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한마음 어린이 주일학교 Hanmaum Church Children’s Sunday School For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not.

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1 한마음 어린이 주일학교 Hanmaum Church Children’s Sunday School For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 HANMAUMCHURCH 교회 주소 : 4626 Kristen Marie Ln. Durham, NC 27713-3213 Church (919) 572-9191, Pastor (919) 913-7260 WORSHIP  Welcome ( 환영 ) & Announcement ( 광고 )  Call to Worship ( 예배의 선포 ) 와 Opening Prayer ( 시작 기도 )  Lord’s Prayer ( 주기도문 )  대표 기도와 전체 기도  Praise ( 주님께 찬양 ) All Together ( 다 함께 )  Message ( 말씀 선포 )  황미란 전도사님  Closing Prayer ( 마침기도 ) Sunday School Schedule 담임목사 : 조재언 목사님 전도사 : 황미란 전도사 (, 919-257-3073) 간사 : 김우재 선생님 (, 919-468-2863) January 26, 2014 순서시간장소 Worship ( 예배 ) 11:00 am – 11:50 am 소예배실 Lunch ( 식사 ) 12:00 pm-12:30 pm 친교실 Bible Study ( 성경공부 )12::30 pm – 1:30 pm 각 반각 반 학년, 교실이름이메일전화번호 킨더 (101 호 ) 한지은 hanjihan@gmail.com919-370-6454 킨더이홍열 919-608-5719 1 학년 (203 호 ) Joanna Chochojoann11@gmail.com919-428-0680 1 학년이요섭 dlee6365@gmail.com919-610-2849 2 학년 (204 호 ) 김미란 ajscreativemom@gmail.com919-946-0871 2 학년박미나 meenab.park@gmail.com919-200-3206 3 학년 (102 호 ) 황관기 hwangkk2007@gmail.com919-257-3103 3 학년박희은 919-428-7615 4 학년 (106 호 ) 윤정숙 kimmyyun@yahoo.com516-996-8779 5 학년 (205 호 ) 김세현 died4me@gmail.com919-710-1645 5 학년박혜원 urmysong@gmail.com410-241-7837 5 학년 (105 호 ) 유혜진 hyejinyoo717@gmail,com919-864-0366 김우재

2 Today’s Sermon MEMORY VERSE ANNOUNCEMENT 1. 하나님께서는 준비된 헌금을 기뻐 받으십니다. 교회에 오기 전에 정성스럽게 구별된 헌금을 봉투에 넣어 예배실에 마련된 헌금함에 넣어 주세요. God is pleased by offering that is prepared with care before arriving at church. Students should place offering in an envelope and put it in the offering basket when entering the sanctuary. 2. 2 월 마지막 주일에 Bible Drill 이 있습니다. 2014 년의 첫번째 Bible Drill 을 위하여 열심으로 준비하기 바랍니다. 3. 2 월 큐티책과 한달 말씀 구절이 나왔습니다. 2 월부터는 일년구독을 신청한 어린이에게는 Lifeway 사에서 발간한 큐티책이 나가며 다른 어린이들에게는 한달 동안 큐티할 말씀 구절이 나갑니다. 매일 하나님의 말씀을 묵상하고 삶으로 행하는 믿음의 한마음 초등부 어린이가 되길 소망합니다. 4. 오늘 성경 시간부터 한달 동안 성경책 순서 외우기와 성경 분류 하기를 배웁니다. 이번 Bible Drill 에도 경합 순서로 들어 갑니다. 5. 계속 기도해 주세요 -2014 년도에는 모든 어린이들이 매일 큐티를 할 수있도록, 제 2 교육관 건축이 잘 마무리 되도록, 열매 맺는 한마음 초등부를 위하여, 다민족 예배를 위하여 Inspired by God Jeremiah 36 Today’s Bible Passages: All Scriptures is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16 I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands Psalm 119:59,60 Jeremiah was a prophet. One day, God said to Jeremiah: “I want you to write on a scroll everything I have told you about Israel.” God wanted to remind the people of all the things He had done for them. He wanted them to know what they should do. He wanted them to remember to do the good things and not the bad things. “If people obey My commands, then I will forgive them,” God said. So Jeremiah called his helper Baruch. Baruch was a scribe. Baruch wrote things for people. Jeremiah remembered all the things that God had told him to tell the Israelite people. Jeremiah told Baruch what to write. Baruch wrote the words on a scroll. When Baruch had written everything that Jeremiah had told him to write, Jeremiah asked Baruch to do something important. “I want to go to the temple,” Jeremiah said. “Take the scroll and read to the people all the things that God has said to me and that I have told you. Maybe when they hear the words from God, they will change and do what God has commanded.” Baruch went to the temple. He read all the words on the scroll to the people. One of the king’s officials heard Baruch and reported to the other officials what Baruch had said. All the officials asked Baruch to come and read to them what he had red to the people. After they heard Baruch, they looked at once another and said, “We must tell the king about these words from God.” They told Baruch that he and Jeremiah must hide. Then officials went to the king. The king didn’t care about God. He told one of his helpers to bring the scroll to him. The king’s helper read the scroll aloud. The king was in a room where there was a fire. After the king’s helper read a few sentences, the king took that part of the scroll, cut it off, and threw it into the fire! Soon he had burned the whole scroll. Then God said to Jeremiah: “Write the same words on another scroll. The king will be sorry that he burned the whole scroll.” So Jeremiah and Baruch got another scroll. Jeremiah told every word to Baruch again. Then Jeremiah told Baruch new words that God spoke. Baruch wrote every word on a new scroll.

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