or an idea. Types: 1.Pronouns 2.Subjects 3.Gerunds 4. Compound Nouns 5. Proper Nouns 6. Object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar!

2 Nouns Definition: A person, a place, a thing, or an idea. Types: 1.Pronouns 2.Subjects 3.Gerunds 4. Compound Nouns 5. Proper Nouns 6. Object of a Preposition

3 Pronouns Definition: Replace nouns, used in papers to avoid subject repetition. HeYou SheI ItMe TheyMine We Us

4 Subject Definition: The topic of a sentence. What is this sentence about? (Can be plural or singular) DogsDesks KittensLamps PenguinsChairs GoatsTrampoline AlligatorsGenetics StudentsDNA

5 Proper Nouns Definition: Nouns that refer to a specific person, place, or thing. GutenbergEnglish 101 EinsteinGenetics 504 Michel AngeloMathematics 8 Winston-Salem Charlotte Wilmington Not Proper Nouns! math class the lady girl boy genetics

6 Compound Noun Definition: When you have one or more noun used typically as a subject. 1.Hansel and Gretel got into trouble for eating too much candy at the witch's house. 2.Penguins and Dolphins are Ms. G’s favorite animals.

7 Object Of a Preposition Prepositional Phrases- Give additional information in a sentence (See Green Preposition List) Below the stairsBeyond our imagination Under the hatAmongst the cornfield Above the cloudsBetween the lines

8 Gerunds Definition: Verbs functioning as nouns. (Usually as a subject) 1.Sking is my favorite sport. (Noun) I ski for fun. (Verb) 2. Laughing is a great way to burn calories. (Noun) The little girl sat on the stoop laughing. (Verb) 3. Of all the hobbies in the world, sewing is my favorite. In Colonial America, many women sewed clothing. (Verb)

9 Grammar Review 1.The feisty dog likes to box near the ocean. 2.The eager student writes bakes too many brownies for the teacher. 3.Walking barefoot in the sand is a great way to improve poster. 4.Adding a machine into a factory can be a great way to improve efficiency. 5.Children of today can change the world tomorrow.

10 Adjectives Definition: Descriptive words that modify nouns. -Intelligible Speaker-An Elephant -Articulate Educator-Wrong Turn -Bratty, Spoiled Toddler-Yellow Cat -The Dog-Three Thieves -Her Hair-That Girl -His Toy- This Monday

11 Adjectives Definition: Descriptive words that modify nouns. Types: 1.Numbers (1, 2, 3, 4…, Several, Many, Few) 2.Colors (Green, Chartreuse, Mauve, Ivory, Blue) 3.Articles (The/ A/ An) 4.This/That/These/Those 5.Possessive (His/Hers/Their/ Our)

12 Diagramming Sentence Line

13 Diagramming Sentence Divider (Subject/ Predicate)

14 Diagramming Simple Subject Verb

15 Diagramming Simple Subject Verb Adjective Article (a, an, the) Adverb (ly words)

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