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Bill Twigg Development Director Semta & Advance Manufacturing Higher Level Trailblazer Programme Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Bill Twigg Development Director Semta & Advance Manufacturing Higher Level Trailblazer Programme Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill Twigg Development Director Semta & Advance Manufacturing Higher Level Trailblazer Programme Director

2 8765432187654321 Honours Degree Masters Degree PhD A Level, National Diploma HND, Foundation Degree HNC GCSE Competitive Need Apprenticeships by level Advanced Apprenticeship (Eng Tech) (Chartered Engineer) Higher Apprenticeship 4,5,& 6 (Incorporated Engineer) Intermediate Apprenticeship 1

3 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing Basic Architecture Levels 4,5 & 6 (consulted model) Level 4Level 5 Level 6 Framework components Competence Knowledge NVQ 4 or QCF diploma HNC,HND or Foundation degree CombinedCombined Level 4 Comp/Knowledge Transferrable skills Functional Skills/Key Skills Level 2 or 3 PLTSPersonal Learning and Thinking Skills ERR Employment Responsibilities and Rights Entry Requirements STEM A levels, Advanced /Apprenticeship Duration Variable Exit/ Outcomes Inc UK spec Level 4 framework Eng Tech NVQ 5 or QCF diploma HND, BTEC Level 5 equivalent or Foundation degree Combined Level 5 Comp/Knowledge *Functional Skills/Key Skills Level 2 or 3 *Personal Learning and Thinking Skills *Employment Responsibilities and Rights STEM A levels A-C, Advanced /Apprenticeship Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship Variable Level 5 framework Eng Tech + building to I Eng UK Specification plus NVQ4 for inexperienced academic entrants Hons Degree or EDEXCEL Level 6 Comp/Knowledge Combined qualification *Functional Skills/Key Skills Level 2 or 3 *Employment Responsibilities and Rights Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship or other Variable Level 6 framework I Eng status * If completed at a previous level, ignore *Personal Learning and Thinking Skills N/A

4 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacture Proposed Airbus Framework 3 yr programme 1 day/wk release plus in company training Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 1) 120 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Academic : Fd Aeronautical Manufacture Essential skills: Literacy, Numeracy, I CT Degree (Hons) Level 6 (Year 3) 120 credits Fd Eng Level 5 (Year 2) 120 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Academic : Fd Aeronautical Manufacture 120 credits NVQ Extended Diploma Engineering Leadership Level 4 Degree; Aero B Eng (hons) I Eng UK Spec for Incorporated Engineers registered components: Fd, B Eng, Key skills, PLTS, ERR, NVQ 4 Extended Dip exit at completion of Fd or on completion of B Eng. SASW compliant 120 credits Academic : Employee Rights & Responsibilities Employee Rights & Responsibilities PEO units Wider Key skills Complete on the job training 2

5 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacture Airbus 3 yr programme Fd Aero Eng leading to B Eng Aero Eng 1 day/wk release plus in company training Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 1) 120 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Analytical studies (Maths and science) Intro Manufacturing Processes & techniques 40 credits Composite and Aeronautical Materials Business and quality management Work based Learning 20 credits Fd Eng Level 5 (Year 2) 120 credits + ten bridging modules Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Analytical Studies 2 Maths & science Analytical Studies 2 Maths & science Advanced Manufacture and CAM Design and CAD Aircraft structural Technology Project Structures (Bridging module in semester 3) 20 credits BEng (Hons) Level 6 (Year 3) 120 credits Semester 2July - SeptSemester 1 Advanced Materials & failure of Components Project management and Manufacturing Systems Economics 20 credits 10 credits Computer Integrated Manufacturing and analytical tools Project / Dissertation 40 credits Developing aircraft Technologies and complex structures 20 credits Characteristics: Collapsed programme only 3 yrs, highly reliant on HE commitment. 3

6 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacture Nuclear trainee framework Fd Nuclear NRT Eng leading to Degree in NRT (Hons) 5 yr programme 1 day/wk release plus in company training Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 1) 80 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Academic : 4 modules Nuclear related Technology NVQ 2 PEO Work experience : Six month placements supporting Business roles within nuclear areas. Develop Nuclear H&S knowledge and skills NVQ 3 Tech support, Key skills Degree (Hons) Level 6 (Year 4 & 5) 120 credits Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 2) 80 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Academic : 4 modules Nuclear related Technology Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 3) 80 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 80 credits Academic: 4 modules Nuclear related Technology 80 credits NVQ 4 Engineering Leadership Degree NRT Full time role: further development of nuclear competencies S2 tech S3 tech Training:Typically, Nuclear reactor plant familiarisation, Nuclear quality assurance, Nuclear site safety justification, nuclear training modules and other specialised training Characteristics: 5 yr programme, Integrated framework approach, levels 2,3,4,5 & 6 currently not currently SASE compliant 4

7 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacture Nuclear trainee framework (SASE) compliant Fd Nuclear NRT Eng leading to Degree in NRT (Hons) 5 yr programme 1 day/wk release plus in company training Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 1) 80 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Academic : 4 modules Nuclear related Technology Work experience : Six month placements supporting Business roles within nuclear areas. Develop Nuclear H&S knowledge and skills Degree (Hons) Level 6 (Year 4 & 5) 120 credits Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 2) 80 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 Academic : 4 modules Nuclear related Technology Fd Eng Level 4 (Year 3) 80 credits Semesters 1, 2 & 3 80 credits Academic: 4 modules Nuclear related Technology 80 credits NVQ 4 Extended Dip in Engineering Leadership Degree NRT Full time role: further development of nuclear competencies S2 tech S3 tech Training: Typically, Nuclear reactor plant familiarisation, Nuclear quality assurance, Nuclear site safety justification, nuclear training modules and other specialised training Registered components (Fd, Degree, Key skills, PLTS, ERR, NVQ 4 Extended Dip ) exit at only at Degree level, SASE compliant Additional Employer requirement NVQ 3 Technical Support Additional Employer requirement NVQ 3 Technical Support Key skills and PLTS & ERR I Eng UK spec for Incorporated engineers PEO 2 (3 units) PEO 2 (3 units) 5

