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Report on Experimental Physics Center CHEN Yuanbo.

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1 Report on Experimental Physics Center CHEN Yuanbo

2 Outline Overview Mission Major scientific activities Management Challenges Summary

3 Overview Organizations Research groups: Physics, Software Detector (I,II,III), Electronics Technical support, Mechanics, Data acquisition, Trigger, Magnet Neutrino & Chinese Spallation Neutron Source ( CSNS) Experiments: BESIII, Daya Bay, JUNO (EPC-leads) CSNS, LHASSO, HERD, ATLAS, Belle II, PANDA, COMET ( EPC-takes part in) Labs: A State Key laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics & A Superconducting Magnet Engineering Center

4 Manpower Research Groups Staffs (person) Student & Postdoc. Full Prof. s Associate Professors researc h Total Physics 121512844 Software 4132198 Detector I 254114 Detector II 355135 Detector III 3411182 DAQ 265134 Magnet 138123 Trigger 11795 Electronics 25182511 Mechanics 1421261 Tech support 155112 CSNS 242531-- Neutrino 133710 Total 357311522399 Projects Staffs (FTE) Student & Postdoc Full Professors Asso. Prof.s resea rcher Total BESIII 16.226.414.1 56.742.2 Daya Bay 10.211.6 JUNO 5.98.712.7 27.38.4 CSNS 4.913.762 80.64 Superconduct ing Magnet 7.43 Detector and electronics R&D 12.616.3 LHAASO 2.73 CMS, ATLAS, Belle II, PANDA, COMET 26.92.1 117.5 plan 1.948.6 14.53 Total 3573115223 99

5 79% of stuffs has doctor and master degree. Young people accounted for 56.6%. Staff Demography Excellent talents :21 from abroad 79% of stuffs has doctor and master degree. Young people accounted for 56.6%.

6 During the past 5 years, 118 students graduated (102 Ph.D.s and 16 masters) from the center Graduate students training Current: EPC has 13 postdocs (including 3 foreign postdocs), 80 Ph.D. & masters, and 66 joint graduate students from other institutes post-docPh.DMaster join- graduate 20081018114 2009717321 2010616218 20111115123 20121016622 2013320321 Total 4710216119 YearWork in IHEP 2008 6 2009 2 2010 4 2011 6 2012 4 2013 5 Total 27

7 Cooperation and Academic exchange Others: Seminars, Graduate Training, Monthly Reports, Annual Meetings, Group Meetings, etc. Others: Seminars, Graduate Training, Monthly Reports, Annual Meetings, Group Meetings, etc.

8 Patents Patents (16 in 2012)

9 State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics on Oct. 13, 2011, the lab was formally established under MOST. Stable support for R&D of the Particle Detection and Electronics  Particle detection technology 1.Gaseous detector 2.Scintillation detector 3. Semi-conductor detector 4.Low background detection technology and neutrino detector  Readout electronics  Trigger  Data acquisition and processing technology Scientific research

10 There are 3 products: Superconducting magnetic iron remover 1.5T superconducting magnet prototype in trial production 5.5 T High Gradient Superconducting Magnetic Separator Superconducting Magnet Engineering Center 5.5 T Separator 1.5 T MRI iron remover Founded in 2010, for the transfer of technology to promote China's superconducting magnet industry

11 EPC Mission The Experimental Physics Center was established in 2001 (division one, division six and part of division two were combined) To conduct research in particle physics, to be one of the world leading high energy physics research centers To produce important physics results in charm physics and neutrino physics To complete the construction of nation’s major science facilities To develop particle detection and electronics technology To support technology transfers

12 Major Scientific Activities (1) 1.BESIII Experiment (see SHEN Xiaoyan’s talk)  Construction of the Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII)  Operation of the the BESIII detector ( maintenance and upgrade )  Data acquisition & data analyses  Achieved a number of influential results in high energy physics, such as “First observation of a charged charmonium-like structure Zc(3900)”, “First observation of X(1870)”, etc 2.International Collaboration (see LOU Xinchou’s talk)  ATLAS group works on the pixel detector, R&D of readout electronics and physics analyses.  Belle group has made many contributions to the Belle software and physics analyses and participate in the Belle upgrade  PANDA group works on the design of novel Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system.  COMET collaboration will work on to search for the charged lepton flavor violation process at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC).

13 Major Scientific Activities (2) 3.R&D of CEPC (see LOU Xinchou’s talk)  CEPC detector optimization, R&D and physics reaches  CDR expected ~May 2015 4.Daya Bay experiment & JUNO (see CAO Jun’s talk)  Got brilliant achievements in Daya Bay experiment & start the construction of JUNO. 5.R&D in particle detection technology and associated electronics and Support Facilities (see ZHU Kejun’s talk)  To meet the needs of projects, play a role in all related fields, train professional talents  CSNS project  In charge of the construction of the target & instruments

14 Chinese Spallation Neutron Source ( CSNS ) National key scientific project CSNS construction was officially started in Oct.2011 in Dongguan, Guangdong province Groundbreaking Ceremony 20 Oct. 2011 worksite

15 Design of the target station ParametersPhase I Phase II Beam power on target (kW) 100500 Proton energy on target (GeV) 1.6 Average beam current (  A) 62.5312.5 Pulse repetition rate (Hz) 25 Target1; Tungsten Moderators 3; LH2(C), LH2(DP), H2O(D) ReflectorBe/Fe Beam ports20 Neutron instruments320 Dose control in hall (  Sv/h) 2.5 Operation ( hrs/yr)5000 Experimental hall

