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Level F - Unit 2. 1.The ointment helped to ameliorate the pain.

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1 Level F - Unit 2

2 1.The ointment helped to ameliorate the pain.

3 2.With great aplomb, the gymnast landed the dismount and won a gold medal. _lands_her_double_back_dismount_with_aplomb.jpg

4 3.The bombastic speaker talked more about his awards and important friends than the charity he was there to introduce.

5 4.The callow young man thought he knew more about engines than he really did.

6 5.“Stop talking drivel!” the professor snapped at her trembling student.

7 Definitons AMELIORATE(v.) To make or grow better APLOMB(n.) Self-confident assurance; poise BOMBASTIC(adj.) Pompous in speech or writing CALLOW(adj.) Immature, inexperienced DRIVEL(n.) Foolish talk or thinking, nonsense; (v.) To utter foolish talk or nonsense

8 6.The plaster model was the very epitome of a human body.

9 7.Air Force One is provided to the president ex officio.

10 8.The girl exhorted her friend not to start smoking.

11 9.When the policeman arrested me, he infringed on my right to peaceably assemble.

12 10.By bringing an apple to the teacher, Todd hoped to ingratiate himself with her.

13 Definitions EPITOME(n.) A simplified representation, a summary EX OFFICIO(adj.) By virtue of office or position; (adv.) By virtue of position or office EXHORT(v.) To urge by strong, argument, admonition, or advice INFRINGE(v.) To trespass upon, to violate INGRATIATE(v.) To win confidence or good graces for oneself

14 11.When Diane told Sue that Bernie liked her, she thought she was being helpful, but she was really just an interloper.

15 12.The desire to chase cats seems to be intrinsic to dogs.

16 13. I used to have grandiose plans for my future that included buying a couple mansions and summer homes, but those plans were laid to rest once I got a job teaching.

17 14.Hot summer weather often brings on a feeling of lassitude.

18 15.In the much anticipated millennium, we will all learn to live together in peace and love. Fvkerrc20/S663mOfpZbI/AAAAAAAAAPY/z65BJFqtfvA/s1600/peacelove_concept_01.jpg

19 Definitions INTERLOPER(n.) One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons; a meddler INTRINSIC(adj.) Inherent, relating to the essential nature of a thing INVEIGH(v.) To attack with harsh criticism LASSITUDE(n.) State of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness MILLENNIUM(n.) A hoped-for period of joy, serenity, prosperity, and justice

20 16.For many people, the occult is a terrifying subject.

21 17.The sweet smell of roses permeated the air.

22 18.The tsunami precipitated an immediate evacuation of the area.

23 19.The stringent admission requirements meant few students were accepted to the college. ht tp:// content/themes/default/images/declined_college_admission.jpg

24 20.After seeing a few clouds in the sky, my surmise was that our picnic plans were ruined. sky_2.html

25 Definitons OCCULT(n.) Supernatural forces, events, and beings collectively; (adj.) Dealing with supernatural phenomena, involving the supernatural PERMEATE(v.) To spread or diffuse through PRECIPITATE(v.) To cause to happen early or prematurely; (adj.) Moving along rapidly without careful attention STRINGENT(adj.) Imposing rigid standards of performance; Severe; Strict SURMISE(n.) An idea or opinion that lacks proof, a conjecture

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