8 What characteristics should the framework have ?  Should the framework be *SASE/W compliant, especially at Levels 4 & 5 (this would guarantee funding support)? Yes, this is especially important for SMEs as they need funding support  Are exit/completion points at Level required? Yes, there should be certification points at each Level of the programme, the concept being that participants may complete each Level independently before proceeding  Level 4 NVQs are developed and accredited, other SSCs have Level 5 NVQs, although may not have the infrastructure in place to support them. Is Level 5 necessary in engineering? Employer feedback indicated there could be advantages to developing an NVQ Level 5 qualification if this was of a ‘technical nature’ with multiple pathways, however an NVQ Level 4 solution was preferred, Level 5 was felt to be a longer term requirement *Specification for Apprenticeship Standards for England /Wales (SASE/W) Highlights of consultation feedback

9 What characteristics should the framework have ? cont…  At Level 6 the competence element cannot be an NVQ Level 6 because none exist, however initial feedback from employers suggests the UK-Standard of Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) could be used to measure competence. Would you endorse this? Yes, however for entrants with only academic experience the NVQ Level 4 in Engineering Leadership should be used as a vehicle to provide the necessary competence delivery  Should the time scale or duration of the framework be variable to fit different employer requirements i.e. 3, 4 and 5 years? Employers will require variable time scales  We expect SMEs to use the Level 4 pathway predominantly. Do you think the knowledge elements of HNC,HND and Foundation degree will be acceptable? Most employers and training providers felt that these knowledge qualifications would suffice Consultation feedback

10 What characteristics should the framework have? cont…  We expect SMEs to use the Level 4 pathway predominantly. Do you think the knowledge elements of HNC,HND and Foundation degree will be acceptable? Most employers and training providers felt that these knowledge qualifications would suffice  We expect some SMEs will want to train apprentices to Level 6. Because of the nature of their businesses do you think that a BTEC Level 6 qualification rather than a degree covering all general aspects of advanced manufacturing would be valuable? Yes, it would be valuable, but only if it is to the same weight and value of a formal degree – there should be no dumbing down below degree level  Employers will expect flexible delivery across all aspects of the framework including attendance. Would block release rather than day release be preferred? Flexible delivery is a must  Would you endorse a clear up-front pricing policy for employers and learners? Employers, especially SMEs want to know the cost liability of each programme Consultation feedback

11 Other comments and observations made at the consultations  The title ‘Advanced Manufacturing’ may put off pure engineering companies, it should be called the ‘Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Engineering / Manufacture’  Success or failure rotates around finding appropriate training providers and training facilities locally, especially for SMEs  Level 4 Engineering Management needs more technical pathways  Careers advice and guidance is seen as critical to persuade young people to participate, especially in the context of SMEs  Semta to redevelop its “Underground” map to include these pathways  A minimum duration for completion of each level and pathway is required, not a maximum (quality assurance) Particular SME issues:  Recognition of prior achievement is essential as many similar unofficial schemes are already in place and running  Funding arrangements must be completely transparent and up-front  Training must be delivered flexibly to meet SME needs (locally available wherever possible)  There needs to be a wide choice of technical certificates HNCs and FDs available at level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing

12 Requirements of the framework  Clear progression routes allowing apprentices to enter at an appropriate academic/vocational level and progress through Levels 4,& 6  Appropriate exit/certification points are required at Levels 4,& 6  Apprentices to undertake a mixture of academic and vocational skills learning, both on-the-job and off-the-job within an employment context  Apprenticeship programmes to be SASE/W compliant, formally accredited by the appropriate professional institutions and funded by the relevant institutions – SfA /WAG, HEFCE/HEFCW  Framework structure to be specified in route pathways to reflect different business needs  Framework to encompass additional employer requirements such as B-IT etc. where specified in the route pathways  More technical pathways within the competence element are desirable  Level 4 & 6 pathways endorsed  Flexibility via UK spec for Level 6 endorsed Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing

13 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing Levels 4 & 6 (Steering group preferred model) Level 3Level 4 Level 6 Framework component Competence Knowledge NVQ 3 Extended diploma or QCF diploma Level 3 Technical certificate Combined Combined level 3 Competence /Knowledge Transferrable skills Functional Skills/Key skills L2 PLTS Personal Learning and Thinking skills ERR Employment Responsibilities and Rights Entry Requirements STEM GCSE’s or A levels, Advanced /Apprenticeship Duration 42 months Exit/ Outcomes Inc UK spec L3 framework UK spec Eng Tech UK Specification competences Honours Degree or EDEXCEL Level 6 Competence/Knowledge Combined qualification *Functional Skills/Key skills L2 or 3 *Personal Learning and Thinking skills *Employment Responsibilities and Rights L4 Higher Apprenticeship or other Variable L6 framework UK spec I Eng status * If completed at a previous level, ignore 12 NVQ 4 Extended Diploma or QCF diploma HNC,HND or Foundation degree Combined level 4 Competence/Knowledge *Functional Skills/Key skills L2 or 3 *Personal Learning and Thinking skills *Employment Responsibilities and Rights STEM A levels, Advanced /Apprenticeship Variable L4 framework UK Spec Eng Tech plus

14 Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing Launch Pathways Version 1 Framework Release April12  Aerospace  Automotive  Nuclear  Mechanical  Electro/Electronic  Maintenance  Wind Generation Version 2 Framework Release Post July 12  Extractives

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