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This Powerpoint will be available online on the high school website! JUNIOR NIGHT.

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Presentation on theme: "This Powerpoint will be available online on the high school website! JUNIOR NIGHT."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Powerpoint will be available online on the high school website! JUNIOR NIGHT

2 MS. CHRISTI KREIGH HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELOR - Email 507-374-6305 – Office Phone MsKreigh_PSC - Website: Go to Triton District Website, Click on High School Tab, go to Office, then Counselor’s Office


4 TONIGHT’S AGENDA What should we be doing… this school year? this summer? next fall?

5 REMAINDER OF JUNIOR YEAR Ensure you’re on track for graduation & beyond Mandatory School-wide FREE ACT + Writing test April 28 Prep class for April test (sign up in January with Mr. Schreiber) Free Practice tests & online course on Fill in ALL FOUR COLLEGE SPOTS (scores sent for free, later have to pay) Want to retake? June 13 th, Register online at: $38.50 ACT, $54.50 ACT + Writing (Fee Waivers Available if on free/reduced lunch) Start thinking about Senior Project & Course Schedule Consider taking CLEP examsCLEP If you’re considering playing D1 or D2 Sports in College, sign up online at the NCAA Eligibility Center BEFORE the end of your Junior year!NCAA Eligibility Center start now Military Service Academy/ROTC start now…ROTC Explore post-secondary options…

6 TRY THIS RESOURCE: Minnesota Career Information System Username: triton Password: cobras Inventories/Assessments Career, College, Military & Scholarship Searches FREE PRACTICE tests: ACT/SAT/CLEP/ASVAB/Accuplacer FREE online prep class for ACT/SAT *Students will be using this in Ramp Up

7 OPTIONS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Post-Secondary Education 2 yr community college 2 yr technical college 4 yr (public or private) college Military Service Academies/ROTC Apprenticeships (trades) Military Employment

8 WHY CONSIDER EDUCATION BEYOND HS? Gain independence & skills Greater options & opportunities Ability to achieve your goals and dreams More Pay – Less Unemployment Associates degree - $400,000 more Bachelors degree - 1.2 million more In the past decade, high school graduate annual wages have fallen by 12% to $19,400. That is below the poverty line for a family of four. By 2018, 63% of all jobs will require some sort of postsecondary education, in Minnesota it will be even higher at 70% of all jobs. HS grad is 4X more likely to be UNEMPLOYED than a college grad

9 WHY A COMMUNITY COLLEGE? Undecided on college major or career path Stepping stone to 4 year for those who need to raise GPA or ACT score Lower tuition costs Obtain Associates Degree or at least some of the “general education requirements” for transfer Admission requirements: HS Diploma Two Year Colleges: Benefits & Challenges

10 WHY A TECHNICAL COLLEGE? Preparation for a specific career Hands-on experience Take very few “generals” Usually one English & one Math Diploma/Certificate/AAS degree Admission Requirements: HS Diploma

11 WHY A FOUR YEAR COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY? Advantages to beginning and ending education at the same school College Experience Bachelor’s degrees + Broad education in arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences Admission requirements: most are top ½ of class or ACT of 21+ Student Clips: Community

12 WHY A FOUR YEAR PRIVATE COLLEGE? Awards bachelor’s degree + Smaller class sizes Smaller campuses Potential for religious affiliation Admission Requirements: in general…top ½ of class and ACT of 21+ Typically include an essay in college application

13 RECIPROCITY Public colleges/universities in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Manitoba (Canada) You MUST submit an application for reciprocity…you won’t “automatically” get it! MN Office of Higher Ed – around April 1 st MN Office of Higher Ed Midwestern Student Exchange Program (MSEP) w/some schools in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska Midwestern Student Exchange Program Lower tuition than out-of-state, not all schools participate

14 HOW DO I LEARN MORE ABOUT MY OPTIONS? Meet with recruiters that come to Triton Talk with important adults in your life My website: HS > Office > Counselor Make college visits (3 per year…and this SUMMER!) Username: triton password: cobras Utilize College Transitions Coordinator:

15 WHAT SHOULD WE DO THIS SUMMER? Retake ACT in June if not happy with April score Try NOT to wait until fall of senior year Figure out your “must haves” & preferences for your ‘Right Fit College’ Explore options for colleges Visit Schools Narrow schools and decide which you want to apply for Decide on a topic for Senior Project…at least

16 HOW TO CHOOSE A SCHOOL… CONSIDER COLLEGE CHARACTERISTICS Majors and educational programs Type of school and degrees offered Admission policies Location and size Costs and financial aid College affiliation and accreditation Campus activities Support services Starting the College Search process Helpful Resource: ACT Choosing a College

17 HOW DO THEY CHOOSE ME? COLLEGES LOOK AT… PROFESSIONALISM of application!! Class Rank & Cumulative GPA ACT scores (if 4 year college) Rigor of coursework (ie honors/college prep classes) Extracurricular activities (including leadership roles) Community service activities (start the list NOW!) Sometimes letters of recommendation and/or essay College Application Process will begin in the Fall What do Colleges Want?

18 SENIOR YEAR Individual Senior Meeting with Ms. Kreigh Retake ACT if necessary Go on final college visits Complete ALL applications by Winter Break AT LATEST Free College Application Week in late October Begin scholarship searches Pull together info for FAFSA & complete by March 1st Winter/Spring: Observe housing & decision deadlines May: request final transcript for college/university you’ve decided to attend

19 Triton Financial Aid Night Monday, January 12, 2015 6:30pmPAC Get a Head Start on Learning about FAFSA & Financial Aid Options

20 NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO PANIC. IT IS THE TIME TO PLAN! Please feel free to contact me with questions/concerns!

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