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Ian Banks President European Men’s Health Forum (with thanks to Alan White) Mens use of health services; A No Man’s Land?

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Presentation on theme: "Ian Banks President European Men’s Health Forum (with thanks to Alan White) Mens use of health services; A No Man’s Land?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ian Banks President European Men’s Health Forum (with thanks to Alan White) Mens use of health services; A No Man’s Land?

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3 3 Life expectancy for men and women 2001, by country Source of data:Statistics in Focus Theme 3 17/2002

4 4 Men in Glasgow's east end have life expectancy of 54 Daily Record, 29 August 2008

5 5 Consultations with doctor – Proportion of rates per 10,000 person years at risk by ‘minor’ category of severity, by sex

6 6 Consultations with doctor – Proportion of rates per 10,000 person years at risk by ‘serious’ category of severity, by sex

7 7 Men tend to delay diagnosis and treatment The example of Melanoma (all ages) Source of data: Health for All database 2003 Incidence RatesDeath Rates Men Women Rate per 100,000

8 8 Men twice as likely not to know they have diabetes 02 November 2009 New research suggests men over 50 are nearly twice as likely to have undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes than their female counterparts, warns Diabetes UK today. Published in the journal Diabetic Medicine, a nationally representative study of 6,739 52- to 79- year-olds found 502 to have diabetes. Of the men with diabetes, 22 per cent did not realise they had the condition before the study, compared to 12 per cent of the women.

9 9 Men’s usage of the health service Source: General Household Survey, Office for National Statistics, 1988,1989 Consultations with GPIn-patient use MenWomen

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14 14 Cost of late diagnosis

15 15 Diabetes 2.35 million people in the UK have diabetes (source: UK, DH) –Expected to grow to more than 2.5 million in 2010 (in part due to rising obesity) What does this cost the UK health economy? –Answer: ~5% of total NHS spending per year (~10% of hospital in-patient spending) (source: UK DH) – total NHS spending is ~£110 Billion (source: HM Treasury) What happens to costs if there are health complications from diabetes? –Answer: costs continue to rise – in the United States complications from undiagnosed diabetes alone are estimated to cost ~ $18 Billion (source: Zhang et al 2009).

16 16 Work Fit

17 Can’t Read? Phone this number: 0878 561339


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20 20 Chlamydia screening

21 21 Prostate health awareness

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23 23 Main points Men present late for diagnosis? There are multiple factors The cost is unknown but is considerable The workplace is an ideal venue for addressing this issue

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