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ALCOHOL STATISTICS:  By the time a teenager reaches age 16, they will have seen over 75,000 alcohol advertisements. (MADD)  By the time someone reaches.

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Presentation on theme: "ALCOHOL STATISTICS:  By the time a teenager reaches age 16, they will have seen over 75,000 alcohol advertisements. (MADD)  By the time someone reaches."— Presentation transcript:


2 ALCOHOL STATISTICS:  By the time a teenager reaches age 16, they will have seen over 75,000 alcohol advertisements. (MADD)  By the time someone reaches age 21, they will have seen over 100,000 alcohol advertisements. (MADD)  Over 70% of 4 th graders can name more beers than past presidents of the United States. (MADD)  The Alcohol Industry spends over $3 Billion per year on all forms of media advertising. (MADD)  The Beer Industry alone spends over $775 Million on television ads, over $25 Million on print ads, and over $15 Million on radio ads per year. (MADD)  College students spend approximately $5.5 Billion More on alcohol than they do on soft drinks, milk, juice, tea, coffee, and books ALL COMBINED. (MADD)

3 ALCOHOL STATISTICS:  Over 50% of teenage deaths each year are related to alcohol or drug abuse. (NHTSA)  There are over 5 Million Problem Drinkers and Alcoholics between the ages of 14 & 17. (AA)  Over 50 % of auto accidents, unplanned pregnancies, rapes, domestic violence, suicides, and homicides are related to alcohol abuse. (NCHS)  Over 40% of all traffic fatalities are DUI’s. (NHTSA)  The total cost attributed to the consequences of underage drinking is estimated to be more than $50 Billion per year. (NCHS)  Over 70% of Child Abuse cases are Alcohol related. (NCHS)

4 ALCOHOL STATISTICS:  Annual cost of Alcohol Abuse is estimated to be $150 Billion (NIDA)  8 Teenagers Die Each Day from Alcohol- Related Auto Accidents (NHTSA)  Over 30,000 Teenagers Each Year require emergency room health care from Alcohol Overdose (NIAA)  25% of Teen Drinkers become dependent on Alcohol and develop Alcoholism (AA)

5 ALCOHOL TERMS:  Intoxication: physical and mental impairment that results from ingesting too much alcohol  Alcohol Poisoning: over consumption of alcohol causes a toxic effect on the body  BAC: (Blood Alcohol Concentration) which is the amount or percentage of alcohol that is in a persons blood  Legal Intoxication: the BAC limit that is established by each states law. Washington is.08, or 80 mg of Alcohol in every 100 ml of Blood. Most People are legally intoxicated after drinking 2-4 drinks within 1 hour

6 ALCOHOL TERMS:  Problem Drinker: people that get in trouble or experience consequences when they drink  Binge Drinking: consuming large amounts of alcohol in a small amount of time  Alcoholics: people that become addicted to alcohol, and continue to drink to avoid severe withdrawal

7 Misleading Alcohol Advertising:  Subliminal: hidden messages, objects, or words are used to persuade you to use the product  Testimonial: famous people try to convince you that you can be like them if you use the product  Influential: tells you that your lifestyle is going to be so much better if you use the product  Bandwagon: tells you that everybody else is using the product, so why not you too  Promotional: offers you free stuff or encourages you to buy apparel that will advertise the product for free  Sex Appeal: “SEX SELLS” is the theme that sexually suggestive ads use to make you think that you can improve your sex life, and have the person of your dreams if you use the product

8 ALCOHOL PROCESSING:  Ethanol:the type of alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages  Fermentation: process of yeast converting sugars into alcohol  Distillation: process of mixing grains or fruits and heating them in a still


10 Examples of one Drink 1 1/2 oz 80 proof 12 oz Beer – Wine Cooler5 oz Wine

11 LONG-TERM EFFECTS of Alcohol Abuse:  Brain Damage  Cirrhosis of Liver  Heart Disease  Throat Cancer  Hepatitis  Kidney Failure  Stroke-Seizures  Alcoholism  Immune Suppression

12 ALCOHOLISM:  Stage I: begins with social drinking, progressing with the frequency of use and the amount of alcohol drank.  Stage II: dependency develops, and drinking is part of the daily routine.  Stage III: drinking is out of control; resulting in blackouts, hallucinations, severe withdrawal, and delirium tremors.

13 CODEPENDENCY:  Codependents: people that become overly concerned and involved with the alcoholics addiction.  Enablers: people that try to protect the alcoholic by making excuses for their behavior and covering up their problem.

14 ALCOHOLISM RECOVERY:  Detoxification: medically supervised programs to gradually reduce addiction and dependency on alcohol  In-Patient: counseling sessions, and alcohol education classes  Out-Patient: follow up counseling on a weekly or monthly basis  Support Groups: 12 Step Programs; Al-Anon, Alateen, Alcoholics Anonymous

15 ALCOHOL and EFFECTS:  Body Chemistry: body size, blood volume, and metabolism all play a role in how alcohol effects each person differently  Amount and Time Drinking: drinking 4 beers in 1 hour vs. drinking 4 beers in 4 hours  Proof or Alcohol Percentage: the higher the proof-the greater the alcohol percentage.  Most Liquors are 80 Proof or 40% Alcohol  Most Wines are 12 Proof or 6% Alcohol  Most Beers are 8 Proof or 4% Alcohol

16 ZERO TOLERANCE LAWS:  UNDER 21: Washington LAW prohibits the possession, consumption, or driving under the influence of alcohol by a minor. Crimes and Penalties would include:  Possession of Alcohol by a Minor:  $500 Fine and up to a 6 Month Jail Term  Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol by a Minor  $2,500 Fine and Up to a 1 year Jail Term  Suspended License for a Minimum of 2 years  Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor:  $2,500 Fine and up to a 6 Month Jail Term  Unlawful Transportation of Alcohol by a Minor:  $1,000 Fine and Suspended License for 1 Year  Drivers License Revoked on a 2 nd offense

17 DUI and DWI:  DUI: (Driving Under the Influence); refers to ALL Drugs, Medicines, or Alcoholic Beverages. There is NO legal limit for Drugs or Medicines.  DWI: (Driving While Intoxicated); refers to driving and being legally drunk.  Washington LAW has established.08 as the legal intoxication limit for people 21 & older




21 Washington DUI Penalties:  1 st Offense: $1,000 Fine and Minimum of 2 Year Revocation of License  2 nd Offense: $2,500 Fine and Minimum of 5 Year Revocation of License  3 rd Offense: $25,000 Fine and Minimum of 10 Year Revocation of License  Additional Offenses: $25,000 Fine, Long-term Imprisonment, and Indefinite Revocation of License.

22 DUI PENALTIES cont.  Aggravated DUI: Class 4 Felony  $25,000 Fine  Imprisonment up to 12 Years  Minimum 1 Year Revocation of License  Reckless Vehicular Homicide: Class 2 Felony  $25,000 Fine  Imprisonment for up to 28 Years  Minimum 2 Year Revocation of License

23 Washington Drunk Driving Statistics: *In 2002; 51,649 people were arrested for DUI *There is an average of 300, 000 people injured in DUI’s *Although 16-24 year olds comprise only 15% of the licensed drivers in the state, they are responsible for 38% of the Fatal Alcohol-Related Crashes *On average; 33% of the fatally injured teenage drivers Ages 16-19 were drinking prior to the crash

24 Jacqualine Saburido; Victim of Drunk Driving Accident

25 Jacqualine Saburido; The Accident & 17 Year Old Drunk Driver

26 Jacqualine Saburido; Recovery & Rehabilitation



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