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Personal Statements. Personal statements Support available Moodle Next Steps – Progression Beyond Sixth Form.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Statements. Personal statements Support available Moodle Next Steps – Progression Beyond Sixth Form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Statements

2 Personal statements Support available Moodle Next Steps – Progression Beyond Sixth Form

3 Personal statements Three key areas: 1.Why do you want to study this subject? 2.What have you done that makes you particularly suitable to study the subject? 3.What else have you done that would contribute to the course and institution and makes you an interesting and unique individual?

4 Personal statement Recommendation Two thirds on why you want to study a subject and what makes you suitable, One third on what else you can offer Activity Scan read the personal statements Rank these in terms of how well they do the above

5 Personal Statements Your ranking StatementRankReason Astrophysics Social work Modern languages History English & Philosophy Theatre Lighting

6 Personal Statements – Our Ranking StatementRankReason Astrophysics2Strong but perhaps too much on extra curricular Social work5Expresses an interest in social work but needs work experience to back this up. Necessary for all vocational courses Modern languages 1Everything related to languages – even extra curricular! History6One short paragraph but not nearly enough to demonstrate an interest in history. Apply two thirds rule English & Philosophy 4Strong references to English but fails to demonstrate an interest in philosophy Theatre Lighting 3Demonstrates well a strong interest in and suitability for course. Points made straightforwardly and effectively

7 Personal Statement Use the materials on Moodle The next three slides show how the key headings can be broken down. The numbers are linked to example references on Moodle

8 Personal statements 1.Why do want to study the subject? Your knowledge of the subject area (1a) What does the programme entail (course cover)? (1b) Why does it interest you? (1c) What interests you the most? (1d) Where could studying the programme lead? (1e)

9 Personal statements 2.What have you done that makes you particularly suitable to study the subject? Your academic studies (2a) Any voluntary work (2b) Your hobbies and interests (2c) Things you have learned from books, newspapers, TV programmes and so on (2d) Experience in your year out (if you are having one) (2e) Any relevant work experience or university taster course (e.g. medicine, physiotherapy) (2f) Particular project work in your studies e.g. music grades if you are applying for music, OU modules that relate to your courses (2g)

10 Personal statements 3.What else have you done that would contribute to the course and institution and makes you an interesting and unique individual? What do you enjoy doing outside of school (3a) Your hobbies, leisure activities (3b) Sports you participate in (3c) Other sorts of extra-curricular activities (3d) Significant responsibilities you hold, at home or in clubs or societies (3e) Special achievements e.g Duke of Edinburgh, music grades. OU modules, lead parts in drama productions (3f) What you have learned if you have had a job (3g)

11 Personal statements You do not have to cover every sub- heading! Depending on your subject some will be more important than others (e.g. work experience and medicine!)

12 Personal statements Further materials on Moodle Examples of opening paragraphs Examples of enrichment More examples of full personal statements

13 A warning! REMEMBER: The personal statement must be an authentic statement written by the applicant UCAS uses a similarity detection system to check all statements for evidence of similarities Doing this could result in your application being instantly rejected It is unlikely that a second personal statement will be accepted

14 Personal Statement – How to stand out Finally!! How to make your personal statement stand out What have you done that makes you particularly suitable to study the subject? Make sure you do something and you can write about it!!

15 Personal Statement – How to stand out What can I do? Take on additional courses – EPQ/OU short science courses Read publications related to your subject Follow two or three stories/events/issues in details Set up a club Join a group Read widely - outside your period in history Read widely - outside your set texts

16 Personal Statement – How to stand out Familiarise yourself with the work of key artists Be able to reflect on what you have read Do some creative writing Be a part of a book group - start one Join a society - history, geography Follow a legal case Research mathematical theories outside the A level course Go to public lectures

17 Personal Statement – How to stand out Visit inspiring buildings Visit art exhibitions Visit theatre and explore different genres of theatre Visit historical sites, museums and exhibitions Reflect on what you have gained from the visits Volunteer Act as a mentor Get appropriate work experience

18 Personal Statement – How to stand out Placements at small companies may give you a wide range of experience Attend insight days If work experience not available- look wider Dentistry - volunteer to teach younger children about dental hygiene Take part in an activity that requires high level manual dexterity

19 Personal Statement – How to stand out Medicine - work in a care home, work with disabled children Consider an internship Attend university taster courses

20 Work Experience Wednesday 21 October to Friday 23 October Work experience allows you to:  Find out more about an employment area in order to consider whether this is an area in which you would like to work  Provides evidence of your interest in and commitment to an employment area or career  Provides actual examples of skills that you have developed in the workplace

21 Work Experience  Contact possible employers  Once employer has agreed, complete form to be provided by school. Allows checks to be carried out  This process costs £25 per student. If financial reasons make this difficult for parents we shall ensure that the payment is made out of the Sixth Form bursary fund. Students struggling to find placements should contact the Curriculum Office for advice and suggestions.

22 Personal Statements Friday Fast Track – a day to work on your form with support from your referee Please meet in LRC at 9.30 am to make an individual appointment with your referee If you have a laptop and can bring it into school, please do so If referee not here – make an appointment for another day

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