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Chemistry 11 Chapter 3 Dictionary 12A Zakes Zhao 1.

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1 Chemistry 11 Chapter 3 Dictionary 12A Zakes Zhao 1

2 Qualitative Information 2 Definition: the information without accurate numbers and science data.(non-numerical). E.g.: The girl is very pretty Sentence: People can use different qualitative information to identify two different objects.

3 Quantitative Information 3 Definition: the information which has given number or data E.g.: The girl is 176 cm height Sentence: In AP class we need use a lot of quantitative information to answer the question.

4 Observation 4 Definition: the qualitative information that we can get directly by our eyes or some tools. Sentence: we can use our eyes to observation. Of course we can use the tools, too.

5 Interpretation 5 Definition: Some explanation that help us to understand the information. Sentence: The interpretation in the book help us to solve the question that we have.

6 Description 6 Definition: A type of way to describe some information by words Sentence: The description of the goods help us to know more about it.

7 Data 7 Definition: quantitave(numerical) information that collect from experiment. Most of them are in the table. Sentence: Scientists use a lot of data to prove their opinion.

8 Experiment 8 Definition: People do the test to find the data or prove it is right or wrong. Sentence: It is necessary for science to do the experiment while we have a good idea.

9 Hypothesis 9 Definition: Someone makes an assumption and try to prove it is right. Sentence: We will do the experiment after we have a good hypothesis.

10 Theory 10 Definition: an accurate and well- organized explanation of some aspect of the natural world. Sentence: The scientists get theories after the experiments and prove it is right for sure.

11 Law 11 Definition: The fact after people find it and test it. The law is always the truth. Sentence: In China, there are many law which protect us without violence incident

12 Matter 12 Definition: Something that has mass and volume. E.g.: Egg, people, book Sentence: Everything has matter, that is a truth that everyone know it.

13 Physical Property 13 Definition: the property of matter that will not create chemical change Sentence: Physical Property will never create the new atoms by ch emical change

14 Chemical Property 14 Definition the ability of a substance to make chemical reactions and change into a new substance E.g.: burning Sentence: It is sure that chemical property will produce the new substance.

15 Extensive Property 15 Definition: a kind of physical property depends on the amout of the substance the item has. Sentence: Mass and volume are extensive property

16 Intensive Property 16 Definition: a physical quantity doesn’t depend on the amount of matter Sentence: density is intensive property.

17 Solids 17 Definition: The matter has volume and mass E.g.: pencil, cake Sentence: There are many silods in our life, such as table, phones and so on.

18 liquids 18 Definition: have the shape of the container; small change in volumn when pressure applied; floating. E.g.: water, oil Sentence: Both water and oil is liquid.

19 Gases 19 Definition: the matter doesn’t have volume and shape, but any space can be fill of it Sentence: Burning will produce some dangerous gases.

20 Hardness 20 Definition: the ability of a solid of being rigid and stable under the pressure Sentence: The things which has high hardness is not easy to break.

21 Malleability 21 Definition: the property of a metal’s ability to be deformed Sentence: The things which has high malleability is easy to change the shape.

22 Ductility 22 Definition: the ability to be rolled or stretched into wires. Sentence: An object which has high ductility can be made a lot of complicated shapes.

23 Lustre 23 Definition: the ability of a solid to reflect lights on its surface.Most of the metal have the lustre. Sentence: A diamond can reflect light because it has lustre.

24 Viscosity 24 Definition: the property of resistance of a fluid to force Sentence: Glue has high viscosity that hard to drop.

25 Diffusion 25 Definition: how particles mis together Sentence: It is easy to separate the color in the hot water.

26 Vapour 26 Definition: The way to change liquid to gas Sentence It is a truth that if the temperature of water raises to 100 degrees Celsius, water will vapour.

27 Element 27 Definition: a substance which cannot be sepataed into simpler substance after any chemical process Sentence: Periodic table includes all known elements.

