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2.09 -A MANAGE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES. PROMOTIONAL MANGERS An entertainment promoter in industries like music, wrestling, and sports is a person or company.

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Presentation on theme: "2.09 -A MANAGE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES. PROMOTIONAL MANGERS An entertainment promoter in industries like music, wrestling, and sports is a person or company."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROMOTIONAL MANGERS An entertainment promoter in industries like music, wrestling, and sports is a person or company in the business of marketing and promoting live events such as concerts/gigs,sports events, professional wrestling,festivals, raves, and nightclubmarketing and promotingconcertsgigssportsprofessional wrestlingfestivalsravesnightclub

3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROMOTERS The promoter manages publicity and advertising. They may also handle security, ticket sales, Admission to an event or establishment (door policies), decorations, and booking of entertainers.publicityadvertisingsecurityticket sales

4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROMOTERS Promoters is in charge of setting up and paying for everything involved in a boxing match and making sure all legal requirements are met at every step along the way. The promoter assumes all financial risk associated with the event, whether that means the promoter is paying for the event him- or herself or is securing a number of secondary investors to guarantee the costs are met.

5 HIRING PROMOTIONAL AGENCY Sports or event organizers should consider hiring a promotional agency if a large event is scheduled in many cities over time

6 2.09 -B Prepare Promotional Budget

7 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET Promotional budget used to project (predict) the budget for three, six months or a year for the entire business.

8 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET When preparing promotional budgets, a guideline to follow is to keep them flexible due to budgets serve as forecasts

9 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET What is the basic financial equation? Revenue – Expenses = Profit or Loss In order to have a profit, which will be greater? Profit = Revenue > Expenses In order to have a loss, which will be greater? Loss = Revenue < Expenses

10 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET The promotional mix primary factor that marketers must consider when allocating funds to the promotional budget

11 PROMOTIONAL MIX The promotional mix is one of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It consists of:  Public relations  Advertising  Sales Promotion  Personal Selling

12 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET A small startup that sells its products to other businesses might consider allocating a large portion of its promotional budget to personal selling

13 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET Personal selling about the goods and services being promoted from informed employees will help increase SALES

14 PROMOTIONAL BUDGET If a business’ competitors are spending more in their budget, a business may decide to increase the percentage of net sales allocated to its promotional budget

15 2.09-C Coordinate the promotional mix

16 Promotional Mix Many businesses coordinate a wide variety of promotional activities, such as advertising, special events, and displays, in order to reach a large audience

17 Promotional Mix An example of coordinating promotional activities is when a business advertises a product and mails free samples to consumers

18 A business that uses advertised specials to attract customer interest should use displays to reinforce interest

19 Marketers often develop and publish a promotional calendar of events in order to use it

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