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Connecting South Dakota and the Nation Access Management Training Brooke White, Access Management Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting South Dakota and the Nation Access Management Training Brooke White, Access Management Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting South Dakota and the Nation Access Management Training Brooke White, Access Management Engineer

2 Access Management Training n Background –What is Access Management? –History n Applying Access Management –Strategic planning –Functional planning –Design –Permitting n Resources

3 Access Management Is... n...the process of providing access to land development while preserving traffic flow, safety, capacity, and speed on the surrounding highway system.

4 Benefits of Access Management n Safety n Congestion mitigation n Economic development

5 FHWA Videotape

6 History n Outdated, inconsistently applied policies n Recognition of importance of operations and system management n Research project 1999 n Legislative authority 2000 n Committee, rules draft, approval n Implementation

7 Applying Access Management n Strategic planning n Functional planning n Design n Permits

8 Applying Access Management n Strategic planning –SDDOT policy –Land development ordinances –Site plan review ordinances –Comprehensive plans –SD platting law n Functional planning –Transportation plans –Current land use planning –SDDOT design manual –Local design standards –Spacing criteria

9 SDDOT Policy PP-2004-1 n Assigns access management responsibilities within department n Establishes principle of a permit for each access point n Commits SDDOT to coordination with local governments

10 Land Development Ordinances n Restrict number of driveways per lot n Locate driveways away from intersections n Connect parking lots and consolidate driveways n Provide residential access through neighborhood streets n Increase minimum lot frontage on major roads n Promote a connected street system n Promote internal access to outparcels n Special setbacks for major streets

11 Site Plan Review Ordinances n Allow consideration of access at early steps of development n Allow for smooth coordination between agencies

12 Comprehensive Plans n Set the goals, objectives and policies for access management n Establish functional classification/access relationship n Provide for a variety of street types

13 SD Platting Law n 11-3-12.1. Approval of access to street or highway prerequisite to filing plat. The owner of any parcel of land proposing to develop such land for residential or commercial purposes shall obtain written approval of the proposed access to an abutting highway or street from the appropriate highway or street authority. The approval shall be obtained prior to filing of the plat in accordance with this chapter and may not replace the need for any permits required by law.

14 Applying Access Management n Strategic planning –SDDOT policy –Land development ordinances –Site plan review ordinances –Comprehensive plans –SD platting law n Functional planning –Transportation plans –Current land use planning –SDDOT design manual –Local design standards –Spacing criteria

15 Spacing Criteria n Contained in access management administrative rules 70:09 n Found at:

16 Access Criteria F = Full Movement – all turns and through movements D = Directional Only – certain turning and through movements not provided

17 Access Classification

18 Applying Access Management n Design –Techniques –New vs. Retrofit –Retrofit examples –Guidance n Permits –Local –State

19 Technique - Signal Spacing

20 Technique - TWLTL/median n Volumes up to 24,000 vpd n At least 60 access points per mile n Spaced moderate to high volume accesses

21 Technique - Other Turn Lanes


23 Technique - Coordinate Driveways

24 Technique - Consolidating Access

25 New vs. Retrofit n New access- make approve/deny decision on new applications based on criteria n Retrofit access- make design decisions based on existing property and access rights - aspects of “retrofit” in every design

26 Retrofit situations n Try to get as close as possible to standards n Recognize existing property rights n Introduce geometric features as warranted n Look for alternate access n Evaluate costs vs benefits of changes n Incremental improvements over long term

27 Retrofit examples



30 Dealing with landowners n Consistency in process –recognition of existing rights –application of standards and best practice –recognition of special circumstances n Safety, efficiency, economy n Benign commercial impacts

31 Applying Access Management n Design –Techniques –Design vs. Retrofit –Retrofit examples –Guidance n Permits –Local –State

32 Access Permits n Application to Area Engineer n Generated as part of design projects –From final plans –Through Access Management Engineer –Into access database n Coordination with local government

33 Resources n Operations Guide n National Access Management Manual n “Green Book” n NCHRP research n National Access Management Website -

34 Summary n Access Management preserves safety and efficiency of roadway n Applied through planning, design and permitting n New vs. retrofit

35 Questions? n n n n n n n n

36 For further information, contact Brooke A. White Access Management Engineer SD Department of Transportation 5316 W. 60th St., N. Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Cell: 605.201.1013 Phone605.367.5680 Fax605.367.5685

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