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COMPUTER SECURITY Ashesi University College Benson Wachira Julateh Mulbah.

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1 COMPUTER SECURITY Ashesi University College Benson Wachira Julateh Mulbah

2 What is Computer Security? Computer security can be addressed in the following ways: A. Security requirement:is defined based on your speciality as an organization or an individual this means security requirement differ from system to system. B. Security policy:has to do with specific statement of what is and not allowed in a particular system environment.

3 Literature Review What are possible vulnerabilities in computer security? Vulnerabilities is weakness in a system that can leveraged or exploited by attackers. Unaccountable vulnerabilities in computer security making it difficult have a completely secured computer system.

4 How to make computers secure ? Measures to ensure that computers are secured: Creating awareness to in order to have a security conscious society. Using automated system to combat any attacks on the system.

5 Ashesi Meal Plan System ❖ Ip ❖ Apache web server ❖ PHP version 5.6.8 ❖ Database- MySQL- ❖ Does not Accept ping ❖ Illuminate class prevents download of source files

6 Library & Lab Computers ❖ Running Windows 10 Operating System ❖ CMD protected without administrator privileged ❖ Can execute by running commands on a bash file ❖ Require administrator password to run some commands ❖ Lack of recent updates

7 WiFi & Password Policy ❖ Weak Wi-Fi Password remain the same for the past four years. ❖ Lack of password on release station Id ❖ Insecure passwords ❖ Unmanned work stations

8 Conclusion & Recommendation ❏ Error handling ❏ Hide source code ❏ Employee login and transaction code ❏ Login when checking balance ❏ Change passwords after a period of time ❏ Change WiFi password once in a semester

9 Continuation ❏ Keep OS updates ❏ Password strength policy ❏ Change passwords regularly  Unmanned work station ❏ Prevent login from multiple computers ❏ Educate Ashesi Community on computer security

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