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Into the New Century Global Politics and Economy.

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1 Into the New Century Global Politics and Economy

2 Competing in Global Economy U.S. now serves 2 roles – Promoter of global trade – Example for newly industrializing nations to emulate U.S. still looking for ways to stay ahead in global economy, and remain economic powerhouse

3 Free Trade America plays major role in globalization Free trade was hotly debated policy in U.S. govt. – Republicans Support interests of big business Support free trade agreements – Democrats Sympathetic to labor interests Opposed legislation that would cost workers’ jobs Goal: lower cost that free trade creates w/out losing American jobs to other countries

4 Free Trade Contd. Clinton challenged traditional Dem thinking – Supported free trade blocs – Increase prosperity of certain regions, while protecting economies Europe was example of free trade bloc – 1993: European Union (EU) – Coordinate monetary & economic policies – Adapted single currency (euro) Demonstrated economic efficiency – EU encouraged trade, challenged U.S. economic leadership U.S. free trade proponents believed U.S. could benefit from similar system

5 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement – Direct response to EU – Originally proposed during Bush administration Called for gradual removal of trade restriction Agreement blocked by Congress – Supporters arguments Promote economic growth Reduce prices Increase exports Encourage investments – Opponent arguments Manufacturers to relocate to MX Many American jobs lost Pollution would increase

6 NAFTA Contd. Clinton embraced NAFTA when he was elected – Pushed NAFTA through Congress – 1994: NAFTA went into effect – 3 member countries have since signed additional agreements Environmental protection Safety standards Workers’ rights

7 Global Trade Clinton signed 270 free trade agreements – 1994: General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) Reduce tariffs & promote free trade – 1995: World Trade Organization (WTO) Replaced GATT Expanded authority to negotiate trade agreements, settle disputes, & enforce compliance – Continued support of World Bank

8 Global Trade Contd. Critic’s Views of WTO & World Bank – Favor business interests over environment & workers’ rights 1999: WTO meeting in Seattle – Protesters filled streets – Disrupted proceedings of meeting Most Americansagree that Globalization had positive effects – Exposure to new ideas – Technology – Communications Nations involved in free trade become more democratic Normalizing trade- free trade with countries rather than imposing sanctions based on disagreements- can strengthen economic ties

9 America on Global Stage Fight with communism is over U.S. needed to develop role for post-Cold War Americans seemed willing to help abroad – Fearful of military intervention abroad – Fearful of a second Vietnam War Various regional conflicts meant Clinton found it necessary to intervene – Different involvement yielded mixed success

10 Somalia 1980s- Civil war in Somalia 1991- Govt. disintegrated, fighting caused widespread famine 1992- U.S. & UN troops sent to bring peace (coalition) 1994- Coalition falls apart – Several countries suffer casualties – Those countries withdraw troops UN eventually withdrew troops War dragged on for years, devastating country

11 Haiti 1990- Jean-Bertrand Aristide elected President in 1 st free election Military coup overthrew Aristide less than 1 year later – Plunged Haiti into turmoil – Thousands left to US as political refugees – Many sent back by US officials – 1994: Clinton sent troops to Haiti to restore Aristide to power U.S. involvement helped a little – Within decade, economy plummeting – Disease & crime increasing

12 Fighting in Easter Europe Collapse of communism caused break up of Yugoslavia – Communist leader, Tito, contained ethnic & religious differences – 1980- Tito died – 1989- Communism collapsed – Yugoslavia left with no unifying force – 4/6 countries formed their own states – Suppressed religious & ethnic differences boiled to surface

13 Bosnia Bosnia enters civil war – Eastern Orthodox Serbs – Catholic Croats Ethnic/Religious rivals – Bosnian Muslims Serbs/Yugoslavia attached Bosnians & Croats – Forcibly removed from homes & eventually murdered Ethnic Cleansing: state-sanctioned mass-murder, violence, and rape UN intervened eventually – “Humanitarian aid” – Conflict went on for years before “world community” intervened to stop slaughter

14 Ethnic Cleansing

15 NATO Forces 1995- Clinton encouraged NATO to bomb Serbian strongholds – 1 st time NATO participated in combat – Use of force brought quick cease-fire December 1995- Dayton Accords establish federated, multinational Bosnia – Ethnic cleansing had stopped – Problems not solved 1998- Kosovo (Serb Province) – New violence – Involved ethnic cleansing – Spread to Macedonia & Albania – NATO forced Serbs out of Kosovo

16 U.S. & Middle East 1990s- fighting btwn. Palestine & Israel grew fierce Conflict caused instability in the region Clinton worked to address the issues – U.S. now becoming more of a target

17 Peace in Israel 1993- Palestinian & Israelis meet in secret in Oslo, Norway – Declaration of Principles Promised self-rule in Jericho & Gaza Strip Promised security for Israelis – Did Not address Israeli settlement of West Bank Major issue that led to chronic violence Did not placate extremists on either side Neither side had any interest in compromise – Israeli prime minster, Yitzhak Rabin signed declaration 1995- assassinated by Israeli religious fundamentalists

18 Israel Contd. 2000- Clinton invited Palestinian & Israeli prime ministers to Camp David for meeting – Palestine: Yasir Arafat – Israel: Ehud Barak – Goal: Peace agreement No agreement signed – Arafat not happy with terms – Barak ousted in Israel Ariel Sharon took over Opposed any concession to Palestinians Palestinian suicide bombings increased Crackdowns by Israeli military increased

19 Terrorism 1993- Al Qaeda exploded bomb in World Trade Center – 6 people killed – 1000+ injured Al Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden – Saudi businessman – 1980s- fought on side of Islamic fundamentalists – 1990s: formed Al Qaeda – Purpose was to end American involvement in Muslim countries – 1998- car bombs in Nairobi, Kenya, Dar es Salaam 225 killed 5,500+ injured – 2000- USS Cole attacked 17 sailors killed Attacks angered Americans; frustrated politicians

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