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Ch. 5.  The world’s populations rely on energy  Some energy now is being used faster than it can be replenished  Ex.) Coal  Most electricity is made.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 5.  The world’s populations rely on energy  Some energy now is being used faster than it can be replenished  Ex.) Coal  Most electricity is made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 5

2  The world’s populations rely on energy  Some energy now is being used faster than it can be replenished  Ex.) Coal  Most electricity is made from non-renewable resources

3  Any natural material used by humans  What are some?  2 types:  Non-renewable: return is slower than use  Renewable: replaced same rate as taken  We can slow our use of resources by conserving them  Reduce, reuse, recycle

4  Non-renewable resources include Fossil Fuels  Fossil Fuels: are formed from plants and other organisms that were buried and altered over millions of years  What are some examples of fossil fuels?  3 types:  Liquid  Solid  Gas

5  1.) Coal  It is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world  Rock that contains 50% plant remains ▪ Forms in swampy areas

6  The dead plants add up and build up over time forming peat (organic layer of sediment)  When peat burns it releases a lot of smoke -why?

7  As peat continues to get buried by sediment it changes to lignite (a soft brown coal)  It releases more energy and less smoke than peat when burned

8  As the layers are buried deeper, bituminous coal (soft coal) forms  It provides a lot of energy when burned  It also contains various levels of sulfur, which can pollute the environment  Creates Smog or acid rain

9  If enough heat and pressure are applied to buried bituminous coal, anthracite coal forms  Contains the highest level of carbon in it  Cleanest burning coal


11  Petroleum (Crude Oil): is a black liquid that is made from buried remains of marine organisms  40% of world’s energy comes from this  Natural gas: often forms the same way as crude oil but instead forms into gaseous state  Main component is CH4

12  Oil and gas are hydrocarbons  Natural gas though is made of lighter hydrocarbons than that of oil  What are some uses?

13  This whole process that starts when marine organisms die and fall to the bottom of the ocean floor (plankton dies and falls)  Similar to how coal forms, that sediment builds over it in time

14  Strip Mining: layers of soil and rock are piled to one side to reveal the coal below  After the coal has been removed with trucks or trains the exposed mine is covered with top soil again


16  Oil and natural gas can be pumped from underground  Geologists and miners drill through rock to tap these resources

17  Most electricity in the US is generated in power plants use fossil fuels  However what about Nuclear?  The process of splitting heavy elements to produce energy is called nuclear fission


19  Nuclear energy from fission is considered non-renewable  It uses Uranium-235 which is limited in amount  Another problem is that it leaves nuclear waste (it can remain radioactive for 1000 yrs)  EPA says it must be stored safely for 10,000 before it can be released into the environment

20  No more nuclear waste if we used fusion  This is how the Sun creates energy  Substance of low massed are fused together to make higher masses  No polluting because Hydrogen fuses into Helium a natural occurring element  However, we do not possess the technology to perform such a task yet

21 Ch. 5-3

22  Inexhaustible resource: resources that are constant and that will never run out  Solar Energy is energy from the sun  The sun’s energy heats the Earth, and causes the Earth’s oceans and atmospheres to circulate

23  People can use the energy in two ways:  1.) Passive way: south facing windows can be used for heating a house  2.) Active way: solar cells actively capture the sun’s energy to make electricity  (these have been used everywhere. Can you think of any places solar cells are used?)ds

24  Solar cells do not work as well on a cloudy day  They cannot work at night  They often need batteries to work on cloudy days which in turn leads to one more thing having to be thrown away

25  It was and still is used to move big ships or boats  Windmills have been used to grind wheat and corn  Today windmills are used to generate electricity  When many windmills are placed in one area to generate electricity we call it a wind farm

26  It does little harm to the environment and produces little to no waste  However, only a few regions have strong enough wind to produce electricity  Also wind is not steady or consistent

27  Waterwheels have been next to streams for many years  They were used to grind flour or cut lumber  Today it is used to create electricity (hydroelectric energy)  To retain energy in a river, a large dam must be built

28  Water essentially is a free resource and costs nothing  However upstream lakes fill with sediment and downstream erosion increases  Land is flooded and wildlife is put in danger

29  Ex.) Volcanoes and Geysers  Energy obtained by using magma, or hot, dry rocks is called geothermal energy

30  A major renewable resource is biomass materials  This is energy derived from burning organic materials  Ex.) wood, alcohol, and garbage

31  Ex.) Campfire, Wood stove  When you burn wood you release stored solar energy as heat energy  This biomass is used more worldwide than any other type

32  Gases and small particles are released when wood is burnt  These materials can pollute the air  When trees are cut down for firewood natural habitat can be destroyed

33  Some can be transformed to be used to produce cleaner, more efficient fuels  Ex.) Distillation, corn is distilled to produce alcohol (Ethanol)  This Ethanol can be used to mix with gas to make a biofuel (Gasohol)

34  You use a lot of fossil fuels to make the alcohol  You actually use more energy from fossil fuels to distill and produce the corn than you get from burning bio fuels  They are best used locally

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