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Communication in Statistics Finland Mervi Ukkonen 21 September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication in Statistics Finland Mervi Ukkonen 21 September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication in Statistics Finland Mervi Ukkonen 21 September 2015

2 Director General and Office of Director General Population and Social Statistics Economic and Environmental Statistics Business Statistics Data Collection Communication and Information Services Standards and Methods AdministrationICT Management Organisation 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

3 New in communication - Graphic identity was renewed in early 2015 –New logo and graphic instructions –Renewal of the online service –Renewal of publications - Renewed Intranet was launched in early 2015 –SharePoint as the publication system –Enables discussions - Statistics Finland’s 150th anniversary is celebrated in 2015 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

4 Statistics Finland 150 years - Competition to award the best article utilising statistics, the winner will be announced at a stakeholder event in October - Display at the Bank of Finland Museum. Image of the nation. 150 years of statistics in Finland. From 1 October 2015 to 30 April 2016 - A summarised history of statistics in the eCourse in statistics in October 2015 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

5 External communication channels and methods - Website - News and current affairs communication: statistical releases, news, news notification service, newsletter once a week, news briefings, media contacts - Social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, SlideShare, blogs, videos - Presentation material: presentation slides, brochures - Periodical (Tieto&trendit) and publications - Stakeholder co-operation, customer events and contacts, meetings and visits, trade fairs, seminars and events - National and international meetings and trainings events 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

6 Statistical data on the web: Open dataProducts and servicesNews  StatFin databases  Eurostat main tables  PAAVO - Open data by postal code area  Statistics on road traffic  Geographic information  Statistical databases  Publications  Education services  eCourse in Statistics  Thematic pages  Regional and geographic information  Register and archive services  Library of Statistics  News, newsletter  Release calendar  T&T blog (only in Finnish)  The Doctor of Statistics (Tilastotohtori) on Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn  SlideShare 21 September 2015 Metadata  Descriptions of statistics  Classifications  Concepts and definitions  Register descriptions Assignments  Data collection  Statistical service  Statistical reports  SurveyLaboratory Research services  Research use of data  Microsimulation model Mervi Ukkonen

7 Statistics Finland’s social media channels 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen ChannelLikes/ followers September 2015 Strategic objectives Twitter/Statistics Finland 2,622 Reaching and activating data users Highlighting experts and expertise Presenting topical viewpoints Facebook/Tilastotohtori2,648 Promoting knowledge and visibility of Statistics Finland Reaching and activating data users Making marketing and current affairs communication more efficient Facebook/Findicator5,197 Promoting knowledge and visibility of Statistics Finland Reaching and activating data users LinkedIn1,326 Professional networking Improving effectiveness Developing the employer image SlideShare 96/19,201 views Making data sharing easier YouTube 5/736 showingsDeveloping audiovisual communication Wikipedia Improving public image and accessibility of data T&T blogs (only in Finnish) 15 blogs/2015 around 70 in total Fast reaction to current issues and raising new viewpoints in the public debate, highlighting experts Instagram Developing visual communication

8 Experts in the public eye - Encourage experts to participate in the public debate - In seminars, at trade fairs and in other events - In blogs - In social media - Instructions have been compiled to support public debate 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

9 Media monitoring - Mainly outsourced (Merilkon Oy + Meedius Oy) - Summaries of news regarding Statistics Finland from major newspapers and some magazines, weekdays at noon - Links to news concerning Statistics Finland on the websites of media, continuously updated - Publicity analysis every six months based on monitoring of printed papers 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

10 Clarity of language - Training on statistical releases in statistical departments –Personal guidance on improving legibility of texts and graphs for compilers of statistical releases - Language planning training for the entire personnel every couple of years - Communication department offers advice when needed 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

11 - By e-mail: - With a web form Ask about statisticsAsk about statistics - By telephone +358 29 551 2220, from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm - Through our chat service - Service point at Statistics Finland’s library is open on weekdays as agreed Help and support for information search and use of statistics 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

12 - The chat channel appears automatically on the web when the customer visits certain web pages - Information professionals answer from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm - At other times, the question is forwarded to a mailbox and it is responded to on the next weekday - Around 150 questions arrive to the service every month Chat channel in web service 21 September 2015Mervi Ukkonen

13 Trust Data. Grab Statistics. Statistics Finland 150 years

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