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Richard Fuller Director of Undergraduate Medical Education WELCOME TO MEDICINE AT LEEDS!

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Fuller Director of Undergraduate Medical Education WELCOME TO MEDICINE AT LEEDS!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Fuller Director of Undergraduate Medical Education WELCOME TO MEDICINE AT LEEDS!

2 WHY MEDICINE? ‘ Medicine is the best and most rewarding career there is’ DoctorsLeaders Managers Innovators ResearchersEducators

3 Leeds School of Medicine Award Winning MBChB Programme What are we looking for? Supporting student success = UK’s best new graduates

4 World class, research intensive University situated in the north of England with extensive educational, scientific and industry partnerships within the UK and Internationally School of Medicine comprises 7 research active institutions – diverse activity across cancer medicine, translation and applied health, cardiovascular/metabolic, surgery, musculoskeletal & medical education School of Medicine FACULTY OF MEDICINE & HEALTH

5 School with a long tradition, strong reputation and profile One of the most competitive Schools in the UK with extremely high levels of student satisfaction A partnership focused approach – between students, faculty and patients = compassionate, safe patient care. MBChB – A distinctive blended learning curriculum – continued evolution of a sophisticated, integrated programme: Scholarship informed curriculum design = ensuring a great student experience and best quality medical education Engaging Enquiring Equipping

6 ENGAGING o Helping students get the most out of an outstanding education: Clinical placements – across the whole 5 years Wet anatomy Exciting clinical science programme – led by clinicians, clinical scientists and international researchers linked with core clinical work. Technology Enhanced Learning Faculty Development First 5 year patient safety course in UK medical schools

7 ENQUIRING Stimulating students to achieve their full potential Benefit from cutting edge bench and clinical research linked with teaching Encourage critical approaches to clinical and scientific practice – improving the clinical workplace! 65% Intercalation (B, M and Doctoral levels) and EXSEL@leeds (Excellence in Scholarship, enterprise and leadership) Active 5 year research strand (RESS) culminating in major 14 month extended research project across years 4 and 5

8 EQUIPPING Strong emphasis on preparing students for the transition to a fantastic career Enriching placement experience equips students for excellence in clinical practice Innovation, Development, Enterprise, Leadership & Safety (IDEALS) strand across all 5 years, helping to prepare students for the many, and varied roles of a doctor in the NHS, University, or other career tracks Strong emphasis on performance and practice in later clinical years to ensure early success in Postgraduate training and beyond

9 As this is my first time living away from home, inevitably I have matured, learnt more about myself as an individual and become a lot more independent. (IDEALS) has enabled me to learn some important techniques to help me deal with some of the new situations I have faced and most importantly, encourage me to reflect on situations and adapt accordingly, as well as developing and enhancing vital characteristics that I wouldn't have previously considered i.e. Emotional intelligence, resilience and generally coping. One of the key things from IDEALS that I will remember is the IPL day and patient safety...that we will all make mistakes and that is ok as long as we limit them so no major damage is caused, recognize and learn from our mistakes and pass this knowledge onto others…….., It also helped to build a bridge and more respect between the different health care professions from the onset which is key for when we all will be working together on placement. Overall, I have really enjoyed IDEALS, and looking back I feel very lucky to be part of both a course and institution that provides these sessions. As well as on a professional level it really helps you to develop on a personal level, and that is something that I have definitely benefitted from and am thankful for.

10 What are we looking for? Overall: Intelligent and academically orientated Insightful Thoughtful Caring Balanced Resilient and Responsible The potential to excel!

11 THE CURRICULUM Core Core Curriculum Common Assessment Framework Technology to assist and enhance learning Vertical Strands/Themes RESS – Research, Evaluation & Special Studies (advancing our already successful SSC work) Campus to Clinic - linking consultation, skills, professionalism and safety IDEALS – Innovation, Development, Enterprise, Professionalism, Leadership. Safety RRAPID – Acute Care Medicines Management Curricular components (Integrated Core Units) Strong focus on moving from ‘learner’ to professional, heading towards the transition to work in the Foundation Programme


13 WE KNOW THAT TRANSITION ISN’T ALWAYS EASY… World class innovation to support our students: Assessment – focusing on achievement and ability Mobile technology Personalised Learning Transitions across practice and workplace learning End Product – best new doctors (and still rounded and resilient!)

