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Section 4.2: Other Eyes in the Animal Kingdom (Wesley, 2001)

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1 Section 4.2: Other Eyes in the Animal Kingdom (Wesley, 2001)

2 Do Now Check your homework: Check and Reflect #2 (p. 235) Rods, the sensitive photoreceptor cells of the retina, are sensitive to light, but not colour. They will send messages to the brain in dim light while the cones (which detect color) do not. Therefore, in dim light everything appears in shades of grey.

3 I Can I can explain the similarities and differences between human and animal eyes.

4 Binocular Vision and Depth Perception

5 Dog Vision What about dogs? What is their vision like?

6 Dogs See in Colour! Two types of cones that are most sensitive to the wavelengths of light in the violet and yellow-green areas of the spectrum. Dogs’ vision is similar to people who are red-green color blind. d-month-croatian-dalmatian-dog/

7 Red/Green Colour Blindness Normal VisionRed/Green Colour Blindness

8 Most Birds See Colour Most birds see colour very well. The exceptions are night-hunting birds (e.g., owls). everything.htm

9 Video How animals see the world

10 Give it a Try (p. 236) c_eye /2010/08/artificial-bee-eye-gives-insects-view.html image-of-the-week/

11 Similarities Between Human and Animal Eyes Humans, like most vertebrates have a rounded cornea, lens, and retina, which are referred to as camera eyes. human-eye

12 Differences Between Human and Animal Eyes Fish eyes have a perfectly round lens that bulges out of the pupil, which allows them to detect danger from all directions.

13 Differences Between Human and Animal Eyes Birds tend to have sharper vision than humans, for birds have 5 different types of cone receptors instead of 3. Birds can see more colors and shades than humans can, which helps them to spot food while in the air.

14 Differences Between Human and Animal Eyes Nocturnal animals (e.g., cats) are usually awake at night. Their eyes allow them to collect as much light as possible. To capture more dim light they have:  More rods than cones.  Very large pupils.  A layer called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects the low light to the retina. cats/

15 Video Animal vision

16 Differences Between Human and Animal Eyes Octopus is an invertebrate with camera eyes, but the lens does not change shape to focus; the lens is moved toward and away from the retina.

17 Octopus Eyes

18 Compound Eyes Insects and crustaceans have compound eyes, which are made up of many individual units called ommatidium. These eyes are great for detecting movement, but not for creating a single coherent image.

19 Compound Eyes Do not see color. Do not see one image, but many small images put together.

20 The Eye Game Name the animal! Name the type of eye (camera or compound)


22 Elephant – Camera Eye


24 Grey Whale Calf- Camera Eye


26 Scallop- Compound Eyes

27 Weird Facts

28 Homework Check and Reflect #1, 2, and 3 (p. 238). Go to Mrs. Pilipchuk’s website and print the Section 4.3 handout.Mrs. Pilipchuk’s website

29 Incredible Eyes Animal Eyes

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