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14 th - 20 th July 2015. Key dates  18 th March: Deadline to complete the work experience application form  14 th – 20 th July: 5 day placement  21.

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Presentation on theme: "14 th - 20 th July 2015. Key dates  18 th March: Deadline to complete the work experience application form  14 th – 20 th July: 5 day placement  21."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 th - 20 th July 2015

2 Key dates  18 th March: Deadline to complete the work experience application form  14 th – 20 th July: 5 day placement  21 st July: Debrief - morning session and end of the school year for Y10  Careers Convention at Imberhorne School Planned Autumn 2016  ‘Future Plans’ interviews for all students in commencing Nov 2016  November-January: 6 th form and other FE open days/applications

3 Post-16 Planning Week  starts a period of reflection about the next step in your child’s educational journey (16+)  may identify students’ strengths and weaknesses or likes and dislikes  allows students the opportunity to participate in activities based on their likely post-16 plans

4 Work Experience  provides direct experience of the world of work  gives students the chance to try out something new or find out more about careers they are already interested in  opportunity to build workplace skills  may reveal a hidden talent!

5 How to find a work experience placement  Use any contacts you have – companies respond favourably when an employee recommends the student  Use the directory  Students have been issued username & ‘new’ password: imber120stunbworkex  All work experience placements need to undergo a health and safety assessment for it to be a school authorised placement. We employ Northbrook College, Worthing for this  Working with family or outside of the county? If we can’t approve the H&S we require a letter from parents.  H&S charge to the school is £45  Consequently, we ask for a £15 contribution from parents to support this via Parentpay.

6 Alternative Activity  ‘6 th Form Tasters’  Focus on further education  Visit to University of Sussex If you wish your son/daughter to change to this activity during Post-16 Planning Week email: by 18 th March 2016

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