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Unit 2 Vocabulary #3 AP World History. Unit 2 Vocabulary #3 1. Age grade 2. Austronesian 3. Bantu Speaking peoples 4. Black Death 5. Caravel 6. Griots.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Vocabulary #3 AP World History. Unit 2 Vocabulary #3 1. Age grade 2. Austronesian 3. Bantu Speaking peoples 4. Black Death 5. Caravel 6. Griots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Vocabulary #3 AP World History

2 Unit 2 Vocabulary #3 1. Age grade 2. Austronesian 3. Bantu Speaking peoples 4. Black Death 5. Caravel 6. Griots 7. Kami 8. Khan 9. Lateen sail 10. Malay sailors 11. Maori 12. Metropolitan 13. Middle Kingdom 14. Mongol Peace (Pax Mongolica) 15. Ming Dynasty 16. Perspective 17. Renaissance 18. Stateless society 19. Steppe diplomacy 20. Syncretism 21. Yuan dynasty 22. Mawali 23. Dhimmi 24. Dhow 25. Jinshi 26. Quinoa

3 Maori A member of a Polynesian group that settled New Zealand about 800 C.E.

4 Quinoa A species of goosefoot grown as a crop primarily for its edible seeds. Although it is technically not a grain it is treaded as such because of its baking characteristics

5 Mawali Non-Arab converts to Islam

6 Kami Japanese nature spirits revered in the Shinto religion

7 Lateen Sail A triangular sail attached to a short mast

8 Syncretism A blend of two or more cultures or cultural traditions

9 Perspective An artistic technique commonly used in Renaissance painting that gave a three- dimensional appearance to works of art

10 Age Grade An age group into which children were placed in Bantu societies of early sub- Saharan Africa; children within the age grade were given responsibilities and privileges suitable for their age and in this manner were prepared for adult responsibilities

11 Austronesian A branch of languages originating in Oceania

12 Bantu-Speaking Peoples Name given to a group of sub-Saharan African peoples whose migrations altered the society of sub-Saharan Africa

13 Black Death The European name for the outbreak of bubonic plague that spread across Asia, Europe, and North Africa in the fourteenth century

14 Caravel A small, easily steerable ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in their explorations

15 Griots Storytellers of sub- Saharan Africa who carried on oral traditions and historians

16 Khan A Mongol ruler

17 Malay Sailors Southeast Asian sailors who traveled the Indian Ocean; by 500 C.E., they had colonized Madagascar, introducing the cultivation of the banana

18 Metropolitan Of or constituting a large city or urbanized area, including adjacent suburbs and towns

19 Middle Kingdom Term applied to the rich agricultural lands of the Yangtze River valley under the Zhou dynasty

20 Ming Dynasty The ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol- led Yuan dynasty; the Ming dynasty was the last dynasty in China led by ethnic Hans.

21 Mongol Peace (Pax Mongolica) The period from about 1250 to 1350 in which the Mongols ensured the safety of Eurasian trade and travel

22 Renaissance The revival of learning in Europe beginning about 1300 and continuing to about 1600

23 Stateless Society A society that is based on the authority of kinship groups rather than on a central goverment

24 Steppe Diplomacy The skill of political survival and dominance in the world of steppe nomads; it involved the knowledge of tribal and clan structure and often used assassinations to accomplish its goals

25 Yuan Dynasty The Mongol led dynasty of China from 1271 to 1368

26 Dhow Arab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design

27 Jinshi Title granted to students who passed the most difficult Chinese examination on all of Chinese literature; became immediate dignitaries and eligible for high office

28 Dhimmi Literally “people of the book”; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists

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