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Overview of Student Support Services Shemsah Farooq Sophie Flieshman

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1 Overview of Student Support Services Shemsah Farooq Sophie Flieshman

2 Don’t ever be afraid to ask Whatever your question, the chances are we’ve been asked about it before, so we can help. Whatever you do, please don’t keep your worries to yourself. First place to ask = YOUR SCHOOL

3 The range of support services The Student Guidance Service The Disability Support Office The Counselling Service The Student Services Centre Careers, Students Union Advice Centre, University Language Centre

4 Provides a confidential, independent service of information and advice to any student on… … any matters relating to academic work, or anything affecting academic progress.

5 University of Manchester Counselling Service A team of professional counsellors and psychotherapists available to all students… …offering confidential help with any personal issues affecting work, self-esteem, relationships, mental health or general well- being.

6 Disability Support Office (DSO) Provides a confidential service to support disabled students (over 4000 this year)… …with issues such as specific learning difficulties, mental health difficulties, medical conditions, deaf and hard of hearing students, blind and partially sighted students, students with autism/Asperger syndrome.

7 Student Services Centre (SSC) The Student Services Centre provides a wide range of services related to… …registration, fee payment, immigration, examinations, scholarships and bursaries, official documentation, certificates and transcripts.


9 November Andy was confident that he would be able to do well at University when he started in September. Although he has worked hard, he was disappointed with the grade he received in his first written assignment in November. The feedback on Andy’s assignment mentioned that his writing lacks clarity, and his spelling and grammar are poor throughout. Andy would like to improve his performance; who should he speak to? SCENARIO 1: ANDY

10 The Disability Support Office offers dyslexia assessments. The DSO supports seen and unseen disabilities including dyslexia and dyspraxia; The Student Guidance Service offers study skills advice relating to topics such as academic writing and time management; School-based Academic Advisors offer subject- specific advice; The University Language Centre runs in-session academic writing programmes. SCENARIO 1: ANDY


12 January: Louisa has found it difficult to adapt to living away from home: she hasn’t bonded with other people in her Hall of Residence and often feels isolated. She’s very nervous about the January exam period and is worried that she won’t perform to her capabilities. Louisa is also worried about her finances; she thought she would receive a bursary from the University but she hasn’t heard anything. Where can she ask for advice? SCENARIO 2: LOUISA

13 The Counselling Service can help students to manage personal problems such as isolation, depression, and lack of confidence through individual sessions as well as regular workshops; The Student Services Centre manages scholarship and bursary payments as well as the Access to Learning Fund; The Student Guidance Service can provide information on effective revision and exam techniques. SCENARIO 2: LOUISA


15 April: Xiao is an international student from China. He has recently learned that a member of his family is very unwell. Xiao is very upset at this news and is finding it very difficult to focus on his work; he would like to return home but is unsure how this might affect his student visa and whether the University would allow him to do so. Who might be able to help Xiao with these problems? SCENARIO 3: XIAO

16 The International Advice Team provides confidential advice service to international students on any matter relating to immigration; The Counselling Service helps students deal with personal issues such as bereavement; The School-based Office gives advice and receive interruption requests; The Student Guidance Service offers independent, confidential advice and guidance on any matter affecting academic performance. SCENARIO 3: XIAO

17 More information is available from the Crucial Guide…

18 Contact Details The International Advice Team Student Services Centre, Burlington St 0161 275 5000 (Option 1) Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm crucial-guide/academic-life/immigration/ The Counselling Service 5 th Floor, Crawford House 0161 275 2864 9.00am-4.00pm, Monday–Friday. Student Guidance Service First Floor, University Place 0161 275 3033 Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm The Disability Support Office Second Floor, University Place 0161 275 7512 Student Services Centre Burlington Street. +44 (0)161 275 5000 Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm

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