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2803 Dundas Street West Avenue Segment Study. Presentation Outline 1.Study Area and Proposal 2.Policy Context 3.Character Area Response Statement 4.Precedent.

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Presentation on theme: "2803 Dundas Street West Avenue Segment Study. Presentation Outline 1.Study Area and Proposal 2.Policy Context 3.Character Area Response Statement 4.Precedent."— Presentation transcript:

1 2803 Dundas Street West Avenue Segment Study

2 Presentation Outline 1.Study Area and Proposal 2.Policy Context 3.Character Area Response Statement 4.Precedent Projects 5.Identification of Potential Soft Sites 6.Conclusion

3 Study Area Boundaries Avenue Segment Area Keele Street to the west and Dupont Street to the east Comprised of small format low and mid-rise main street buildings Inter-mixed with a few larger format buildings

4 Study Area Boundaries Secondary Study Area Keele Street to the west, CN Rail / GO Transit to the north, Dupont Street to the east, and Annette Street to the south Primarily comprised of single family homes with some secondary commercial, office and institutional uses

5 The Proposal Physical Context large site at the southeast corner of Dundas Street West and Indian Grove (1,729.5sm) Segment is identified as an “Avenue” in the Official Plan with a Mixed Use designation Accessible by public transit and a range of community services Appropriate site for mid-rise development

6 The Proposal Specifications 23 metre (7 storey) mixed use building 105 residential units Total GFA of 9,093 sm 40 vehicular and 79 bicycle parking spaces Parking and servicing access provided by rear lane

7 The Proposal At-Grade Condition and Setbacks Contains 663 square metres of retail uses along Dundas Street West with ground floor height of 5.0 metres 7.5 metre rear property setback allows for lane Varying side property setback of 0-2 metres creates transition to adjacent low-rise residential dwellings Townhomes and live/work units create active uses along adjacent street / lane Dundas Street West Indian Grove Lane

8 The Proposal Height Appropriate height and massing given surrounding context 5 storey building base (80%) provides continuous streetwall Mechanical features are wrapped within 7 th storey Massing and Angular Planes Generally in keeping with the intent of the Avenues and Mid- Rise Buildings Study Minor extension beyond prescribed 45 degree angular plane results in minimal impact on incremental ground level shadows

9 The Proposal Front Property Stepbacks Begin above 5 storey building base In keeping with required stepback locations for a mid- rise building Terracing diminishes visual impact at upper levels Mitigate potential shadow impacts Rear Property Stepbacks Begin above the 3 rd storey Provide appropriate transition to adjacent low-rise residential dwellings

10 Policy Context Provincial Growth Plan Segment is identified as an intensification corridor, which is an area appropriate for future growth and intensification Official Plan Segment is defined as an Avenue, which is an area appropriate for mid-rise development and intensification Area is generally designated Mixed Use Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study Segment is identified as a Character Area Zoning By-Law 438-86 Segment is generally zoned MCR, with total FSI of 2.5, including maximum 1.0 commercial and 2.0 residential

11 Character Area Response Statement Character Areas Identified the Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study Segment is located within the Junction Character Area and the Junction Triangle Character Area Performance standards outlined for these Character Areas include 19D and 19E, which proposed development generally adheres to Proposed development provides a strong precedent for future mid-rise buildings along the Avenue Segment

12 Precedent Projects Ideal Condominiums 8 storey building located on south side of College Street west of Bathurst Street Context-sensitive and well-massed In keeping with intent and recommendations of a number of performance standards outlined in the Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study Rear façade is tiered to fit within angular plane Front façade steps back after 5 th storey Façade is well articulated with similar rhythm to surrounding fabric Parking and servicing are provided by a rear lane

13 Precedent Projects Saint James Condominiums 8 storey building located on the southeast corner of King and Jarvis Streets Illustrates appropriate use of stepbacks Addresses the streetwall appropriately Front façade steps back above the 4 th storey, maintaining an angular plane Extends to all property lines Parking and servicing are provided by an interior courtyard

14 Identification of Potential Soft Sites Near Term (0-10 Years) Four properties (identified as “1” to “4” on next slide) are anticipated for near term redevelopment All are underutilized Many contain single storey commercial buildings All properties are shallow and are not appropriate for mid-rise buildings Long Term (10-20 Years) One property (identified as “5” on next slide) is anticipated for long term redevelopment Site is underutilized Contains single storey commercial building Site is deep and is appropriate for a mid-rise building

15 Identification of Potential Soft Sites


17 Conclusion Proposed development: –represents an appropriate and positive addition to the neighbourhood –Respects the principles which govern provincial policy documents –Conforms to the intent of the Official Plan pertaining to desired form of development along the Avenues –Achieves the intent of the performance standards identified in the Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study

18 Thank You

19 Development Scenario Unit Count Projected unit count of approximately 190 new residential units occupying a GFA of approximately 16,000 square metres Population Projection Estimated existing population of 630 Projected total population of approximately 1,071 Employment Projection Projection of 607 new jobs, occupying approximately 1,350 square metres of new and replacement retail and office space

20 Development Scenario Shadow Impacts Build-out of Avenue Segment will not result in negative ground level shadow impacts Design and Streetscape Implications Build-out of Avenue Segment will make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood Will bring a more appropriate scale of development to Dundas Street Will further animate the pedestrian realm Through development, opportunities will arise for streetscape enhancements

21 Active Transportation & Parking Active Transportation 4 bus routes pass through study area with stops at regular intervals Subway access from Dundas West Station and Keele Subway Station GO Transit access to Milton and Georgetown from Bloor GO Station with access to planned Air-Rail link Dedicated bicycle lanes are provided along Annette Street and along the eastern edge of the adjacent CN Rail / GO Transit corridor Parking On-street parking is provided along Dundas Street, Annette Street, surrounding local and connector streets Large surface parking lots are provided nearby with access off of Keele Street

22 Active Transportation & Parking

23 Community Facilities Study area is well serviced by community facilities including: –Schools –Child care facilities –Parks and open spaces –Community and recreation centres –Libraries –Places of worship –Social services The build-out of the Avenue Segment is expected to have minimal adverse impacts on these facilities

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