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You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide.

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Presentation on theme: "You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide show view, click a points box to go to that question, then click to move to the answer slide. Click the left triangle to return to this game board slide. Shakespeare BIO 10 20 30 40 50 Other Facts About Shakespeare 10 20 30 40 50ShakespeareanSonnets 10 20 30 40 50 Structure of a Shakespearean Sonnet 10 20 30 40 50 Sonnet 18 10 20 30 40 50

2 Category 1 questions follow

3 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. True or False: William Shakespeare was born in London, England. 10 Category 1

4 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. False 10 Category 1

5 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. True or False: William Shakespeare had 3 children. 20 Category 1

6 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. True 20 Category 1

7 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the name of William Shakespeare’s wife? 30 Category 1

8 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Anne Hathaway 30 Category 1

9 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. True or False: Scholars believe that William Shakespeare was born and died on April 23rd. 40 Category 1

10 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. True 40 Category 1

11 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. True or False: William Shakespeare died in 1616. 50 Category 1

12 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. True 50 Category 1

13 Category 2 questions follow

14 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. How many Plays did William Shakespeare write? 10 Category 2

15 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 37 10 Category 2

16 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. How many Sonnets did William Shakespeare write? 20

17 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 154 20 Category 2

18 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the name of the theatre William Shakespeare’s company built in 1599? 30 Category 2

19 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The Globe 30 Category 2

20 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the name of William Shakespeare’s child who died at a young age? 40 Category 2

21 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hamnet 40 Category 2

22 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Name the 3 genres of plays that William Shakespeare is known for writing. 50 Category 2

23 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 1.Comedy 2.History 3.Tragedy 50 Category 2

24 Category 3 questions follow

25 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. How many lines are there in a Shakespearean sonnet? 10 Category 3

26 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 14 10 Category 3

27 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. per line How many syllables per line are there in a sonnet using iambic pentameter? 20 Category 3

28 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 10 20 Category 3

29 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This type of Sonnet was first developed by____________? 30 Category 3

30 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey 30 Category 3

31 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the Rhyme Scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet? 40 Category 3

32 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. ABAB CDCD EFEF GG 40 Category 3

33 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Iambic pentameter follows the rhythm of ____________? 50 Category 3

34 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The human heart beat. 50 Category 3

35 Category 4 questions follow

36 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What are Quatrains? 10 Category 4

37 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Four line stanzas 10 Category 4

38 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What are the last two lines of a Shakespearean sonnet referred to as? 20 Category 4

39 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A couplet/ rhyming couplet 20 Category 4

40 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. How many quatrains are there in a Shakespearean sonnet? 30 Category 4

41 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 3 quatrains 30 Category 4

42 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Each line or a Shakespearean sonnet is written in _________? 40 Category 4

43 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. iambic pentameter 40 Category 4

44 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is an iamb? 50 Category 4

45 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. two syllables: one unstressed and one stressed 50 Category 4

46 Category 5 questions follow

47 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. In sonnet 18, Shakespeare promises his love that her beauty will never _________? 10 Category 5

48 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. fade 10 Category 5

49 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The “eye of heaven” in sonnet 18 refers to what? 20 Category 5

50 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The sun 20 Category 5

51 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is referred to by the pronoun “this” in the last line of sonnet 18? So long lives this and this gives life to thee 30 Category 5

52 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The sonnet/poem 30 Category 5

53 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What are 3 things negative characteristics described by Shakespeare about summer in this sonnet? 40 Category 5

54 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Rough winds Too hot Too short Too cloudy 40 Category 5

55 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. What is the meaning of “eternal summer” in the ninth line of sonnet 18? But thy eternal summer shall not fade 50 Category 5

56 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Youth 50 Category 5

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