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RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION PROGRAM Stockton City Council December 14, 2004.

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1 RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION PROGRAM Stockton City Council December 14, 2004

2 Purpose To improve the conditions of the City’s rental housing stock To provide a safe and decent place to live and enhance the quality of life for residents To ensure all rental housing meets maintenance standards

3 Background California City Survey in 2001 Pasadena Quadrennial Inspection Program Tour Council Legislation/Environmental Committee City of Concord’s Multifamily Inspection Program Council Study Session

4 Case Study: CONCORD Case Study: CONCORD (2000 Census) Population: 121,780 45,083 housing units 16,478 rental units (37%) 10,680 units are inspected annually as part of the Multi-Family Inspection Program (65%) Properties must be in compliance with:  Municipal Code, California Model Building Code and Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings  Additional standards specified for exterior and site maintenance

5 Case Study: CONCORD Self-Certification Program  Property must pass first inspection & submit the following: Application, Application fee, Self-Certification Affidavit, Completed Self-Certification checklist for the property  City inspects 20% of the property’s units for compliance  City approves or denies application Appeals & Fees  Notice of Violation and Denial of Self-Certification can be appealed  Fees established for: Annual inspection, reinspection, Self-Certification application

6 Case Study: STOCKTON Case Study: STOCKTON (2000 Census) Population: 243,771 80,801 Housing units 41,436 Rental units (51%) Above: peeled paint and mold growing in shower area.

7 Case Study: STOCKTON Left: Kitchen; TV on top of stove, flammables stacked against hot water heater Below: bathroom wall covering gone, mold growing

8 Estimated Housing Units to be Inspected Total Units in Stockton Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Units per Bldg # of Units % of own occ Total # of Units % of renter Total Single Family51,00836,72693%14,28234%1 Duplex5,7017412%4,96012%2 Triplex2,9751790.005%2,7977%3 Multi Family19,6075882%19,01946% 13.23 avg Condo1,5101,1333%3781%2 TOTAL80,80139,366100%41,436100% Exhibit A *numbers were rounded to the nearest whole unit.

9 Proposed Ordinance Summary Each rental unit is inspected every four years A Notice of Violation will be mailed to Property Owner within 10 days Properties not in compliance after reinspection will be processed with normal Code Enforcement remedies

10 Self-Certification Program Property Owner must submit the following:  Application, Application Fee, Completed Self- Certification checklist for all units, Affidavit stating all units are in compliance Program Audit by City  20% of the buildings in the program will be inspected annually (no charge) to ensure Self-Certification Program effectiveness Option A - may apply for the second cycle if the building passes the first inspection cycle; or Option B - may immediately apply

11 Self-Certification Program Option A During second inspection cycle, City will conduct inspection of 20% of the building’s total units Property Owner will be billed for one year of assessment fee (¼ of total) Property owners submit completed application with fee City will approve or deny application based on inspection If denied, property subject to 100% inspection, remainder of the assessment and penalty

12 Self-Certification Program Option B During first inspection cycle, City will inspect the building’s total units Property Owner will be billed for one year assessment fee (1/4 of total) Property owners submit completed application with fee City will approve or deny application based on inspection If denied, property subject to 100% inspection, remainder of the assessment and penalty

13 Exemptions and Exclusions Exemptions:  Newly constructed rentals are exempt from Rental Property Inspection Program for 5 years from Certificate of Occupancy  Federally funded or subsidized rental units are exempt Exclusions:  Properties with existing violations at time of application are excluded from Self-Certification Program  If violations are found during the 3-year exemption period, property is excluded from participating in the Self-Certification Program

14 Estimated Time for Inspection # of units Code Enf Officer (hours) Clerical Support (hours) TOTAL HOURS 11.12.751.87 21.32.752.07 31.43.752.18 Condo1.15.751.85 Multi family unit 3.31 (average).754.06 Exhibit B

15 Reinspections & Appeals 60% of inspections are estimated to require reinspections during the first cycle 10% of those are estimated to appeal

16 Estimated Staff Needed Exhibit C InspectorsClerical 25,580Total hours14,492 15,348Reinspection hours8,695 1,739Hearing hours1,739 42,667Total Hours24,926 /4Divided by 4 years/4 10,667Hours per year6,232 /1,888Divided by productive hours/1,888 6TOTAL STAFF NEED (Rounded)3 Classifications: 1 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1 Administrative Analyst I 5 Code Enforcement Officers2 Office Assistant II

17 Cost for Rental Inspection Program Salary & Benefits: $ 771,851 Overhead: $ 694,668 Office Equipment: $ 76,554 Annual staff cost of program: $1,543,073 4-year staff cost of program: $ 6,407,624* Less reinspection revenue: - 642,916* Less hearing revenue: - 65,466* Plus hearing officer pay: + 24,068 ASSESSMENT NEED$ 5,723,310 * Includes 2.5% annual COLA Exhibit D

18 Fee Schedule Comparison Option AOption B % units inspected100% 4-year Inspection Fee$175+ $100/unit Reinspection Fee$54.40/unit Appeal Fee$54.40 Self Certification Year Eligible51 % Units inspected20%100% Application fee 1-3 units$115 4+ units$190 Fee if Denied$175 + $100/unit Penalty for denial or violation while exempt $175 + $100/unit Appeal Fee$54.40 Exhibit E

19 Fee Examples 3 unitsFour-Year CostPer Unit Per Month Inspection Program$375.00$2.60 Self Certification Program$208.75$1.45 50 units Inspection Program$5,075.00$2.11 Self-Certification Program$1,458.75$0.61 100 units Inspection Program$10,075.00$2.10 Self-Certification Program$2,708.75$0.56 500 units Inspection Program$50,075.00$2.09 Self-Certification Program$12,708.75$0.53

20 Next Steps Administrative Analyst is hired to develop program Fees will be adopted in May with 2005/06 City Fee Schedule Self-Certification applications and program information is distributed to property owners (Option B Self-Certification Prgm) New staff is hired and trained (approx. 6-8 months) Inspections begin January 2006

21 Rental Property Inspection Program Questions?

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