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Measuring for Board Development Series June, 2014 SUCCESS Digging Deeper Into Academic Performance Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring for Board Development Series June, 2014 SUCCESS Digging Deeper Into Academic Performance Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring for Board Development Series June, 2014 SUCCESS Digging Deeper Into Academic Performance Data

2 Central Michigan UniversityAcademy School Board Students ABC Academy

3 Academic Performance Report

4 3 The Board has set measureable goals for overall student achievement; however, it is not part of the administrator’s evaluation 4 The Board has not set measureable goals for student achievement nor is student achievement part of the administrator’s evaluation 2 The Board has set measureable goals for student achievement in reading and math and evaluates the administrator accordingly 1 The Board has set measureable goals for student achievement in all subject areas and evaluates the administrator accordingly Self-Assessment

5 3 The Board has set measureable goals for overall student achievement; however, it is not part of the administrator’s evaluation 4 The Board has not set measureable goals for student achievement nor is student achievement part of the administrator’s evaluation 2 The Board has set measureable goals for student achievement in reading and math and evaluates the administrator accordingly 1 The Board has set measureable goals for student achievement in all subject areas and evaluates the administrator accordingly Self-Assessment

6 What might be some reasons for setting measureable goals for student achievement and growth?



9 What Gets Measured Gets…


11 Input Equals Output

12 What Gets Measured Gets…

13 What Gets Monitored Gets…

14 Managed What Gets Monitored Gets…

15 Input Equals Output InputOutput


17 Data Use Allows the Board to: 1.See the BIG PICTURE quickly 2.Increase your impact on the school 3.Make decisions based on evidence - not guesswork

18 Data Examination Cycle Examine the Data Set Achievement Goals Communicate Achievement Goals Create Shared Accountability Allocate Resources Monitor Progress

19 Benchmarks of the Educational Goal


21 Meaningless, until the Board defines how to assess it

22 Assessing Progress ComponentDefinitionExample Measures Metrics Achievement/Growth Targets Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

23 Assessing Progress ComponentDefinitionExample MeasuresGeneral categories of academic performance Student achievement Student growth Metrics Achievement/Growth Targets Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

24 Assessing Progress ComponentDefinitionExample MeasuresGeneral categories of academic performance Student achievement Student growth MetricsMethod of quantifying a measure Average college readiness level based on scaled scores Achievement/Growth Targets Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

25 Assessing Progress ComponentDefinitionExample MeasuresGeneral categories of academic performance Student achievement Student growth MetricsMethod of quantifying a measure Average college readiness level based on scaled scores Achievement/Growth Targets Thresholds that signify success in meeting the standard for a specific measure On average achieve scaled score equal to or greater than grade level achievement targets Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

26 Assessing Progress ComponentDefinitionExample MeasuresGeneral categories of academic performance Student achievement Student growth MetricsMethod of quantifying a measure Average college readiness level based on scaled scores Achievement/Growth Targets Thresholds that signify success in meeting the standard for a specific measure On average achieve scaled score equal to or greater than grade level achievement targets Academy GoalsBenchmarks established by the Board to define progress toward meeting the Educational Goal of the Charter Contract ? Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

27 Reflection How well have we done at establishing clear, measureable goals for the administration and/or management company?

28 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal State and Federal Accountability Is the Academy meeting acceptable standards according to the state grading/ranking system? (APR p.19) ? Is the Academy meeting state designation expectations set forth by state and federal accountability systems? Reward/Focus/Priority (APR p.19) ? Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

29 Assessing Progress

30 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal State and Federal Accountability Is the Academy meeting acceptable standards according to the state grading/ranking system? (APR p.19) ? Goal could be listed as color designation on Accountability Scorecard Is the Academy meeting state designation expectations set forth by state and federal accountability systems? Reward/Focus/Priority (APR p.19) ? Goal could be listed as a designation of (Reward/Focus/Priority) Adapted from Core Academic Performance Framework

31 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal Student ProficiencyIs the Academy maintaining and /or increasing the number of students that are deemed Advanced and/or Proficient on the MEAP and/or MME? (APR p. 7) ? Is the Academy outperforming the Composite Resident District (CRD) on the MEAP and/or MME? (APR p. 20) ?

32 Assessing Progress ABC Academy

33 ComponentQuestionGoal Student ProficiencyIs the Academy maintaining and /or increasing the number of students that are deemed Advanced and/or Proficient on the MEAP and/or MME? (APR p. 7) ? Goal could be listed as a percentage of students meeting Advanced/Proficient on the MEAP and/or MME or a change in designation. Is the Academy outperforming the Composite Resident District (CRD) on the MEAP and/or MME? (APR p. 20) ? Goal could be listed as percentage by which the Academy is outperforming the CRD

34 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal Student AchievementIs the percentage consistently increasing to demonstrate that students enrolled for three or more years on average are achieving scaled scores equal to or greater than the grade level achievement targets for reading and math? (APR p. 11) ? Student AchievementDoes students’ performance on the ACT reflect college readiness? (APR p. 13) ?

35 Examine the Data ABC Academy


37 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal Student AchievementAre scaled scores of students enrolled for three or more years equal to or greater than the grade level achievement targets for reading identified in the Charter Contract? (APR p. 11 & 13) ? Student AchievementAre scaled scores of students enrolled from three or more years equal to or greater than the grade level achievement targets for math identified in the Charter Contract? (APR p. 11 & 13) ?

38 Examine the Data ABC Academy


40 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal Student AchievementAre scaled scores of students enrolled for three or more years equal to or greater than the grade level achievement targets for reading identified in the Charter Contract? ? Goal could be listed as the change in the percentage of students whose scaled scores met the target Student AchievementAre scaled scores of students enrolled from three or more years equal to or greater than the grade level achievement targets for math identified in the Charter Contract? ? Goal could be listed as the change in the percentage of students whose scaled scores met the target

41 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal Student GrowthAre students meeting/ exceeding typical annual growth in reading as compared to the normative group? ? Student GrowthAre students meeting/ exceeding typical annual growth in math as compared to the normative group? ? Student GrowthIs the Academy increasing subgroup academic performance over time? ?

42 Academic Performance Report


44 Assessing Progress ABC Academy ComponentQuestionGoal Student GrowthAre students meeting/ exceeding expected annual growth in reading as compared to the normative group? ? Goal could be listed as percentage of students meeting /exceeding expected annual growth Student GrowthAre students meeting/ exceeding expected annual growth in math as compared to the normative group? ? Goal could be listed as percentage of students meeting /exceeding expected annual growth Student GrowthIs the Academy increasing subgroup academic performance over time?

45 Measuring for Success Govern Manage Board ESP Superintendent Administrator

46 Measuring for Success Govern Manage Board ESP Superintendent Administrator

47 Gap of Understanding

48  Set Clear Expectations  Give Specific Feedback  Work Collaboratively Gap of Understanding

49 Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Buddha

50 Reflection Of all the areas reviewed tonight which seems most powerful to you?

51 Measuring for Board Development Series June, 2014 SUCCESS

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