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UCM305 Embedding Communications with UCMA SDK 1.0 Chris D. Mayo Technical Evangelist

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1 UCM305 Embedding Communications with UCMA SDK 1.0 Chris D. Mayo Technical Evangelist

2 Session Prerequisites.NET 2.0 Visual Studio 2005 Asynchronous programming Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (RFC 3261)* Level 300

3 Session Objectives Learn the common development scenarios for building apps with UCMA 1.0 Learn the key classes in UCMA 1.0 development and their use Demonstrate some common programming tasks for UCMA 1.0 development

4 Session Agenda What is the UCMA 1.0 SDK? UCMA application architecture Building broadcast IM solutions Building IM Bot solutions Tips and Tricks Summary

5 What is the UCMA SDK 1.0 Building server side communications UCMA provides a managed code abstraction of SIP communications allowing developers to create communication-enabled solutions for Microsoft ® Office Communications Server 2007 A SIP protocol abstraction layer (SIP stack) to build communication-enabled business processes integrated with Communications Server 2007 A connection management layer to optimize server-to-server communications and take advantage of Communications Server 2007 trusted links permissions (server throttling, treat users as authenticated)

6 Development Scenarios Building server side communications Alert and IM Broadcast React to change very fast by fanning out alerts in a timely manner to a large number of recipients (members of a distribution group, v-team) Large-Scale Instant Messaging Robots (IM Bots) Query-response bots for information access, business process management Role agent / queue manager to route communications based on business process Role Agents Intercept and intelligently redirect communications for call routing Data Federation Exchange data across companies by taking advantage of the federation capabilities of Communications Server 2007

7 End to End UCMA Demo Chris D. Mayo Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corp.

8 UCMA 1.0 Usage in the UC Platform Building server side communications Examples of applications using UCMA 1.0: Microsoft ® Office Communications Server 2007 Mediation Server Audio Video Media Control Unit (MCU) Media Relay Authorization Service (MRAS) Microsoft ® Office Communicator Web Access Microsoft ® Speech Server 2007 Microsoft ® Exchange Unified Messaging SP1 Microsoft ® Web Conference Scheduler

9 Software Development Kit Requirements Production platform: Windows Server ® 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) (Recommended) and Office Communications Server 2007 Development platform: Windows ® XP, Windows Vista ® operating systems Prerequisites: Microsoft ®.NET Framework 2.0 and VS 2005 SP1 Two editions: 32- and 64-bit Each edition contains: Raw binaries: Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll, SIPEPS.dll Documentation:.chm file Performance counters: S4Perf.dll (native), S4Perf.h Redistributable: Microsoft ® Windows ® Installer (and MSM for ref counting) Samples: Broadcast IM and Interactive Bot SIP protocol tracing utilities: Communications Server 2007 Tracer, Communications Server 2007 Logger

10 Building a Broadcast IM Solution Putting it all together 1.Create a RealTimeConnectionManager to manage incoming/outgoing connections 2.Create a RealTimeEndpoint to create a routable entity in a SIP network 3.Create a SignalingSession to create a channel for exchanging SIP traffic 4.Use SignalingSession to send messages 5.Terminate the session All signaling is done asynchronously to provide scalability

11 UCMA Architecture Logical View Communication Server 2007 (SE Pool 1 ) Connection Manager Host,Port,Transport Pool1 2 : : Host,Port,Transport SipEndpoint SipPeerTo PeerEndpoint : Signaling Session Signaling Session Subscription Session Incoming Connections Corporate Local Area Network (LAN) Communication Server 2007 (SE Pool 2 )

12 Connection Management Manages the SIP stack and provides connection services to endpoints (routing and pooling, etc.) RealTimeConnectionManager RealTimeClientConnectionManager Single endpoint, outgoing connections only, like OC 2007 RealTimeServerConnectionManager Abstract class defines incoming/outgoing connections RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager RealTimeServerTlsConnectionManager

13 Connection Management RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager Listens for incoming TCP connections, less secure RealTimeServerTlsConnectionManager Supports Transport Layer Security where certificates are used to establish trust Mutual TLS listing hosts/domains that are trusted

14 Creating Endpoints Endpoints are addressable entities, like OC 2007, SIP phone RealTimeEndpoint SipEndPoint Registers with OCS2007 for presence Used with client and server connection managers Supports NTLM and Kerberos authentication Signaling Sessions, Publish/Subscribe SipPeerToPeerEndpoint Peer to peer, without registering with a registration server Used with RealTimeServerConnectionManager No authentication Used for large scale chat, alert messages Signaling Sessions, Page-Mode Messages

15 Managing Sessions Signaling session provides a channel to invite another endpoint to join session or negotiate media SignalingSession Methods SendMessage() BeginSendMessage()/EndSendMessage Events MessageReceived()

16 Building a Broadcast IM Solution Putting it all together 1.Create a RealTimeConnectionManager to manage incoming/outgoing connections 2.Create a RealTimeEndpoint to create a routable entity in a SIP network 3.Create a SignalingSession to create a channel for exchanging SIP traffic 4.Use SignalingSession to send messages 5.Terminate the session All signaling is done asynchronously to provide scalability

17 SignalingSession Alerts BeginParticipate() EndParticipate() BeginSendMessage() EndSendMessage()

18 Broadcast IM Demo Chris D. Mayo Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corp.

19 Building IM Bots Register your SipEndpoint with a server so it can receive connections, provide presence Handle the SessionReceived() event on the SipEndpoint to field new sessions Handle MessageReceived() to react to messages from client

20 IM Bots Demo Chris D. Mayo Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corp.

21 Summary UCMA 1.0 provides a managed code library SIP abstraction and connection management Use UCMA 1.0 to use communications to provide easy access to information or to remove human latency from business processes Start building broadcast IM, query/response IM Bots and SIP servers today!

22 Q&A

23 Resources Technical Communities, Webcasts, Blogs, Chats & User Groups Microsoft Learning and Certification Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) & TechNet Trial Software and Virtual Labs ult.mspx ult.mspx New, as a pilot for 2007, the Breakout sessions will be available post event, in the TechEd Video Library, via the My Event page of the website Required slide: Please customize this slide with the resources relevant to your session MSDN Library Knowledge Base Forums MSDN Magazine User Groups Newsgroups E-learning Product Evaluations Videos Webcasts V-labs Blogs MVPs Certification Chats learn support connect subscribe Visit MSDN in the ATE Pavilion and get a FREE 180-day trial of MS Visual Studio Team System!

24 Complete your evaluation on the My Event pages of the website at the CommNet or the Feedback Terminals to win!

25 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

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