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Welcome to Reception Class Teacher- Miss Keegan Teaching Assistants- Mrs Holden and Mrs Ashton.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception Class Teacher- Miss Keegan Teaching Assistants- Mrs Holden and Mrs Ashton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception Class Teacher- Miss Keegan Teaching Assistants- Mrs Holden and Mrs Ashton.

2 About Me! I am the Reception class teacher. I am also the Phonics and Science Coordinator. l love my job. I am very passionate about teaching and the ways in which each child learns.

3 The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum consists of 7 areas of learning: EYFS Curriculum The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum consists of 7 areas of learning: Prime Areas - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Physical Development - Communication and Language Specific Areas - Literacy - Mathematics - Understanding the World - Expressive Arts and Design To access these areas of learning in further detail please visit the Foundation Stage tab on the school website.

4 School Drivers Underpinning the EYFS curriculum are our school drivers. For example, the classroom is set out for the children to have free choice of all activities and encourages independence. We ask you to support us in this by encouraging your children to get ready for school themselves and use their cutlery correctly at meal times. AspirationsIndependenceCommunityEnrichment

5 Our Visual Calculations Policy “A picture is worth a thousand words.” We would like to introduce you to our Visual Calculation Policy. The policy has been developed specifically for our Academy’s needs and shows the clear progression of calculations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The visual posters take learners from each operation's practical starting points through to formal written methods. The methods follow a clear thought process and show visually how each method should be carried out. These posters are used in all our classrooms and children are able to access the level and method that they feel comfortable with. We would ask that when you are supporting your child with Mathematics at home that you use these methods. We understand they may not all be familiar to you and therefore if you need any further support or explanation please speak to your child’s teacher.

6 How to Help Your Child with Reading To begin with we have sent your children home with Talk About cards to encourage and develop their oral literacy. For support with these please use the pack we sent home last week. When we feel your child is ready for books we will replace the Talk About cards for books. At first they will have picture books to further develop their oral literacy and then books with words will be introduced.

7 How to Help Your Child with Reading Listening to your child read can take many forms. First and foremost, focus developing an enjoyment and love of reading. Enjoy stories together – reading stories to your child is equally as important as listening to your child read. Read a little at a time but often, rather than rarely but for long periods of time! Talk about the story before, during and afterwards – discuss the plot, the characters, their feelings and actions, how it makes you feel, predict what will happen and encourage your child to have their own opinions. Look up definitions of words together – you could use a dictionary, the Internet or an app on a phone or tablet. All reading is valuable – it doesn’t have to be just stories. Reading can involve anything from fiction and non-fiction, poetry, newspapers, magazines, football programmes, TV guides. Visit the local library - it’s free!

8 How to Help Your Child with Writing Practise writing sounds using the alphabet card we have provided. After the half term we will send high frequency words and tricky words home with your children to learn. We will assess them on these on a Friday and give them the next set of words when they are ready. Encourage opportunities for writing such as shopping lists, notes or reminders. Write together – be a good role model for writing. Remember that good readers become good writers! Identify good writing features when reading (e.g. vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation). Show your appreciation: praise and encourage, even for small successes!

9 How to Help Your Child with Maths Play number games. Sing number songs including counting forwards and backwards. Encourage opportunities for looking at and telling the time. Encourage opportunities for counting coins and money. Look for numbers on street signs, car registrations and anywhere else! Look for examples of 2D and 3D shapes around the home. Identify, weigh or measure quantities and amounts in the kitchen or in recipes. Play games involving numbers or logic, such as dominoes, card games or draughts. Please use the number rhymes booklet to help with number recognition and formation.

10 Working Together Ensuring book bags are in school every day. Please fill in your child’s Reading Record. A comment about their discussions or reading is encouraged. Not taking holidays in school time. Early nights to ensure your child is full of energy for the school day. Arriving on time to school. Attending parents evening. I will always keep you informed and will strive to meet the individual needs of your child.

11 Class Timetable 8.40-9.009.00-10.0510.10- 10.30 10.30- 10.50 10.50-12.0012.00 -1.00 1.00-1.452.30-3.15 Mon Wake & Shake Communi cation and Language /Literacy Maths Fluency (number fun) Snack time/ C&L sessions Phonics (Letters & Sounds) [in groups: whilst not doing it with me outside with TA] Lunchtime Handwritin g Story time/ Rhyme time Tue Wake & Shake LiteracyMaths Fluency (number fun) As above Handwritin g Story time/ Rhyme time Wed Wake & Shake NumeracyMaths Fluency (number fun) As above Handwritin g PSED Thurs Wake & Shake NumeracyPhysical Develop ment 10-11 As aboveRE/ Understandi ng the World (PPA) Story time/ Snack time Fri Wake & Shake 9.30-10.30 Guided Reading&Talk/ Home Readers As above Guided Reading& Talk/ Home Readers Golden time Some of the afternoon sessions may change slightly.

12 Rewards Stamp chart Jar of joy Head teacher's Award Stars of the week Reward cards Lunch time VIPs

13 Important Reminders Please can you ensure every item of clothing has your child’s name in it. PE Kit must always be in school for PE on a Thursday and any earrings removed. Reading bags must be brought into school everyday. Please make sure I am aware of any medical details your child has or may develop throughout the year to ensure the appropriate forms are signed. Please keep us informed of anything that might affect your child in school.

14 Any Questions ?

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