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Ionic and Covalent Bonding review and Chemical Formulas and Reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Ionic and Covalent Bonding review and Chemical Formulas and Reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ionic and Covalent Bonding review and Chemical Formulas and Reactions

2 Ice Pack example (and possibly demo) t_tw video example for back up t_tw

3 Ionic vs Covalent Video M4vXI M4vXI Use these analogies to let you understand how they work better

4 Ionic vs Covalent review H 2 O: NaCl: NaCl in water:

5 Ionic vs Covalent review (NEW DETAILS THOUGH) Some collections of DIFFERENT ELEMENT ATOMS are permanently in covalent bonded stages but all function as ONE ATOM WITH AN OVERALL CHARGE OF +/- (more often -) Polyatomic Ions (mentioned a while ago) and also in terms of diatomic elements (H 2, C 2, etc ) Next slide for how to show them

6 Polyatomic Ions Some names are based on their oxygen content Anions: Cations: Anions and cations are not only polyatomic ions Way show bonded in a compound as opposed to ions (shown above): ex calcium-corbonate, carbonate is in ()

7 Compound Names and Formulas Way name regular anion and cation combinations Transition Metal way they bond and special ways they can bond

8 Prefixed to Name Atoms in Compounds Mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca Use these to name compounds that are covalent or two non-metals. Names before were all for IONIC BONDS Other word for water:

9 Empirical Formulas Sugar’s Empirical Formula: Some compounds that have the same empirical formulas are named, such as CH 2 O or Formaldehyde, however others who do not match the same formula are named differently C 2 H 4 O 2 Empirical formula is: But it is called Acetic Acid or Vinegar

10 From Empirical Formulas Different Compounds Can Be Figured Out Notice how each of the empirical formulas can be circled and drawn and show to show the full molecule of what it represents (done by me below):

11 Organic Chemistry Study of how carbon containing substances interact and are structurally set up So must start with an in close look at the carbon atom shown below_next page/drawn:

12 Organic Chemistry Study of how carbon containing substances interact and are structurally set up So must start with an in close look at the carbon atom shown below:

13 The way carbon hooks up to other chemicals get special names Alkane: a carbon that has a single bond (or only one pair of electrons share between both atoms) linking it to another atom Does not have to be carbon can also be to hydrogen as well Octane or gas is oct=8 carbons single linked to other carbons and hydrogens:

14 As You Can See There Are Prefixes to Chains of Carbons just like the chains of non-metals in covalent bonds get named but using different prefixes Meth, Eth, Prop, But, Pent, Hex, Hept, Oct, Non, Dec : If they are all links of carbons with just one bond (alkanes) we would then finish each prefix with ane… so methane, ethane, propane, etc

15 Extra Branches Also Get Named Example 1 methyl-octane: The first attached branch has the carbon prefix and ends with yl, for example methyl, ethyl, propyl, etc… So 1 ethyl-octane: 3 butyl-octane:

16 Alkenes Naming rules and such are all the same just instead of ending ane it ends ene. This means the carbons contain double bonds to each other somewhere, usually a number before hand indicates where the double bond is (with a prefix it gets even weirder) Ethylene gas, which makes fruit ripen and also rot has a chemical structure that looks like:

17 Alcohols This means there is a hydroxide group or functional polyatomic ion OH - Where the OH appears is where you would number the OH group This OH matters a lot on top of the type of carbon chain, why??? Next slide

18 The Spot of the C and OH can blind you !! R7s R7s

19 Polymers vs Monomers Made through bonds and link up to make polymers Natural Polymers: proteins, sugars, etc. Man made: Clothing polymers

20 Natural Polymer Examples Carbohydrates made out of glucose which is sort of a polymer itself Proteins out of amino acids DNA out of repeating units too Draw empirical formula of the carbohydrate: What is the formula of the monomer and how many of the above is it:

21 Dehydration Reaction/Synthesis The way many enzymes and your body chains the monomers into polymers is based off the same principal as a dehydration reaction: This is the removal of a water molecule to chain things together: A complex of a compound that H 2 O binds to in many areas (top left spots and possible third at bottom)

22 If not done already do the diaper lab Same way fake snow is made for movie prop sets. Rules, no throwing the snow because it can give you emphysema YOUR NOSE OR EYES WILL NOT COME IN CLOSE CONTACT TO THIS STUFF OR I WILL CALL MR BROCK IMMEDIATELY IT CAN KILL YOU!!!

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