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NYS ILS PRACTICE Classification, Microscope Use, Ball and Ramp, and Wooden Block.

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1 NYS ILS PRACTICE Classification, Microscope Use, Ball and Ramp, and Wooden Block

2 CLASSIFICATION You must look at two (or more) items and MAKE A YES/NO QUESTION that you can separate (classify) them with. In your notebook, write 2 YES/NO questions that could separate these animals into at least 2 groups.

3 More classification examples *Note – make sure that the question you make is based only on the characteristics that YOU CAN SEE!!!

4 Examples of good “yes/no” questions Does it have wings? Does it have four legs? Does it have three body sections? Does it have legs (make sure you have a question mark at the end!) Does it have tusks? Does it have eyes?

5 Examples of bad “yes/no” questions Does it think? Does it have antlers? (when you mean to write antennae) Does it play nice with other insects? What is its favorite color? *IT HAS TO BE A YES/NO QUESTION BASED ON OBSERVABLE CHARACTERISTICS

6 1)What are the steps to focusing the microscope to see a specimen clearly under LOW power? 2)What happens to the density of a block if you cut it in half? Answer the question below in your notebook

7 MICROSCOPES Make sure you use the correct objective lens (read the instructions!!!) Make sure that you can FOCUS the lens so that you can make some observations of your specimen. Remember, one “box” on the grid is equal to one millimeter. 1 box = 1 mm.

8 Examining a specimen 1 box = 1 mm

9 Measuring specimen practice This dragonfly is about 6.25 millimeters

10 Measuring specimen practice This caterpillar is about 8 millimeters

11 Measuring specimen practice This beetle is about 3 millimeters

12 Ball and Ramp As you release the ball from a higher point on the ramp, the ball will travel _____________ (more or less) distance. If you use a heavier ball, the ball will travel ______________ (farther, not as far) What is the scientific explanation for this??? (what force/motion vocabulary will you use?)

13 How far will the ball go when you release it at different points on the ramp??? Complete discussion questions and write your conclusion *pay extra attention to question #5 Will be collected!!!

14 BALL AND RAMP How far will the ball go when you release it at different points on the ramp???

15 Ball and Ramp Which of the following words below will best explain any changes in the distance traveled by the ball? MomentumSpeedAcceleration Height of ReleaseGravityFriction RollingFasterSlowerHeavier LighterMassForce

16 Vocabulary potential energy is the energy that an object has due to its position kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion Momentum the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. (Momentum= M x V) Velocity the speed of something in a given direction Acceleration increase in the rate or speed of something.

17 If a ball is higher up on a ramp then it will have (more/less/the same) gravitational potential energy and therefore move a cup (more/less/the same distance). Explain why you think your hypothesis is true. If you use a lighter ball, the ball will travel (farther/ not as far)

18 Take out your planner and copy the important dates and events for the Science State Exam May 26 st – State Science Exam HANDS-ON lab practical June 6 st - State Science Exam Written Portion 2 parts : 1) 45 multiple choice questions 2) 35 short answer/analysis questions

19 Use your notes, textbooks, and people in your group to fill in the blanks on the following statements. Write the ENTIRE statement in your notebook Mass: the amount of _____________ in an object. Mass is measured in the unit ___________. Example: Car = (high or low) ______mass Paperclip= (high or low) _______ mass Volume: The amount of __________something takes up. Volume is measured in the unit __________. Example: School= (high or low) _______volume Paperclip= (high or low) ______ volume

20 Density measures how close together the pieces of matter in an object are packed. Density is the relationship between an objects mass and volume. Example: Cotton balls = (high/low) _________ density Steel nails = (high/low) ________ density D = M V

21 DENSITY, MASS, & VOLUME Can you accurately measure BOTH the MASS and the VOLUME of a wooden block so that you can calculate the density of it? You sure CAN! We did that many times in class.

22 Volume For volume we use the metric side of the ruler (cm) Measure all three dimensions (length, width, height) Use the volume formula (length X width X height) Remember the “pick a corner” trick…huh?

23 Mass We use the Triple Beam Balance Make sure the “arrow” points to the number (the rider is in the notch)

24 Density Use the density formula (mass divided by volume) and a calculator to find the correct density value. Use the correct units!!! Enter the mass # in, then the divide sign, enter the volume # in, then the equal sign.

25 Changes in Density Does the density of the wooden block (or anything) change when we cut it in half? NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Density is constant at a constant temp!!!!!

26 Properties of Matter Practice and Pass You will have 5 minutes to practice measuring and calculating the different properties of matter. (Length, volume, mass, density) One person in each group will be the scribe (writer) and record the answers. DO NOT write the questions. Only question # or letter and correct answer Students will take turns around the table performing each task.

27 Answer the questions below the AIM in your notebook 1)If I cut a piece of wood in half, what would happen to its density? 2)The basic unit of measurement for density is __________

28 You will work in pairs with the person next to you to complete this lab Follow the procedure steps very carefully. One partner should read the steps slowly, one at a time, while the other partner completes each step. Both partners must have answers on the lab sheet. DO NOT LOSE THIS LAB!!!!

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