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Welcome to First Grade. In First Grade We Will… Create a safe and caring classroom environment where every student feels a sense of belonging. Make each.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade. In First Grade We Will… Create a safe and caring classroom environment where every student feels a sense of belonging. Make each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade

2 In First Grade We Will… Create a safe and caring classroom environment where every student feels a sense of belonging. Make each student feel part of a community. This is important for all to be successful. Focus on learning how to read, write, and improve our math skills.

3 Behavior Treat others the way you want to be treated! Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect personal and school property.

4 Homework **Please check your child’s Homework Folder DAILY and send it back to school.** Math, Reading, and Spelling Return the following day if possible Should take no longer than 10-15 minutes STRONGLY RECOMMEND daily reading with/to your child for 10-20 minutes

5 Plenty of Rest Early bedtimes are very important for your first grader Our days are very busy and we are learning many new things

6 Appropriate Dress Tennis shoes required for Phy. Ed. Days Snow pants, boots, hat, mittens,and a winter jacket needed for outdoor play Please mark your child’s clothing!!

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