28 Atom 28 Definition: the smallest and single unit of an element Sentence: Atom is the smallest and single unit of an element

29 Molecule 29 Definition: : two or more atoms compound together Sentence: Different atoms will create different molecule.

30 Ion 30 Definition: an atom o molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons Sentence: The charge of sodium ion is positive 1

31 Particle 31 Definition: a very tiny piece of anything Sentence: Most of the particles have very small mass

32 Homogenous substance 32 Definition: a substance only with one phase. Sentence: Chocolate milk is homogenous substance because we can’t see anything without milk

33 Heterogeneous substance 33 Definition: a substance that have more than one phase Sentence: The phase in heterogeneous substance is more than homogenous substance

34 Pure substance 34 Definition: a substance that is homogenous and has an unchangeable composition Sentence: Sugar and water is pure substance. That is a fact.

35 Mixture 35 Definition: Something mined with other thing become mixture Sentence: Cappuccino is the mixture that mixed with milk and cafe

36 Mechanical Mixture 36 Definition: a heterogenous mixture of two or more substances Sentence: we can’t use hand separating to separate the mechanical mixture.

37 Solution 37 Definition: a mixture that a substance dissolves in a liquid Sentence: Salt water is a solution and it tastes good.

38 Solvent 38 Definition: chemical that can diesolve other things Sentence: In salt water, water is solvent.

39 Solute 39 Definition: the dissolved substance in a solution Sentence: In salt water, salt is solute

40 Compound 40 Definition: a substance formed by two or more elements Sentence: suger is a compound with two types of atoms.

41 Homogenous mixture 41 Definition: the mixture that looks like only one things. Sentence: Chocolate milk is a example of homogenous mixture because it looks only one thing

42 Heterogeneous mixture 42 Definition: substance made up with mechanical mixture, have their own physical property. Sentence: We can put iron in the water, then we will het heterogeneous mixture

43 Filtration 43 Definition: the process to separate fluid and solid Sentence: We can use filtration to separate the solid in the liquid.

44 Filtrate 44 Definition: the liquid pass through the filter paper is called filtrate. Sentence: the filtrate will be more cleaner than before

45 Residue 45 Definition: matter that remains after something has been removed Sentence: After filtration there must be some residue on the filtrate paper

46 Distillation 46 Definition: the process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors Sentence: it is not easy for us to do the distillation in school because we haven’t so much facilities.

47 Solvent Extraction 47 Definition: the process of separating mixture in solution E.g.: liquid in liquid, solid in liquid Sentence: People can use solvent extraction to get the things what they need in the liquid

48 Recrystallization 48 Definition: a technique used to purify chemicals.(put liquid to make solid become liquid) E.g. : solid in liquid Sentence: Add water to the mixture( salt and sand) in a kind of recrystallization

49 Gravity Separation 49 Definition: use gravity to separate something. Usually in the liquid. E.g.: centrifugal machine Sentence: people always use centrifugal machine to do the gravity separation

50 Chromatography 50 Definition: a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency Sentence: We use alcohol to do the chromatography.

51 Chemical change 51 Definition: a change in which new substances are formed E.g.: burning Sentence: When we burn something, there is some chemical change in the burning.

52 Physical change 52 Definition: the process of change substances’ state and form without any new matter Sentence: There will never produce new things during physical change

53 Kinetic Energy 53 Definition: The energy always move around, just like motion Sentence: All of us have kinetic energy because all of us are moving.

54 Rotational Energy 54 Definition: the kinetic energy due to the rotation of an object and is part of its total kinetic energy Sentence: we can move around when we want, and that will produce rotational energy..

55 Vibrational Energy 55 Definition: Some energy that produce by small but quickly movement Sentence: When you be scared, you will do vibrational energy.

56 Translational Energy 56 Definition: causes the molecule to travel in a straight line from place to place, but has no effect on ond lengths and angles. Sentence: Air has the translational energy because it always move.

57 Thank you for watching 57

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