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The Odyssey Homer. Homer Age unknown – Most modern researchers agree on 7 th or 8 th century BC Possibly from Chios or Smyrna Popularly thought to be.

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Presentation on theme: "The Odyssey Homer. Homer Age unknown – Most modern researchers agree on 7 th or 8 th century BC Possibly from Chios or Smyrna Popularly thought to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Odyssey Homer

2 Homer Age unknown – Most modern researchers agree on 7 th or 8 th century BC Possibly from Chios or Smyrna Popularly thought to be blind Most assumed he wrote Alleged author of The Iliad and The Odyssey

3 The Iliad Preceded The Odyssey Narrative account of ten days towards the end of the Trojan War Battle Epic Concerns Achilles in particular Centers around war and the realm of men Theme of glory (Kleos)

4 The Odyssey 12,109 lines of poetry Mostly likely written in the late 8 th or early 7 th centuries B.C.E. (about 2,700 years old) Handwritten book until 1488 Divided into 24 Books

5 The Odyssey Some scholars believed Odyssey was originally written as shorter poems and later strung together – Others believe Homer did not write Odyssey at all Homeric epics were familiar to all Greeks at the time

6 The Odyssey Story of Odysseus, King of Ithaca, and his journey home Story of travel and adventure, but also about home life and the domestic world Set in a heroic world (men are brave, strong, and courageous; women are beautiful and clever; Gods intervene in the world of men)

7 Introduction to Epic Poetry

8 What is an Epic Poem? A long narrative poem Can’t be told in one sitting Complex tales revolving around many characters; spanning many years Today: TV mini-series (i.e. Roots)

9 What is an Epic Poem? Epic poems usually had two purposes: – Entertainment – Education Performed to the accompaniment of a lyre Reinforced certain values within societies – Perseverance – Morality – Xenia – Kleos – Balance and Moderation

10 The Epic Hero One who is able to conquer most problems, but doesn’t possess “super- powers” Faithful Brave Intelligent Sometimes helped by higher force

11 Greek Terms Metis: A combination of wisdom and cunning, craftiness Kleos: Glory, renown Hubris: Arrogance, extreme pride Nostos: Homecoming, journey Dolos: Trickery, cunning deception Xenia: Hospitality

12 Kleos Honor, glory, fame, renown Common topic in ancient Greek stories Search for renown is a major theme of The Iliad Gained through a glorious death – Requires a witness – someone to spread the story

13 Xenia hospitality Book 15: Menelaus says to Telemachus : “I’d find fault with another host, I’m sure Too warm to his guest, too pressing or too cold. Balance is best in all things. It’s bad either way, spurring the stranger home who wants to linger, holding the one who longs to leave – you know, ‘Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest!’” Suitors offer a violation of the code

14 Polytropos Versatility Able to accomplish much Having varied abilities

15 Dolos “craft,” inherent attempt to deceive Used in praise of Odysseus and his deeds – By Athena about Odysseus’ deceptions – About Trojan Horse Also used as a negative characteristic – About Clytemnestra – About suitors’ plan to kill Telemachus In what context is deception acceptable in the Homeric World? Is there any pattern?

16 Metis Ingenuity Resourcefulness Inventiveness

17 Nostos Return or journey home Several contained in the Odyssey – Nestor – Menelaus – Agamemnon – Telemachus – Odysseus

18 The Trojan War Roughly dated to 13 th century B.C.E. War was supposedly fought over Helen who was having an affair with Paris, leader of Troy

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