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1 Name: Form: Introduction & Brief Context Copy the examination board context here. Design Brief: Copy the examination board brief. Your first thoughts.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Name: Form: Introduction & Brief Context Copy the examination board context here. Design Brief: Copy the examination board brief. Your first thoughts."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Name: Form: Introduction & Brief Context Copy the examination board context here. Design Brief: Copy the examination board brief. Your first thoughts. What do you need to find out? What do you know already Brainstorm / Spider Diagram Aesthetics Function / purpose Safety Materials Customer / Target Market Conclusion 4 points that specify what you will need to research and why

2 2 Name: Form: Research 2: Target Market Analysis and Interview Target Market Analysis Which group of people are you going to aim your product at and why? Age range Gender Leisure activities Spending habitats What is their motivation for buying / using your product Include some images that show the type of people that they are. Picture of you interviewing your client (proof) Interview Speak to someone who is in your target market and explain your project. Find out: How much would they pay for a product. What would be the most important features of this type of product. Where they would use it. What design styles they prefer. Show them your moodboard and get feedback from them Conclusion State 4 things you have learnt from this page.

3 3 Name: Form: Moodboard and Target Market feedback Show the moodboard to your target market. Get them to pick out their best 2 and worst 2 and explain why. Use this feedback to write a brief conclusion about what your target market likes / dislikes. Collect at least 10 images of products similar to your brief. Try to get a range of types, styles, materials etc.

4 4 Name: Form: Site Study and Habitat Research What animal are you making your product before? What is their habitat like? How do they behave? Feed, sleep etc. What will make them feel safe? What will encourage them to use your product? Where should it go? Bushes, trees, lawn, undergrowth. Are there any materials that they should not come into contact with? What should the materials be like in order to withstand the use of the animals? Use plenty of pictures / diagrams to illustrate your sheet

5 5 Name: Form: Research 2: Shop Visit Visit a shop, eg Ikea, John Lewis, Bentalls, Muji, Heals etc. Use all the headings and prompts here to analyse the products and compare them. Need / Purpose Why do people buy this product? How does it improve our lives? Where are they used? Materials What are the basic properties that we may need from materials used in thie products here? Why? Transparent / translucent materials? Why? Materials that can be formed/shaped. Why? Durability? Why? Tougness / hardness? Why? Target Market What group of people could you design the product for? Think about whether the products you have photographed would be bought by your target market. Explain why the would or would not buy it. Aesthetics. What visual qualities will you want from the product ? Shapes / colour / texture. What do you think your target market would desire? Components Do these products use standard components? Nuts / bolts/ wood screws / KD fittings etc. Where are they used and why? Sustainability How could you consider sustainable issues in your design? reduce / recycle / reuse / repair etc. Have the designers of your products here considered these factors? Conclusion What are the 4 most important points that you have learnt from doing the analysis? Quality & Safety What would a poorly made product be like? Now flip it! How can we make this product that is safe to use?

6 6 Design Specification: This is one of the single most important pages in your folder. This is because; The spec guides all you designing from now on. The spec. is used to evaluate all your designs. (Formative evaluation) The spec. will be used to complete your final evaluation of your finished product. (Summative Evaluation) (See sheet 20) For further help writing your specification, see the Powerpoint on the department VLE Tip: Number each specification. That makes it easier to reference them on your sheets later on. Use the following headings to break down your analysis A esthetics Colour / form / shape of your lamp? Why is this. Justify. C ustomer Who is this product aimed at? Either a specific person or a user group. Age / Gender / demographic. C ost What is your budget for the manufacture of your product? How much would you sell the product for? Link directly to your shop visit research. E rgonomics How will you make your product easy for the user to interact with? Link to your research. E nvironmental Issues How will you consider the 6 Rs in your design? Reduce / recycle / reuse etc. How could you make it easy for the product to be recycled or reused in the future? S afety What safety standards / quality controls are relevant to the product? S ize What are its dimensions? Height / width / footprint. All in mm. Why does it have these dimensions? Max or min height? Why? Max or min length? Why? Max or min depth? Why? F unction What is the basic function that your product will do? Will it need to move or articulate? Does it require any specific features for the user? M aterials What properties will be needed in the materials for the product? Why? Link to your research. M anufacturing What methods of manufacturing are available for you to use? What processes are available in the school workshop? Link to your potential materials and environmental issues. Scale of production Is it a mass produced item? Link to the material and processes used. Quality issues Fit of parts? Tolerances?

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