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Datblygu Sgiliau Dysgwyr Gwersi o Ganada Developing Learners’ Skills Lessons from Canada Rhwydwaith Dysgu ac Addysgu Teaching and Learning Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Datblygu Sgiliau Dysgwyr Gwersi o Ganada Developing Learners’ Skills Lessons from Canada Rhwydwaith Dysgu ac Addysgu Teaching and Learning Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Datblygu Sgiliau Dysgwyr Gwersi o Ganada Developing Learners’ Skills Lessons from Canada Rhwydwaith Dysgu ac Addysgu Teaching and Learning Network

2 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene 1.Ymwelon ni â thalaith Ontario, beth yw enw ei phrifddinas? 1. We visited the province of Ontario, what is the name of its capital city? AOttawa BEdmonton CVictoria DToronto

3 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene 2. Sefydliad yn Ontario sy’n debyg i GolegauCymru a oedd yn croesawu’r ymweliad. Beth yw ei enw? 2. The visit was hosted by the Ontario equivalent of Colleges Wales. What are they called? AColleges Ontario BOntario Colleges COntario Colleges and Universities DEducation Ontario

4 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene 3. Beth yw enw’r corff sy’n goruchwylio Colleges Ontario gyda chyfrifoldeb dros addysg a hyfforddiant sgiliau? 3. Colleges Ontario are overseen by which body with responsibility for education and skills training? AOntario Ministry of Education B Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities COntario Ministry of Education and Skills DOntario Ministry of Colleges and Universities

5 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene 4. Ymwelon ni â 6 o golegau – beth oedd eu henwau? 4. We visited 6 Colleges – who were they? AGeorge Brown, Fleming, Seneca, Lambton, Algonquin and Cambrian BCentennial, Seneca, Fleming, Humber, Niagara and Georgian CGeorge Brown, Fleming, Lambton, Niagara, Fanshawe and Algonquin DCentennial, Seneca, Sheridan, Fanshawe, Georgian and Algonquin

6 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene 5. Faint o filltiroedd yr oedd yn rhaid i ni eu teithio yn Ontario i gyrraedd pob un o’r chwe choleg? 5. How many miles did we travel in Ontario to visit all six colleges? A861 B512 C1386 D1003 Fanshawe Georgian Algonquin Seneca Centennial Sheridan

7 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene Cwestiwn torri’r ddadl Tie-breaker question Faint o bobl a oedd yn edrych ar fy negeseuon trydar ‘tweets’ (gan gynnywys ‘retweets’) yn ystod yr wythnos yn dechrau 24 Tachwedd 2014? How many views were there of my ‘tweets’ (including retweets) during the week beginning 24 November 2014?

8 Paratoi’r Llwyfan Setting the Scene Cwestiwn torri’r ddadl Tie-breaker question Faint o bobl a oedd yn edrych ar fy negeseuon trydar ‘tweets’ (gan gynnywys ‘retweets’) yn ystod yr wythnos yn dechrau 24 Tachwedd 2014? How many views were there of my ‘tweets’ (including retweets) during the week beginning 24 November 2014? 4178

9 Yr Ymweliad The Visit Rhwydwaith D ac A ColegauCymru ColegauCymru T&L Network Cyngor Prydeinig (IPLC) British Council (IPLC) Ontario Colleges



12 Prif Ganfyddiadau Key Findings Y Dimensiwn Rhyngwladol. International Dimension Cysylltiadau gyda Diwydiant. Links with Industry Effaith Amddifadedd ar Gyrhaeddiad. Impact of Deprivation on Attainment Sesiynau Llwyddiant Academaidd. Academic Success Sessions Datblygu Llythrennedd. Literacy Development Datblygu Rhifedd. Numeracy Development

13 Gweithgaredd 2 Activity 2 Edrychwch ar yr ymadroddion yn yr amlen. Pe byddech chi’n fyfyriwr – pa ganolfan a fyddai’n well gennych chi, a pham? Trafodwch y pwnc gyda’r person sy’n eistedd nesaf i chi. 5 munud. Look at the phrases in the envelope. If you were a student - which centre would you prefer to go to, and why? Discuss with the person sitting next to you. 5 minutes.

14 Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe – Llyfrgell a Sgiliau Gower College Swansea – Library and Skills


16 Gweithgaredd 3 Activity 3 Mae 3 ymadrodd a arddangosir o gwmpas yr ystafell. Darllenwch yr holl ymadroddion ac ewch i sefyll bwys yr ymadrodd sy’n disgrifio’r ddarpariaeth ym maes llythrennedd yn eich coleg/sefydliad yn well na dim. Trafodwch gyda phobl eraill y cryfderau a’r gwendidau wrth ddarparu llythrennedd fel yna. 5 munud There are 3 statements around the room. Read them all, then stand next to the one that best describes the delivery for literacy in your college/organisation. Discuss with others the strengths and the weaknesses of delivering literacy in that way. 5 minutes

17 Gweithgaredd 4 - Datblygu Rhifedd Activity 4 - Developing Numeracy Mewn grwpiau o ddau neu dri meddyliwch am yr hyn sy’n wahanol a’r hyn sy’n debyg o safbwynt Mathemateg ar yr un llaw a Rhifedd ar y llaw arall Rhowch eich sylwadau ar ddiagram Venn Trafodwch gyda phobl eraill 5 munud In two’s or three’s think about what is the same and different about Maths and Numeracy Record your thoughts on a Venn diagram Share with others 5 minutes

18 Datblygu Rhifedd Y Patrwm o Weithredu yng Nghanada Developing Numeracy Canada’s Approach

19 Datblygu Rhifedd Y Patrwm o Weithredu yng Nghanada Developing Numeracy Canada’s Approach Prosiect Cyrhaeddiad Myfyrwyr College Student y Coleg (CSAP) Achievement Project (CSAP) Ymwreiddio neu beidio? To embed or not to embed? Safonau NOC / Cymorth gyda NOC Standards / Maths MathemategSupport Gwersi i GymruLessons for Wales

20 Meddyliau Cychwynnol o’r Ffindir Initial Thoughts from Finland

21 Unrhyw Gwestiynau? Any Questions?

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