14 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING (TEL) Innovative approach to enhancing medical education and clinical practice using mobile technology ‘Learning to learn differently’ Integrated throughout the programme, developed in partnership with students –Smartphone delivered workplace assessment and feedback –Extensive range of apps to support clinical practice activity –Directly linked to spiral course strands –Allow students to meaningfully engage with the course wherever they are Active research strand – focusing on learning, assessment and student engagement

15 MEDICINES AND SAFETY 5 year curriculum – with strong emphasis on safe medicines management Early introduction of medicines (as well as pharmacology) and strong focus on decision making & prescribing Shared drug formulary across the whole course – preparing for prescribing Safety as a culture – embedded throughout the course – with First 5 year patient safety course in UK medical schools

16 SUPPORTING TRANSITIONS Critical care, simulation, decision making –RRAPID –Recognising & Responding to Acute Patient Illness and Deterioration –Spiral course that combines critical illness science, patient assessment, decision making and practical procedures Senior student clerkships –‘Super assistants’ – senior students work at intern level with additional responsibilities –Research-designed with a focus on improving student clinical placements and student activity.

17 CRITICAL CARE - RRAPID Nominated for Times Higher Outstanding Initiative of the Year Learning about managing critically ill patients from day 1 Critical illness ‘science’ Skills – examination and assessment Monitoring Safety & Prescribing Decision Making Spirals science alongside practice Runs throughout 5 year course  R ecognising  R esponding  A cute  P atient  I llness  D eterioration

18 I just wanted to write a quick email to you to say thank you for the University of Leeds MBChB course. In particular the emphasis in the fourth and fifth year on how to manage the acutely ill patient. On Friday (my third day of working in my job) I had the nightmare situation every new FY1 dreads; an acutely ill patient deteriorating towards peri-arrest and no senior available to help. The experience has made me realise how valuable all that ABCDE teaching was - I admit at the time it sometimes felt like the point was being slightly over-exhausted. However as a result of it, whilst it was still very scary, I knew how to handle the situation and management came second nature. Thankfully my patient improved and when a senior did arrive they were much more stable. Without that teaching it could have been a very different story and I am so thankful I had that foundation to fall on. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into guiding us through to, and preparing us for the life of a junior doctor.

19 ASSESSMENT Our ethos: A)Assessment is authentic – it links to common, clinical work – not minutiae or just ‘knowledge’ B) Assessment is about achievement – students don’t just pass – they leave Leeds as some of the UK’s best new doctors C) Assessment is about timely and effective feedback and feed- forward from supervisors – allowing students to learn more effectively D) Carefully designed framework that balances ‘assessment for learning’ and ‘assessment for progression’ – what we assess, why, how and when – that is transparent to everyone = Less assessment & better assessment

20 ASSESSMENT Knowledge –Written tests – SBA –Projects and presentations –Case studies Clinical Skills –Performance tests – workplace assessments and OSCEs Behaviours and attitudes –Professional development portfolio – focused around safe clinical practice –Professionalism and conduct –Peer and team assessment International ASPIRE award for assessment 2014 – first medical school in UK & EU

21 FEEDBACK An area where students and supervisors work together: MyPAL@Leeds Personalised Adaptive Learning Feedback Guidance Resources

22 SUPPORT Commitment to ensuring all students have full opportunity to achieve – supporting those in difficulty & identifying & nurturing high achievers Joint pastoral & academic support offered via tutor groups in campus activities and in clinical placements Specialist focus – careers and employability Excellent feedback & Continued rise in student/junior doctor led initiatives – e.g. mentoring

23 WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS THINK? Year 1 – ‘I'm so glad I came to Leeds, seeing patients from year 1 is great- I have friends at other med schools and Leeds course is much better '. Year 2 – ‘ I found RESS difficult in first year but now I am finishing Year 2 it’s all falling into place and I can appreciate why developing good research skills is important ' Year 5 - 'I have really enjoyed my 5 years at Leeds- I know that you can never really be prepared to become a Junior doctor but I feel Leeds has got me as ready as I could be and I'm really excited about taking up my first post '

24 NEW GRADUATE 'I have two degrees at Leeds University and have loved every minute. Both degrees were intellectually stimulating and have increased my life skills exponentially. The whole feel of Leeds University is one of a friendly and fun nature, with likeminded students working together and forming friendships for life. Studying Medicine has been particularly fun and challenging. The course is superbly run by some very enthusiastic members of staff. They have attempted to listen to students at every opportunity and subsequently made changes to improve our experience. I can only thank Leeds University for all that they have given me'

25 JOINING A LIFELONG COMMUNITY The Leeds Professionalism Ceremony Students, Patients, NHS and University staff and Leeds alumni A celebration of our 3 rd year students’ achievements A reaffirmation of our students’ commitment and professionalism

26 THE LAST WORD FROM OUR STUDENTS….. ‘Coming to Leeds was the best choice I ever made’ (Graduation Ball President)

27 FINALLY We look forward to seeing you at graduation in a few years time! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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