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Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Water Quality Area of Expertise Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Water Quality Area of Expertise Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Water Quality Area of Expertise Team

2 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Farmers should be familiar with the following water quality terms:  Dissolved Oxygen  Phosphorus  Coliform bacteria  Turbidity  pH  Macroinvertebrates

3 Water Quality Standards are Administered by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality A copy of the Standards are available at the DEQ’s web site, Click on: Environmental laws and rules Then: Rules - Part 31,41 & 43 of Act 451 of 1994 Under water click on: Part 4 Water Quality Standards

4 Any questions?

5 R323.1000 Designated Uses R323.1050 Physical Characteristics R323.1053 Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) R323.1060 Plant Nutrients R323.1062 Microorganisms (E.coli) R323.1064 Dissolved Oxygen

6 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Dissolved oxygen in surface waters Dissolved oxygen (DO):  The oxygen content of water at a given depth, location and time  Important for fish and other aquatic organisms  Some species can tolerate lower concentrations than others DO is measured in mg/l or ppm  Spatial, temporal, and seasonal variations  Cold water holds more oxygen than warm water

7 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Phosphorus in surface waters Phosphorus loading may:  cause algal blooms  increase rooted plant growth  increase fluctuations in dissolved oxygen  reduce biodiversity Phosphorus is measured in ug/l or ppb in water.  Commonly the limiting factor for plant growth in aquatic systems.

8 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Coliform bacteria in surface waters Coliform bacteria:  Found in feces of warm-blooded animals  E.coli in water may indicate presence of more harmful human and animal health pathogens  Can compromise recreational activities  Measured in colonies per 100 ml

9 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Turbidity in surface waters Effects on Streams  Increase in temperature  Decrease in oxygen  Sediments carry nutrients Effects on Plants  reduces water clarity, causing decreased light penetration and photosynthesis  Measured in JTU’s or NTU’s

10 - Cola Silage leachate

11 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm What are macroinvertebrates? Macroinvertebrates:  Include insect larvae, snails, clams, worms, crayfish and other aquatic life forms that lack a backbone (invertebrates)  Macro means they can usually be observed without a microscope

12 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Why macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators?  Important link in the food chain  Relatively sedentary  Great diversity of types  Short life cycles  Easy and inexpensive to collect and identify  Range of tolerance for pollutants Macroinvertebrates are good long-term indicators of changes in stream health and water quality!  Important link in the food chain  Relatively sedentary  Great diversity of types  Short life cycles  Easy and inexpensive to collect and identify  Range of tolerance for pollutants Macroinvertebrates are good long-term indicators of changes in stream health and water quality!

13 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Bioassessment using stream macroinvertebrates is relatively easy and fun!

14 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm To reduce phosphorus, sediment, and E. coli loading AND improve macroinvertebrate populations in your farm’s waterways… Take a whole-farm approach Take a whole-farm approach  Soil erosion control (BMPs)  Nutrient management  Silage leachate management  Control animal access  Proper disposal of livestock mortalities  Milking center wastewater collection and treatment

15 Surface Water Quality Indicators Around the Farm Any questions?

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