16 Drawings of target station & remote control

17 Prototypes & Processing Prototypes of some key components, such as neutron shutter, accumulator, target material and beam slit have been completed. Four laboratories has been established in Dongguan University for developing, testing and trial assembly of systems Some of equipment have been started processing Detector slit Helium Vessel Cryogenic system Remote Handling

18 Manpower for T&E Total :107.6 (FTE) 80.6 (EPC) + 9 (Accelerator Center) + 3.5 (Multidisciplinary Research Center) + 3.5 (Computing Center) + 9 (Institute of Physics ) + 2 (Temporary employment) Dongguan resident: 66 Personnel plan: construction : 150 operation & research : 120+50

19 Challenges from CSNS quality control in the processing the staff should monitor all process in the processing sites young people grow up faster Give more chances to the young people to work in the key positions Need more talents Attract more talents from abroad Find more funding to build more instruments People transfer to Dongguan All leaderships and administration people must strengthen the responsibility, construct an integrated administration system, listen to the people, work hard to serve the people

20 Leading Scientists BESIII: SHEN Xiaoyan Daya Bay & JUNO : CAO Jun CSNS: CHEN Yuanbo CEPC: LOU Xinchou Detector: LU Junguang, OUYAN Qun, HENG Yuekun Electronics: JIANG Xiaoshan, WANG Zheng DAQ: ZHU Kejun Trigger: LIU Zhen-An Magnet: ZHU Zi-an Mechanics: WANG Linshu Technical support: LI Xiaonan Software: LI Weidong

21 Refereed Articles Publications 20082009201020112012 Refereed Articles6055698583 Books16411 Invited Talks at Conferences 3853415538 Seminars & Colloquia2628 3643 National/International Awards 239159 Grant proposals submitted as PI 2331294358 Grant proposals submitted as CO-PI 41667989108 Scientific Output & Awards “Observation of the psi(3770) non-DDbar decay and study of the D physics near DDbar threshold at BESII” won the second- grade of the National Science Award of China (2010)

22 Management EPC management structure Executive Committee System Construction We are the family

23 Safety Committee Computer Committee Students management Committee Students management Committee Financial supervision Committee Financial supervision Committee Academic Committee Executive Committee CHEN yuanbo ZHU Kejun SHEN Xiaoyan CAO Jun LOU Xinchou WANG Zheng, YUANChangzheng LI Weidong Office: 6 secretaries led by JIA Yinghua Executive Committee CHEN yuanbo ZHU Kejun SHEN Xiaoyan CAO Jun LOU Xinchou WANG Zheng, YUANChangzheng LI Weidong Office: 6 secretaries led by JIA Yinghua Management Structure Technology transformation Committee Physics Software Detector I Detector II Detector III Electronics Technical support Machinery Data acquisition Trigger Neutrino CSNS Magnet Physics Software Detector I Detector II Detector III Electronics Technical support Machinery Data acquisition Trigger Neutrino CSNS Magnet Research groups

24 Matrix Management EPC implemented a matrix management model, a person may undertake multiple projects. To strengthen the horizontal linkage and to make full use of professional equipment and personnel; To raise efficiency and has more mobility; To promote staffs to help each other, inspire each other and complement each other.

25 Executive Committee Principle: A. Decision-making B.the research groups and committees are responsible for the Executive Committee Main Content:  To discuss the future development planning, subject arrangement, organization of research groups, talent introduction, international cooperation, etc.  To review of scientific research reports, organize the annual examine, approve awards applications, etc.  To supervise the administration system  To execute the decisions and other tasks of IHEP

26 System Construction Main System:  Achievement assessment system  Student management system  Project quality and standardized management  Safety management  Administrative management Published more then 50 rules and regulations in past 5 years: Technology Achievements Transformation, Student management rules, Network, Purchasing, International cooperation, State-owned property management,etc.

27 We are the family Have won many champions at sports and art performances in IHEP Have more chances to get further training for staffs Have mutual friendship Established a fund to help poor students from a remote mountain area in Sichuan Province


29 Challenges & Solutions Top scientists: For CEPC & ILC projects, especially young leading talents. — Attract young talents worldwide—10 and more. Key technology: semiconductor detector & readout electronics; data high-speed transmission & storage. — Introduce top talents & join cooperation—10 and more. Matrix Management: sometimes is not easy to distinguish responsibility — Strengthen the communication with leaderships and the planning.

30 Summary EPC – is critical to IHEP’s missions represents the core of China HEP workforce and capabilities provides critical scientific & technical leadership and support to China flagship projects, participate in major international collaborations has in place sound organization and development plan identified challenges & solutions

31 Thanks

32 松山湖首期 33 亩生活区,住宅总建筑面积约 40000 平米。总投 资 1.5 亿元。截至 2012 年 3 月份 10 栋单体建筑全部封顶。 松山湖首期 33 亩生活区,住宅总建筑面积约 40000 平米。总投 资 1.5 亿元。截至 2012 年 3 月份 10 栋单体建筑全部封顶。 工程进展 —— 住宅楼建设(一期)

33 二期住宅建筑规模为 33000 平米,共三栋,总投资 1.254 亿元。 二期住宅建筑规模为 33000 平米,共三栋,总投资 1.254 亿元。 工程进展 —— 住宅楼建设(二期)



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