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Using mobile in Museums Jo Van Hove Shelley Manion Digital Learning Programmes Manager at the British Museum.

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Presentation on theme: "Using mobile in Museums Jo Van Hove Shelley Manion Digital Learning Programmes Manager at the British Museum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using mobile in Museums Jo Van Hove Founder @ Shelley Manion Digital Learning Programmes Manager at the British Museum

2 Program Going mobile  to go mobile or not  different devices  advantages/disadvantages  costs involved

3 Why on earth go mobile ? Many reasons NOT to go mobile  my visitors are too old or not interested  we don’t have time  we don’t have the staff  we don’t understand anything  we don’t have money

4 Why on earth go mobile ? Many reasons to go mobile  visitor engagement  urge to tell more  your image  attract younger visitors and more families  enhance the visitor experience  introduce a game element  earn money

5 Why on earth go mobile ? “If you want to make something new work, add a game to it.” Steve Jobs

6 Why on earth go mobile ? “If you want to make something new work, add a collection to it.” Jo Van Hove

7 Why on earth go mobile ? Going mobile is a ‘game’ element of your ‘communication mix’  website  folders  advertising  social networks  games / apps  digital cartels  serious games

8 What is ‘mobile’ ? different kinds of services  audio guides  visio guides  eshkar  QR codes  image recognition  serious games  3D reconstruction  augmented reality  NFC / RFID triggers  infrared triggers  wifi triggers  route guidance ...

9 What is ‘mobile’ ? “Kids and families are more interested in what it does than what it tells...” Jo Van Hove

10 What is ‘mobile’ ? different kinds of devices  custom made devices/readers  digital cameras  mp3 players  note pads  smartphones  tablets  PSP, Game boy, Nintendo DS

11 A difficult choice Keep this in mind :  mobile is a great part of your communication mix  include as many people as possible  keep it simple  keep the investment reasonable  appoint person that is responsible

12 A difficult choice Audio guides, Apps, Mobile or a combination ? ?

13 Audioguides/Visioguides Advantages  good experience  easy to use  widely spread  good suppliers  revenue model  control ‘dwell time’ Disadvantages  ‘lone’ experience  limited story  no sharing on socnets  expensive (low nr visitors)  no visitors statistics

14 Apps Advantages  offline  gaming  graphics  revenue model (max 500£/year) Disadvantages  exclusive technology  expensive  marketing  limited users (platforms)  low download penetration  technology dependent  ‘difficult’ to update  limited space on phone

15 Apps “Today’s apps are the CD-roms of the year 2000 : they will disappear...” Jo Van Hove

16 Mobile Advantages  cheap(er) to deploy  platform independent  all phones = more users  no space needed on phone  fast adoption  known from computer  profiling and visitor engagement  easier to update Disadvantages  graphics not so sexy  bandwidth  roaming (no EU roaming anymore from July 1 st, 2014 !!)

17 Mobile “Don’t forget your visitors without smartphones !!” Jo Van Hove

18 Figures ‘Unforced’ use (volontary use)  maximum (!) 3% use/downloads

19 Figures ‘Forced’ use (obligatory use, part of the experience)  upto 100% use (mostly audio, rarely apps/mobile)  example Casa Batllo (Barcelona)  example Alcatraz (San Francisco, USA) ‘Unforced’ use (volontary use)  maximum (!) 3% use/downloads

20 Costs Enhance the experience at what cost ?  APPS : 15.000 – 100.000£/platform  Mobile : 5.000 – 25.000£ for ALL smartphones  Saas* Mobile/App : ‘free’ - 350£ - 4000£/year  Audio guides : 350£/1 min or % of sales  WIFI system : 500£ upto >30.000£ ‘number of visitors x 0,03 x investment = price per user’ *SaaS = Software as a Service

21 Costs “Better to invest in a good performing WIFI system” Jo Van Hove

22 Desperate what to choose ? Mobile will only work with stimulus !  make it worth using : content is the key !  make it easy to use  enter a game or collection element  reception desk communication  website communication

23 Show case Shelley Manion Digital Learning Programmes Manager at the British Museum

24 Conclusion Mobile is the way to go !!  make mobile available for ALL  it’s a myth that you need an app  it’s not so complicated  there are mobile solutions for all budgets  you attract more families  show a younger, more active image

25 contact Jo Van Hove, founder +32 475 44 04 54 twitter : @ibeaken facebook : ibeaken


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